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  1. M

    2009 Raven FZ6 Twin Cities, MN

    I have sold the FZ6.
  2. M

    2009 Raven FZ6 Twin Cities, MN

    Stock Pre-Exhaust
  3. M

    2009 Raven FZ6 Twin Cities, MN

    For Sale 2009 Yamaha FZ6 600 cc, liquid-cooled, DOHC, inline 4-cylinder, 16 valves, 97 HP w/ 4xxx miles of which almost all are all highway miles. Bike runs awesome, never had a mechanical problem with it at all. Broken in gently and oil changed at 50 miles, 100 miles and then every 3k miles...
  4. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Everything is faster with glass packs.
  5. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    They are awesome! I have about 2000 miles on mine and they do seem to get a little louder with age and use. One thing I do notice is that you can tell when the motor derates itself when you run 91 octane with ethanol and when you run non ovy 91 octane... Dave
  6. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Well the hanger bracket was a little tipped forward, so the bolts wouldn't start when put through the stock bracket. 30 secs and a mallet bent it slightly and all lined up. I am talking like 1/8" or so. Dave
  7. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Got 150 miles on the pipes and boy do they get people's attention! Yea! They sure let you know they are there at all RPMs and they do really scream @ 8-12K :rockon:I had to tweak the hanger bracket a little bit with Mr. Rubber Mallet, no worries. Awesome! So worth the $$ and I am happy to get...
  8. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Got it painted and installed in 95F heat. SICK!! This pipe now screams. Holy Cow! It really sounds so sexy from idle to 10K Wow it really is awesome. Link to movie:
  9. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Got it. It is so sick!!! I will need to get it painted and installed. Maybe tomorrow. I will need to track down some paint, like high temp gloss black would be awesome!!! This is just going to roar. Wow is all I can say. Dave
  10. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Sweetness! I can't wait!
  11. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    I can handle that! :BLAA:Thanks so much!!!!! Dave
  12. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Ok I have the Targa FE kit Yamaha FZ-6 Fender Eliminator 07-9306B/C
  13. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Sweet Sounds really nice! Is the 06 EFI? 89 HP seems a little low. It really is louder and screams! Dave
  14. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    I do have a FE kit... Do you need to know the brand?
  15. M

    Glasspacks anyone? :)

    I would think that they would be great. The tips appear to not be too low. I bet they scream..... D
  16. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    I am waiting to get mine in the mail. :BLAA: Haven't decided if I want to have them powder coated or high heat rattlecan... D
  17. M

    Glasspacks anyone? :)

    Wow those are impressive!
  18. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    Yup your paint drawing looks great. I course I can pre-pay. How do you want your cash? Dave
  19. M

    Custom exhaust $200 shipped

    In I want a set. Unpainted Tips: angled tip with the longest leg on each side toward the middle, so it fits under the tail light Dave