Recent content by ross_mct

  1. ross_mct

    New Turn Signals

    Just to let you know, I had a pair of the 2)Yamaha R1 R6 YZF 600 FZR 1000 FZ Stalk Turn Signals LED on (item 350101032482 end time 17-Sep-09 12:23:26 EDT) signals and they kept breaking off at the rubber tube bits.. I had them fitted and within my first long trip with them they broke...
  2. ross_mct

    R.I.P. Outsurance pointsmen

    Very sad news indeed, they do an incredibly good job. And with all the current road works occuring, they minimize a lot of the chaos.. R.I.P.
  3. ross_mct

    The perfect complement to an FZ - 2008 Yamaha WR250X in CA

    I think we all dream of that day! :thumbup:
  4. ross_mct

    Fairing Paint Scheme Ideas Please

    Hey Andz, funny enough i actually saw a yellow fz6 04/05 here in pretoria a little while back. Looks really good, good luck with the mod!
  5. ross_mct

    How many people here are pilots?

    I've been very fortunate enough to have been flying helicopters since i was 16. Started on a roby r22 and then moved up to the r44. Use it in zim to do rhino conservation work, best job in the world!
  6. ross_mct

    When touring long distances how much do you exceed the speed limit by on highways, assume 60mph post

    I must admit on the long touring rides for me it really depends on fuel.. If i have to ride back in Zimbabwe i actually travel at about 113km/hr to get the utmost out of the tank. With the extra 10litres i carry in the panniers, i probably get a range of 600 to 700km without having to refuel or...
  7. ross_mct

    Custom break and clutch levers

    I'm keen to see some pics and then see from there.. But sounds great and if they are cool i'm definatly in!:thumbup:
  8. ross_mct

    R1 Go Kart..........

    Damn, crazy dudes.. Good idea, but crazy.. :eek:
  9. ross_mct

    Project Ironman

    Sweet man! Really came out well, I also see its a match to your mustang in the background :rockon: Very impressive, more pic's please...:rolleyes::thumbup:
  10. ross_mct

    FZ1 Front End

    :rolleyes:I know the practicality of the mod is questionable and the availability of the fz1 front is at best hopefull, but what can you do with a bit of time on your hands...
  11. ross_mct

    FZ1 Front End

    Currently looking around to see if i can find a salvaged fz1 front end, definatly won't be cheap :eek: but hoping its not over board expensive. Never hurts to try, will post how it goes!
  12. ross_mct

    Hitler's Bike

    That vid is so funny! Good find!:rof:
  13. ross_mct

    FZ1 Front End

    Will be doing this soon, the reason i wanted fz1 forks is actually to try and keep the dimensions as similar as possible. The r6 USD forks will change the bikes posture quite considerably, thus fz1 forks.. Will let you know the dimensions when i get hold of it!
  14. ross_mct

    FZ1 Front End

    Thank you for the consideration, i've spoken to my local mechanic and he reckons if i go for the full fz1 front end the only initial issues will be the head bearing sizes and the stem length. Not too many difficult issues, using the fz1 triples makes it alot simpler. Need to get quotes on parts...
  15. ross_mct

    FZ1 Front End

    Hello all, been thinking alot lately about putting a full fz1 front end onto my bike instead of doing the r6 forks. Played around with paint just to see what would look like, oh the excitement.. What do you yhink?