Recent content by Copes

  1. C

    Parking in the sun

    I usually ride my bike to work where I park it on the street. Especially now during the summer the bike is exposed to the Sydney-sun throughout the whole day. My question is, should I be worried about that? Should I bring the cover to protect it? My thoughts are that it might bleach the...
  2. C

    Reduced Clunk when shifting?

    I have had the this problem mainly between 1st and 2nd, no matter whether cold or not. In another post on this forum the advise was given to preload the shifter a bit, and that have done it for me. If done properly there is virtually no clunk between the gears.
  3. C

    Ear plugs or no ear plugs that is the question?

    I can strongly recommend getting customized ear-plugs. Not only are they a lot more comfortable, the main feature is that they allow all sounds below a certain level in, an keeps those above the damaging level out. I have been riding with the cheap foam plugs from the pharmacy, and in my...
  4. C

    '98 Fazer 600S Maintenance

    Thanks a lot mate! Yeah I'm really enjoying the bike and the Ozzie roads and nature (have only been here for about 1 month) My bike have run about 50.000 kms, how often would you recommend changing the oil filter? Is there any way to check wether it is in need of replacing? And enjoy the pic :P
  5. C

    '98 Fazer 600S Maintenance

    Hi Guys, I'm the happy owner of a '98 FZ600-S which I purchased a month ago. So far it has been only joy, a really nice bike to get to know and learn to drive. My only concern is maintenance. Being a complete MC rookie, I have no clue about what maintenance I need to do on a regular basis...