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  1. S

    Basic MSF Rider Course Completed

    Hahaha, tell me about it. I am familiar with manual shifting, so that helped, but the whole experience of a powered bike was another thing. I have driven over 40 miles so far and its just awesome. If i didnt work 3a-3p's I would ride a while lot more.....
  2. S

    Clutch Switch

    I just got my bike yesterday and mine is unhooked too. I stalled a few times from a stop sign start and it was just insane what it took for me to get it back in neutral to restart it, is this wire really easy to connect?
  3. S

    Basic MSF Rider Course Completed

    I just completed mine and it was so awesome, i had a lot of fun learning. The instructors were cool and my class was the best out of the 4.