

Happy Thankful Member
Elite Member
May 24, 2008
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Spartanburg, South Carolina
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Guys I work for my local area water and sewer distribution system. I haven't heard much about it happening in my area, but have seen on the news it is growing more and more in other areas. More and more ppl are stealing the sewer man hole and catch basin drain's metal lids. These lids are not generally fastened down to the man hole or catch basin. You can simply raise them up with crowbars and such. They are very heavy but still can be stolen and taken to scrap yards for money. Generally they are only bolted or locked down were there is very toxic gases coming from companies or constant problems with teens taken them up and throwing stuff in them to stop the lines up. After all that said as you are driving along and watching for crazy cagers, animal, bad road spots, etc etc, don’t for get to keep an eye out for a big ars hole in the road that if you run off in will not in any way turn out good. Some of them things are more than 20 feet deep. More than likely you want end up in it you will be flying through the air but may turn out different for the bike. Sry if this sounds stupid but it is a possibility and just thought I would bring it to you guys attention. Take care all.

O and there is other utilities that use these lids also.
I've seen that story too, thanks for the head's-up.

What pisses me off is the metal reclamation sites that will PAY for these covers! :mad:
yup when money is involved most people will just over look the part that its illegal... hence drug dealers....... have also heard this story.
Thanks for the wqarning, its also a problem in the UK. Some councils over here are looking at an asphalt covered version. Less attractive to thieves and safer surface for us.
This is a big problem. If the scrapyards would not take them, then it would stop happening. They should make it a FELONY to remove or possess covers for any reason by any one not working for the Public Utility Co. GRUMPY
There shouldn't be any reason why salvagers should accept these manhole covers. Local governments don't need to recycle them; why would they? Just as doctors/teachers are required to report child abuse so should salvagers report to authorities any time somebody tries to get scrap metal income with these. And, maybe salvagers ought to be subject to sting ops too. This is outrageous and irresponsible to the hilt. And those who manage to get caught with manhole covers maybe ought to be charged with attempted murder or attempted involuntary manslaughter (if that one exists). Frickin' morons who can't stand up and support their own weight and work for a living instead of stealing/vandalizing and putting riders at grave risk. They might as well string a wire at neck level across the road between two trees/poles; the result will not be much different.
Thanks for the warning. Around my neighborhood the "theft of choice" has been iron trash can holders (WTF?) and aluminum guard rails off our bridge!! Both the "recycler" and the thief should be punished bigtime. takes two to tango - I like the STING idea...
Thanks for the wqarning, its also a problem in the UK. Some councils over here are looking at an asphalt covered version. Less attractive to thieves and safer surface for us.
That is a cool idea. I also seen what seemed to me some type of key hole in the lid of the pic in the link you sent. I wish they would start that here.
This is a big problem. If the scrapyards would not take them, then it would stop happening. They should make it a FELONY to remove or possess covers for any reason by any one not working for the Public Utility Co. GRUMPY
I understand how you and tailgate feel about the scrap yards. I believe the question had already been raised in a interview and the excuse was the lids are are hidden in other metal junk they have so when the truck is weighted then they just dump the load and go. I don't know for sure. I do agree with you because if there is a scrap yard that knowingly accepts them they should be dealt with. :)