
  1. V

    Bike engine will not turn over. Help!

    Hello All, My bike was fine when I parked it in my garage a few days back (about a week), and now it won't start. At first I thought it was the battery (just a year old). So I charged it up, and tried to start it - No luck.. I see the Err-1 flash. So I hooked it to the car battery (car turned...
  2. darius

    A rider waiting for an accident

    I had an encounter with a rider on what looked like an older Suzuki Bandit today. Have you ever seen a rider just doing everything wrong? This guy was riding in the far right of the lane, myopically riding half a car length behind the vehicles in front. Every time he got a clear space...
  3. chnordiste

    Nurburging Nordschleife experience

    One of a dream I had for a long time was to make a lap on the nordschleife, nurburgring historical racetrack. This track id pretty singular : 21 km long, 73 curves, up tu 17% slope, and open to every street legal vehicule (car, motorcycle, motorhome, bus ...) The trip for paris is 6h00...
  4. MrMogensen

    Glue spray for new roof upholstery (car)

    The roof upholstery of my old car sagged down everywhere a few years ago due to excessive heat. Was on holiday and the car was parked back home in the sun with doors shut for about 3 weeks... The old glue from 1991 couldn't take the heat :( Bought some new leather look-a-like fabric in a...
  5. L

    Recommend a Radar Detector (USA)

    Hello All Great weather once more and riding season is upon us. With that comes the speed traps too. I'm looking at radar detectors and was wondering what y'all recommend? Looking for something that can do a visual warning in the helmet, like a LED going off or something like that. I use...
  6. outasight20

    2005 FZ6 Naked Conversion for sale

    Selling my beloved to help fund a fast car. 2005 Yamaha FZ6 Naked Conversion GREAT CONDITION
  7. dbldutch02

    Where not to crash...

    Tilbrook apparently... Crashed biker left in ditch after police county border confusion - BBC News Poor bugger, 2 3/4 hour wait, for a police car to have to take him to hospital because no ambulance came :(
  8. L

    Dropped the bike...wouldn't start up for 10 minutes

    So I had my first accident yesterday (hopefully the last) on my 09 FZ6. I was in Philly and a car slowed down and put on their left turn signal so, like I had done a million times before, chose to move right and go around them while waiting for them to turn. Well, it turns out they decided they...
  9. Monica A

    Oregon or Bust 2 ride report

    So we did it. 4 days, 1411 miles. It was exhausting, but we had a blast! Found some good roads. Unfortunately, it seems like in Oregon you have to pay a penance of long boring roads to get to the good roads, but it is worth it when you get there. Here goes... We left Reno Thursday...
  10. Guit4rcher

    One thing I didn't expect about freeway riding...

    ... Is that everyone wants to race/pass me and then slow down. I can't help but wonder if it's an ego thing. Ex: "Gotta be faster than that motorcycle. Look at that chump..." I didn't used to understand why motorcyclists zip around and pass everyone, but I feel FAR safer even as an inexperienced...
  11. GhengisT

    Car made a left turn in front of me..

    I was on my way to work a few days ago, riding my normal route. There's a few miles of hillside road that I usually run through on the way to work. Just got done changing my fork springs a couple days before and enjoying the increased front end response. As I exited the last turn of the...
  12. Cloggy

    Speed camera's in Yorkshire

    According to a story on visor down the police are posting speed camera's this week along some of the more popular Yorkshire roads, I've seen pics on facebook of snow covered Yorkshire so I suspect it's more aimed at the car drivers, but if anyone is still on the road keep an eye out. Speed...
  13. G

    just getting a minor incident off my chest

    Can't really talk to non-bike friends about this, and family and close friends would worry if I told them. Riding from my work to the city tonight, about a minute or two down the road the cars I was following braked a bit more suddenly than I expected, no worries as I was at a safe distance...
  14. B

    The Tesla Model "D"

    Tesla reveals the D - All-wheel-drive - Oct. 10, 2014 For a mere $14,000 more (putting the price at just north of 6 figures), you can upgrade your Model S to a Model D. It has dual electric motors (so now 4-wheel drive) giving an acceleration of Zero to Sixty in 3.2 seconds!!! That's faster...
  15. Cloggy

    Mum allows video of sons death to be used for road safety purposes

    Here's a story of a mother who has released footage from her sons cam to be used for road safety purposes: Video: Mother allows release of hard-hitting footage of her son Be warned the footage is shocking, although you can't see the aftermath. I think the Mum is couragous to allow this...
  16. lawlberg


    Any of you guys race ChumpCar? (For those who don't know, it's a $500 car value endurance racing league.) My brother's been building his '88 E30 BMW for the last year and topped the podium in his second race in the car at MIS this past weekend. The win was not without a fair amount of scary...
  17. S

    Do I need a car?

    Hey guys, So I'm moving to north Dallas next week for work and I was wondering if I should invest in a car. Currently I have an 07 Fz6 and I've been using my parent's car whenever needed. I'd like to avoid buying a car if possible so I'd like to ask those of you with only a bike, how practical...