Capture the Flag



Recently a number of tickets have been issued at my station to fix the light on our flag pole because the Flag of the United States of America is flown 24/7 at that facility. Tonight this was escalated when I took the flag down, folded it properly and stored it. It will not be returned until the dedicated lamp is repaired. Additionally, the POW/MIA flag has been stored as well. If this bunch of misfits can't follow the United States Flag Code then so be it, they won't get it back. The flag is currently under lock and key at the facility and roughly 30 letters from ex military personnel are going out to the US Senators. Lets see if this gets their attention......

Good for you displaying proper respect for your country's flag, which should never fly in darkness.:thumbup:
Let us know the result of your (combined) action.
Good job... Flag Nazi! Seriously I am glad that some people have the guts to do such a thing. Most people show no respect to our national colors :thumbup:
Good job... Flag Nazi! Seriously I am glad that some people have the guts to do such a thing. Most people show no respect to our national colors :thumbup:

Well Madman, we tried it the easy way. Now we do it the hard way. Lets see them bust folks for showing the proper respect for our National Colors and following the flag code.
Well Madman, we tried it the easy way. Now we do it the hard way. Lets see them bust folks for showing the proper respect for our National Colors and following the flag code.

They don't deserve to fly the flag if they don't respect it. Tell them Madman says.....:rtfm:
Good job Havblue. As a tax payer and voter I approve of your actions. Now if I could just get them to install a pole at the government building I work in...
Today it was determined the flag was MIA. The head of Federal Security was called in and started an investigation. The security guard that was informed the flag was pulled down and respectfully folded for storage at 20:00 hours the night before (a 6 year Air Force MP) refused to give up the flag and told the head of security the flag was pulled down by vets who refused to give it back until it was treated with respect and properly flown. She basically told them they could terminate her and she still wouldn't give it up. The head of security as well as the chief IRS administrator for the facility asked if the vets would cut a deal for the flag if they promised to fly it only during the day time.

About an hour after this transpired I got a visit from the chief administrator asking if I knew where the flag may be as this may turn into a federal crime (stealing the flag of the United States from a Federal Facility.) I told him this wouldn't work and he could go ahead but he was going to look pretty stupid when (A) it was determined the flag was never stolen; (B) the intent of pulling the flag down was to follow the U.S. Flag Code (a public law) and (C) there were roughly 30 veterans of the United States Military involved in the action. He then asked me if I knew where the flag was and I responded in the affirm. I then took him to the flag and turned it over with the understanding it would not be flown after dusk without the operation of a dedicated lamp. He assured me that he, the folks from GSA and the owner of the building (it's leased) would be in conference tomorrow to discuss repairs to the lamp. I them made him aware of a formal letter of complaint that is moving around gathering signatures from veterans that will be address to the US Senator from Tennessee as well as Kentucky where I live. If the flag is flown is disrespect again the letter will be sent to both.

I'll keep you folks in the loop but I'll tell ya this, there's nothing like a bunch of vets protecting and respecting that flag. This Marine is damn proud of everybody involved in this incident. I really don't think they thought we would stand tall to there threats and we held fast.......

Damn you Charlie, you put this in my head and last night coming home from my birthday dinner I started to notice all of the un-lit flags. I started going off and my g/f was like what set this off? It might be time to take corrective action.
Recently a number of tickets have been issued at my station to fix the light on our flag pole because the Flag of the United States of America is flown 24/7 at that facility. Tonight this was escalated when I took the flag down, folded it properly and stored it. It will not be returned until the dedicated lamp is repaired. Additionally, the POW/MIA flag has been stored as well. If this bunch of misfits can't follow the United States Flag Code then so be it, they won't get it back. The flag is currently under lock and key at the facility and roughly 30 letters from ex military personnel are going out to the US Senators. Lets see if this gets their attention......


As a Soldier currently deployed in defence of the Colors I back you fully on this
Damn you Charlie, you put this in my head and last night coming home from my birthday dinner I started to notice all of the un-lit flags. I started going off and my g/f was like what set this off? It might be time to take corrective action.

were these at residences? or businesses?

If it were a home i would take it down, fold it properly and set it on their doorstep with a note describing the flag code. if it happens again i would take it down and not return it.
were these at residences? or businesses?

If it were a home i would take it down, fold it properly and set it on their doorstep with a note describing the flag code. if it happens again i would take it down and not return it.

businesses with the biggest flag they can buy. I really feel they do it to drive sales to vets instead of patriotism :rant: I really think I am going to make up a letter and start posting them on doors.
you can start by sending an anonymous letter to them telling them to start lighting the flag at night or you will start a boycott of the company and report them to the authorities.
I must say you guys have the right attitude towards your flag. Looking at my own country, we have fought for freedom for 700 years from the english and now that we have our own flag (not even 100 years old) i feel that the irish dont show the same respect towards their flag as you guys do. Fair play to ya.
I must say you guys have the right attitude towards your flag. Looking at my own country, we have fought for freedom for 700 years from the english and now that we have our own flag (not even 100 years old) i feel that the irish dont show the same respect towards their flag as you guys do. Fair play to ya.
You are not alone Scorph, having fought nearly everyone in the world in defense of our flag we show it fek all respect.
During the last world cup we were not allowed to fly the flag in case it caused racial tension. FGS you live in Britain now. Get used to it.
I wish we had that level of patriotic values.

i only wish everyone in our country shared the respect that you are admiring. there are some that would rather slander the flag, and the sad thing is that is a right that they are given under the flag (to an extent)
Scorphonic & Neil, thank you both for the kind word but unfortunatly I feel the same as you, our people do not respect the flag as much as they should if they do at all. Like you know most americans are spoiled and are really clueless.
At work one of my responsibilities is to manage a web site in which employees can ask any question that is work related. I received one a few weeks ago from an employee who is a local VFW officer. He noticed that our US and Texas flags were worn out. I contacted our Facilities Director for the site and he had the flags replaced within 24 hours. He also contact the employee who had them properly disposed of by the VFW!


Gotta love it, vets helping vets! :thumbup:

Oh, and we have MASSIVE lights on them for night time. They look great!