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  1. VA FZ6

    '07 Puig STANDARD Windscreen

    Does anyone in the entire world sell the Puig STANDARD windscreen for my super fast '07 RED FZ6?!?! all i can find is the race or touring... i like the look and feel of the OEM screen but want to get a darker screen. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!
  2. VA FZ6

    Thank God for Frame Sliders...

    So Saturday afternoon it was beautiful here in Northern VA so i thought i would go out for a quick ride. I was coming up to a major intersection with 3 lanes of traffic plus a small right turning lane. I was in the right lane and started to slow down due to the red light. Some a$$ in a Toyota...
  3. VA FZ6

    FZ6 Cup

    So while at work today I was putting random search strings together and found this link GYTR YAMAHA FZ6 Cup - Home[/COLOR] It is an FZ6 only racing season in Australia that started in 2007. Apparently it was such a hit that they are doing it again for 2008. Very cool because there are very...
  4. VA FZ6

    2007 FE Kit?

    Hello All, Just wondering if anyone had some ideas for an FE kit for the 2007 FZ6. there are a couple of things that i should point out... 1.) i am not very mechanically inclined (cant/dont know how to soder.) 2.) i dont want anything that i have to do any body mods. i am looking for...
  5. VA FZ6

    Me too!

    I just picked up my FZ6 today too! put about 75 miles riding back from the dealership and had a s*** eating grin on my face the entire time. it is even better than I expected. (red really is faster :thumbup:)