Dirt Bike Gangs of Baltimore

so it has been admitted then that the cops in Baltimore are forced from chasing them? isnt that in a complete disagreement with the oath that police officers are supposed to uphold? even the police are becoming influenced by the nation-wide pussification of the USA.



why dont they just try to pull them over like every other vehicle driving illegally (plates, light out, etc.) and when they run, treat it like an evasion. when they are evading the law it is legal to use force, not intentional deadly force; however if they are standing on corners waiting with taser's anyway, whats the big difference. these guys dont wear helmets, because that wouldnt be cool y'know, so if they fall off their bike and bust their thug heads up, in my mind its their fault. whoever said ignorance is bliss was an idiot, ignorance is a nightmare and the bane of the entire respectable universe.

[end rant]
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I think the police should be able to chase them. I believe in personal accountability. I've paid two separate tickets because of past due registration on my cars because I don't pay attention to things like that. I owned up and paid it, and don't see why these idiots don't have to either.

I think the police should be able to get search and seizure warrants for these bikes. Just have the cops stand around with cameras, take pictures of the bikes, email them to the judge, then get the warrant sent to the printer in their cruiser (I know, the Scottsdale PD has printers in their cars). The cops follow these guys to their houses, or eventually they follow them enough times they know where they live. The cops call the tow trucks, and show up at the house, take the bikes, impound them for a nominal fee that would include them paying all the tickets (reckless driving, evading arrest, etc) before they get their bikes back.

But like the guy in the video said, "It's our release" which translates if we can't blow off steam in this illegal manner, then we will blow off steam in other ways or by other means of blowing stuff off, like heads with guns.
I think the police should be able to chase them. I believe in personal accountability. I've paid two separate tickets because of past due registration on my cars because I don't pay attention to things like that. I owned up and paid it, and don't see why these idiots don't have to either.

I think the police should be able to get search and seizure warrants for these bikes. Just have the cops stand around with cameras, take pictures of the bikes, email them to the judge, then get the warrant sent to the printer in their cruiser (I know, the Scottsdale PD has printers in their cars). The cops follow these guys to their houses, or eventually they follow them enough times they know where they live. The cops call the tow trucks, and show up at the house, take the bikes, impound them for a nominal fee that would include them paying all the tickets (reckless driving, evading arrest, etc) before they get their bikes back.

But like the guy in the video said, "It's our release" which translates if we can't blow off steam in this illegal manner, then we will blow off steam in other ways or by other means of blowing stuff off, like heads with guns.

I would love to agree with you here but the reason they use dirt bikes is that a dirt bike for 1000 dollars is cheaper then paying impound or tickets. if u get caught they just get another. not to mention u can go off road. cops cant.
The reason for no chase is the safety of pedestrians once they go off road to evade. Same in Philly. However wheras in philly the mob runs the impound racket (in other words buys in lots and sells right back to the streets) in bmore they destroy confiscated bikes.