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  1. F

    Continental ContiMotion opinions?

    A local shop is running a special for front and rear mounted and balanced for 250. They are a sport touring tire. Anyone have experience with this tire or think this is a good deal?
  2. F

    Snapped Exhaust what?

    Figured the bike wasn't going to be ridden until this Chicago weather gets above 50 again. I want to remove the headers so I can polish them indoors. Removed 6 successfully and broke 2 studs. Now what do I do? This happen to anyone else?
  3. F

    Spark Plug Preference?

    I am a proud new owner of a 2007 fz6 and wanted to do all routine maintenance right away. I want the best plug I can buy for this bike. What are my options? I'm guessing iridium? Thank you in advance