
  1. Cloggy

    West Friesian dike ride yesterday

    Yesterday I signed on to a ride with motormaatje (a website where you can join a ride one of the other members has posted, or post your own,) it was a bit last minute but it was near where I live (the start was only a half hour from my home). Anyway it was a large group (over 26 bikes) and we...
  2. M

    an average FZ6N ride?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx-wXkNmwYU a little video where i ride my fz6n in sweden :) pretty average how people generally use their bikes right?
  3. ChanceCoats123

    FZ6 Clutch Rebuild

    I'm posting this thread because I didn't want to hijack the other clutch thread. :spank: I'm wondering if anyone here has done a clutch rebuild, and if so, what parts they used. I'm not 100% certain I need to replace the clutch itself (I still need to do a cable inspection), but the last time...

    What is your default lane position and why?

    What portion of the lane do you ride in? Meaning left, middle or right within a lane, and why? Of course, it's expected for a rider to constantly change their positions during their ride for various reasons, but most rider's usually has a default position. I elect the left portion, the area...
  5. M

    WA (Seattle preferred) motorcycle inspection?

    Hey all, I am a newer FZ6 owner, I picked up a 2007 a couple of weeks ago. I've been riding it without any issues so far, but I am thinking it would still be a good idea to have someone experienced check it over just to make sure. I am not an experienced rider so I do not trust myself to know...
  6. J

    occasional uneven acceleration

    Sometimes when I roll on the throttle smoothly, my bike seems to accelerate unevenly. It will go then kind of cut out, then go again. It seems most pronounced in 1st and 2nd gear. It only happens once in a while and the engine temperature doesn't seem to matter. Sometimes it happens even...
  7. 2nd childhood

    2007 KTM Adventure 990 for sale in greater Seattle area

    A former coworker is selling his KTM and I told him I'd post a link to the CL ad for him. Despite what the ad says, he's not a "little old lady", even though he may ride like one. FS: 2007 KTM Adventure 990
  8. Cloggy

    Trip to Dasburg, Monchau, Echternach & Vianden

    Last Friday I went on a trip to Dasburg in Germany, on the Luxemburg border. Once a year my work organises a weekend somewhere within a reasonable riding distance from Den Helder (where I work). Anyway the first day you ride to the hotel with your own group, the Saturdays is the main event with...
  9. M

    its ugly but its rideable

    So I got my bike back together so its rideable today. Took me long enough don't know why I didn't think to mount my turn signals like that before. It felt great to ride it in over a year.
  10. M

    FZ6N some overtake and cornering

    i want to post this video as a small thank for all the help i got in the mech. part of this site, it helped me to fix my bike and encourage me to do it my self. Please enjoy a small ride on the swedish roads Yamaha FZ6-N acceleration and cornering - YouTube i also got some more videos so visit...
  11. nice morning for a ride, 26/12/2013

    nice morning for a ride, 26/12/2013

    on hol's at the moment and the misses has gone over to the shops for the boxing day sale so I high tailed it outta there and went for a ride.
  12. B

    Amherst Loop?

    Hey Bostonites- We've got a 3 day weekend and it looks to be in the 70s / 80s the whole time. Maybe a thunderstorm or two (we'll keep an eye on the forecast) - but anyone want to take take a ride out west. Start in the morning - head towards Amherst - grab lunch - head back? Brett
  13. B

    Boston - Head out West

    Anyone interested in meeting up in the Boston area (Woburn, MA) and heading out west towards Amherst. I haven't done the trek, but heard great things. This weekend - best weather day (Sunday is Mother's Day - so early).
  14. B

    Easter Ride - Boston

    I know it's last minute - but anyone interested in going for a ride tomorrow morning before whatever your festivities may be? Meet up in the Woburn area- kick stands up at 10am - out for a couple hours.
  15. RockstorePhoto


    My ride on The Snake off Mulholland Drive taken by Paul Herold
  16. nicof909

    Pro taper bars .best ride ever

    I put pro taper moto cross bars on my 2007 FZ6 and it keeps me in the up right and ready position very comfortable and i can still tuck down behind my wind screen at high speeds.