Search results

  1. fireman

    FireTruck Wreck

    Today I was involved in a wreck while working. Thought you might want to see what cagers vs. Firetruck would be like. None of my crew was hurt luckily and the patients in the car had minor injuries. Everyone please be aware of traffic at accidents and slow down please. ALWAYS wear your seatbelts...
  2. fireman

    WTB Windscreen

    Im looking for a windscreen that will fit a 2005FZ looking to do some LEDs mods. If you have one your looking to get rid of pleaase PM me. Thankyou
  3. fireman

    Motorcycle Wreck

    Well Im at work tonight, I was actually on the forum when it happen. I work for the fire department here in Waynesville, Mo when the tones dropped for a motorcyle wreck down by were my house is. I didnt think to much about it just praying that the rider was alright wearing his gear and helment...