Search results

  1. trailblazer87

    This thing is amazing!

    I found these pics of the world's largest land based machine. It and others like it are working in mines in Germany. It looks like at least one is bound for Canada soon to work in the oil shale fields in Alberta. crazy pictures & videos | Giant Digging Machine | Meters, Machine, Digging...
  2. trailblazer87

    I am done with this state!

    To begin, I am in a semi intoxicated state, thanks to Coney Island Brewing Company and and a Belgian Tripel earlier. (Thank God for spell check) Now for the rant.... For those of you who may not know I live in the center of Central California, about 20 miles from the geographic center of...
  3. trailblazer87

    Post the funniest you tube you know of

    What the title says, the only rule is they have to be amusing:thumbup: YouTube - Scottish star trek
  4. trailblazer87

    The UN is investigating US elections?

    U.N. racism investigator to visit U.S. from Monday | Reuters Well, we know who the UN wants to see get elected. Some UN idiot from Senegal is going to tell investigate how we run our elections and then try to pass judgement. SCREW HIM!! Racism is a horible blight I agree, but it is more...
  5. trailblazer87

    It's my Birthday!

    I guess I missed something on here because the birthday list doesn't show me. 32 and counting:thumbup:
  6. trailblazer87

    Jacket Patch?

    Since there has been an extensive discussion of forum stickers. What about an iron on Jacket Patch? Like one of these, in a 2"-4" size. Biker Motorcycle Patches I like the looks of a well ridden i n jacket with a couple of patches on the sleeves...
  7. trailblazer87

    Help me choose a house

    I am in the market to buy a house. Now that the prices and interest rates have come back into alignment I can try this whole home ownership thing and hopefully end up moving in a few months. Option #1: Has hideous green carpet that will be removed immediately. It is smaller and in town, about...
  8. trailblazer87

    Fix for reckless drivers?

    (By Larry Supina, Amarillo, TX) An apology is in order, so, please, forgive me. It was not until this morning on my ride to work that I fully understood I was in error. Yes, I've noticed that there are many very busy and important people on the roads. You all are hard to miss with the cell...
  9. trailblazer87

    motorized unicycle

    If you thought the three wheeler was strange check this out, Brain Bucket Magazine › Motorcycle News › Maker of the Cam-Am Spyder Develop One-Wheel Motorcycle
  10. trailblazer87

    Learning experiences

    I feel we can all learn from each other, which sometimes is better than the hard way. Post some of the hard learned lessons here so that they don't get repeated. Lesson 1: Soon after I bought the bike (not my first) I was feeling impatient at a traffic light at a busy intersection. The...
  11. trailblazer87

    Irony in advertising

    This is a local Public Service Announcement. Now one of my favorite commercials. Pretty funny. YouTube - Fresno Fire PSA - Fire Sprinkler :thumbup:
  12. trailblazer87

    Child care tips

    For those of you who have babies or those of you who have some on the way I have compiled these graphical child care tips.... Follow these and you should go a long way toward your child becoming a contributing member of society!:Flash:
  13. trailblazer87

    Stupidity Awards

    Yes, it's again that magical time of the year when the 2007 Stupidity Awards are bestowed, honoring the least-evolved among us. And this year's glorious Winner is: When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach , California , would-be...
  14. trailblazer87

    Addictive game!

    Joe Cartoon Game - Joe Cartoon
  15. trailblazer87

    Something for the Brits on here

    NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF INDEPENDENCE To the citizens of the United States of America, Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchial duties over all states, commonwealths and other territories. Except Utah, which she does not fancy. Your new prime minister (The rt...
  16. trailblazer87

    2007 in review

    JibJab Sendables | "In 2007" - A Non-Crappy Holiday eCard
  17. trailblazer87

    The motorcyclists anthem!

    YouTube - Arlo Guthrie/Motorcycle Song Gotta love Arlo
  18. trailblazer87

    A funny

    A personal favorite of mine. Real life meets the comics.
  19. trailblazer87

    Health Hazard at Hotels!!!

    Don't Ever Drink From Hotel Glasses Video
  20. trailblazer87

    Tourmaster Rain Jacket and Pants

    For Christmas I received a Tourmaster Transition series2 jacket and matching pants. Color grey and black. Both have removable liners and the pants fit over my regular pants. Wearing them makes me feel like I am going to go play in the snow, but they work well. Both have velcro over zipper...