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  • Hey Eric, are you still planning a trip to Cali? I remember you saying late March/early April. Let us know, there are several that would probably meet up with you for a ride.
    Glad you got it, in all honesty the mag I got you is not one of my favorites. It had the best freebie though lol. They have always given the FZ6 a bit of a rough time.
    Take care mate.

    No worries mate, I am chuffed that the letter actually got to you. Our Post master could not get his head around the fact that I was sending something to a US solider. He kept asking me for the BF PO # lol. Did you get the magazine as well mate?
    Get home safe and soon. Happy new year to you and your buddies.

    Stay safe buddy, please say a huge Hi to your brothers in arms from me to.


    PS Do you have a forces mail box?
    Hi Mate,
    How's it all going? I couldn't remember if you are back in the sand pit?
    If you are, take care fella. I hope that you will be home for X-Mas.

    Good luck to you and your buddies, hopefully you will all be home safe and soon.

    I just wanted to let you know that I didn't want to use the same pics, that were in the first forum video, for the second video.....I was a little bummed that I couldn't find any other pics of you and, while I didn't duplicate any other pics, I duplicated yours because it was extremely important to me that you were in the video and I really dig that picture!!! I appreciate what you are doing/have done for our country and I have a lot of respect for you. I love you!!!! (only in a friendly way ;) ) Be safe out there!
    hey man,
    Im Bags from Buffalo, also ride an fz6 Im in afghanistan with the guard right now sucks being away from my bike lol
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