
  1. Monica A

    Not my shame. but I'll share

    So yesterday, Hubby & I decided to play hooky from work. (I fibbed I had a medical appt - bad idea) It was our baby's 20th birthday. He doesn't have class on Friday this semester, so we decided to invite him along for a birthday ride. We were about 5 miles into the twisties. This is my son's...
  2. Monica A

    Oregon or Bust ride

    Ladies, can you feel my pain? This past 3day weekend (Memorial Day) I went for a ride with my hubby and 6 other men. I turned into their mommies. Can you zip my vents, can you unzip my vents, can you help me on with my rain jacket, can you help me get off my rain jacket. :D Believe it or...
  3. Monica A

    Happy Mother's Day

    I hope all you lady riders had a nice Mother's Day. I had a nice day. I got to spend time with my son (a record 3 hours before he left for University - he's in the middle of finals week) and my mom. Hubby made us all lunch (my dad isn't well enough to do a restaurant these days). After...
  4. Monica A

    Possible new bike in the garage

    My hubby has 3 bikes currently. I only have 1 bike. Not fair... He is always looking at Craiglists for good deals. He says to me tonight while I'm making dinner... "I found a bike you might like, you want to see it?" Duh, of course. It's a 2012 Triumph 675 Daytona with purple paint...