Recent content by rjo3491

  1. rjo3491

    FZ sale

    Can't buy the bike guns, but I've got to tell you that Alabama SR-69 South to Norhtport/Tuscaloosa is one of my FAVORITE runs in the country (especially the 15 or so miles just South of Oakman)! My grandparents (both gone now) lived in Northport (I live in metro Detroit) and I'll bet I've run...
  2. rjo3491

    New To the Fourm... Sliders? To Get or Not to Get

    "I would say the sliders will help out more times than not. It depends on the type of incident and other variables to complex to ever predict". Yep, where sliders will help in a driveway or parking lot drop. In a crash, they can actually do more damage (if they, "hook" something they can break...
  3. rjo3491

    Poll: Do You Hate Your Job?

  4. rjo3491

    Poll: Do You Hate Your Job?

    I'm grateful to have a job in this economy, but it is stressful as we've cut many positions (given the economy) and that has left quite a load on the folks remaining.
  5. rjo3491

    rode a cruiser for the first time

    Sounds like your buddy pulled the baffles without adjusting the carb - less back pressure, less torque, more noise, more gurgling and more popping. I just sold my FZ6 and picked up a Honda VTX 1300 Cruiser. Much different kind of ride. I plan to keep it through next season then sell it and...
  6. rjo3491

    Bought a bike!!

    Great find! I just don't know how folks ride a bike 7000 miles in 4 years.
  7. rjo3491

    Long trip and my first wreck. (US-129 The dragon)

    Sorry about your wreck. Most importantly, you're OK (the bike can be repaired or replaced - you have many years of good times ahead, so don't sweat it)! On a positive note, your video is very good. What camera and setup are you using? There are many stretches of road I'd like to capture (one...
  8. rjo3491

    Puig Wind Screen

    ...hmmm, looked good (finished) out of the package. I think I would have figured it out had it not. Thanks for the quick answers!
  9. rjo3491

    Have you had your FZ6 stolen, attempted stolen or vandalized?

    Some idiot came in our garage and took my jacket and helmet (and other stuff). The bike would have been gone I figure, had it not been blocked by cars.
  10. rjo3491

    Puig Wind Screen

    Can anybody tell me why I received a package of plastic tubing with my new Puig Screen? It came with no instructions.
  11. rjo3491

    Scared how much this will cost me....

    What I meant was that the 60K (miles) I have on the car would equate to about 90K on the bike - several more service intervals - or looking at it the other way, a much wider service interval for the car.
  12. rjo3491

    Dodged a bullet tonight

    ...see, that, "swerve" they taught you in MSF really works!
  13. rjo3491

    Scared how much this will cost me....

    Actually, it's a quite bit more. I'm dealing with both this year. My car's first, "major" is coming up as well and I'm looking at about $300-$500. I presume you're talking KM's so that would be 90,000.
  14. rjo3491

    Stupid Cagers!!!!!

    Yep, and many times, one can predict WHAT they're going to do. When passing an on ramp on a freeway and there is a car entering the road, PLAN on them cutting you off regardless of the lane your in. Recently, I had a woman (on a cell phone) enter the freeway (three lanes, I had moved to the...
  15. rjo3491

    You and Your First Streetbike

    Looking at that picture, I'll bet you'd love to have that bike in your garage today!