
  1. UpInTheAir89

    The Journey So Far and the Lessons Learned

    In the beginning there was this: My 2009 Yamaha FZ6, named Freyja (license will come, whenever the name frees up. :disapprove: I was smart enough to know doing everything at once was a bad idea... ...but I was also impatient and stubborn enough to do it anyway.) And here's where I am...
  2. Motogiro

    SoCal Hoons Let's Ride! It's Been Way Too Long!

    Looks like we'll have some nice weather this Saturday the 19th! With the El Nino weather and my work schedule I've missed out on riding as much as I'd like to. I'll also post this on our SoCal Hoon Google mail. :-)
  3. Motogiro

    It's been too long!!! Let's Ride!

    It's been too long! This summer has been a hot one and to top it off I'm back working part time again. I was finishing up some side work on a neighbors condo when a second job came along which tied all my normal retired free time up! Lol! This meant little time for me to ride. Now the condo is...
  4. W

    S1 Speedometer bracket FS $60 shipped

    SOLD Kevin