Shoei RF1100 vs Qwest


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Jul 31, 2011
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Greater Puget Sound Region
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I tried on both the other day. No strong preference for one over the other, but I only wore them for a few minutes in the store. The dealer claims that lots of sportbike riders are choosing the quest over the 1100 partly because the qwest has better venting, but that just makes me wonder which has a higer markup. Has anyone ridden with both?
you need to try it on for longer, different helmets fit different head shapes

check for any points of pressure, as they may be fine for a few minutes, but after an hour or so they will really hurt, also a good fitting helmet is safer

any good dealer should help you find one that fits properly
I bought a Quest for my wife and she loves it! Any new helmet should be snug and will "break in" with some riding time.
Both are quality helmets so it will be a tough call on which one to buy.
I bought a beautiful matte black Qwest a week or two ago. I was trying to decide between those two helmets as well--biggest reason I chose the Qwest was that is was designed for a rider sitting in the touring/upright positions--the design difference is in the vents, as they are positioned to increase airflow when sitting up. Two catches...(I've never ridden with an 1100), based off of several reviews I have read and even experience with the Qwest, the airflow and venting would seem to be better in the 1100. The Qwest is popular because it is supposedly quieter than the 1100, and this is achieved by limiting ("controlling") airflow. I can definitely say that there is much less venting and airflow in my Qwest compared to my old Scorpion EXO 700.

Second catch--the Qwest is designed for a slightly rounder head. I've only had my for a short while, but I am praying that I didn't make the wrong choice on this one, as I believe my head is more of an oval. No pain or headaches, but I think I can feet it more snug front to back as opposed to the sides. << Probably the more important aspect, as fit is important when it comes to helmets working properly in a crash.

Check out these excellent video reviews at Revzilla in case you haven't already--a lot of details and info:

[ame=]Shoei Qwest Helmet Review at - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Shoei RF-1100 Helmet Review at - YouTube[/ame]

Hope this helps!
...also a good fitting helmet is safer

^- An important point. The closer the shape of the EPS bowl matches your head, the more distributed any impact will be. I think it's well worth half a day driving around town to shops to learn what makes and models fit your head.

Also, as I understand such things, pricier helmets are generally some combination of lighter, quieter, better ventilated and/or more feature-rich, but safety is not strongly correlated with price. And last I read, only one modular helmet had passed Snell certification, an only for sizes XS-M.

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Second catch--the Qwest is designed for a slightly rounder head. I've only had my for a short while, but I am praying that I didn't make the wrong choice on this one, as I believe my head is more of an oval. No pain or headaches, but I think I can feet it more snug front to back as opposed to the sides. << Probably the more important aspect, as fit is important when it comes to helmets working properly in a crash.

if you put your helmet on and grab it, then you shouldn't be able to move your head from side to side inside the helmet very much.

you should also be able to get a little finger between your forehead and the padding

there's probably some other checks you can do to

for me I found that an Arai Chaser fitted me best out of anything else, but even then my ears get a little sore after several hours riding.
I have the RF1100. It's my 2nd one. I tested the first :eek:

The first thing I noticed right away was there was much better air flow compared to my previous helmets. I had also started riding in a more forward body position and the vent design of the RF 1100 worked great.

I saw Kenny's write up on the Quest and was very impressed. I believe both of these helmet incorporate the newer CW3 face shield system with the pull back spring that pulls the face back for a snugger fit against the weather strip. I also like the 5 different shell sizes for the size variation for obvious reasons...
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shoei qwest blood flow
Another vote for the Quest. Bought a plain black one and LOVE it. $350 if I remember right. Plain colors were like $150 cheaper haha
What has been explained here is on-point with what I was going to share.

My experience selling these is a little different though. Body position/posture is probably the most important aspect of deciding between these two helmets.

The Qwest has a little thicker neckroll than the RF1100 and in a full-tuck position, ie GSXR, R6/R1, CBR, 1198S, Daytona 675, the RF1100 will be the better choice. Why? The padding on the RF1100 around the collar is a little thinner and the shell doesn't run as deep on the neckroll as the Qwest.

As mentioned previously by others, the Qwest is great if your posture is more upright and the airflow will be smoother on this helmet vs the RF1100.

The RF1100 has by far the disadvantage when you are upright and perform a head-check prior to a lane change. The tail of the helmet will cause an uncomfortable wind-buffet if you are out of a full or mid-tuck.

My advice would be to buy the Qwest, or if you like the fitment of the RF1100, get that.

Ultimately, it is your decision and cranial comfort.
I bought a Qwest to replace my 3 year old Rf1100 and the Qwest is much better. Good air flow and much less wind noise due to the way the shield closes. I would buy another. It's fit is just like every Shoei i have had since the late 70s.
I have the RF1100. It's my 2nd one. I tested the first :eek:

The first thing I noticed right away was there was much better air flow compared to my previous helmets. I had also started riding in a more forward body position and the vent design of the RF 1100 worked great.

I saw Kenny's write up on the Quest and was very impressed. I believe both of these helmet incorporate the newer CW3 face shield system with the pull back spring that pulls the face back for a snugger fit against the weather strip. I also like the 5 different shell sizes for the size variation for obvious reasons...


You are wise, Dark Helmet:bow:
Tried on both at my shop recently and settled on the 1100, mainly due to fit. I too have an oval head. The helmet is really quiet and comfortable, and I like the adjustable venting. My one gripe so far: it absolutely kills my left ear every time I take it off. Guess I just need to take longer rides...