How did you find the site.

I was looking

I found this site by doing the ever faithful "Google" I actually searched "FZ6 Forum".
But, and this is important (to Me) I am a Mac user, and prefer to use Safari as my browser.
This forum does not work with Safari :(.
Just by chance while looking at another forum I saw a post about this problem, and so I tried "Firefox", and here I am.
My time here will be limited because I hate Firefox, I shall not be able to embed links, or post pictures, as the cut and paste option does not work with Firefox (and I will NOT type links in full), at least I can post, and see the results.

Neil. :thumbup:
I was researching on my next bike purchase and FZ6 binga choice i did a Yahoo search and this was one of the top links and it has halped me make my decision on what bike to get.
This forum does not work with Safari :(.

Whatcha talking 'bout Neil? Looks good in safari for me, although I did update to safari 3.x a while back(Apple - Safari 3 Public Beta), so that might make a difference. But i remember it looking just fine in safari 2.x as well. I also have firefox too and have no issues with cutting and pasting, I think you might have some craziness going down on your end. Honestly i feel that firefox is the superior browser, i just wished there was a native port of firefox 2.x for the mac...oh well, supposedly firefox 3.x is supposed to support mac os natively, but that won't be out until next spring.

Hey Admin, this has me wondering....can you expand our minds with a browser breakdown for views on the forum?
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I was researching on my next bike purchase and FZ6 binga choice i did a Yahoo search and this was one of the top links and it has halped me make my decision on what bike to get.
Same as mate, doing some research. Some may call it luck, I call it fate! LOL
Keep safe bro.
Whatcha talking 'bout Neil? Looks good in safari for me,
Hey Admin, this has me wondering....can you expand our minds with a browser breakdown for views on the forum?

Well it still won't work for me, I use Safari 1.3.2 (v312.6).
And I am running OSX version 10.3.9, and I have no other problems on any other site or forum.
I am a member of TT (DRZ forum), ADV rider, SM Junkie and Wild dog tours, they all work fine.
I am certain there is no problem this end, so is it just an incompatibility thing or what ??

Neil. :thumbup:
Safari and the forum

Hey there.. I have updated the site software to the latest version... One of the issues was compatability with safari... It should be alot better now if not fixed... it is/was an issue with the vbulliten software and shall soon be a non issue...


Well it still won't work for me, I use Safari 1.3.2 (v312.6).
And I am running OSX version 10.3.9, and I have no other problems on any other site or forum.
I am a member of TT (DRZ forum), ADV rider, SM Junkie and Wild dog tours, they all work fine.
I am certain there is no problem this end, so is it just an incompatibility thing or what ??

Neil. :thumbup:
are you kidding?

I have learned so much about my bike from this website, I love this web site and I take pleasure reading endless hours here. I wish there were more content or more imersible real live chat room format. OOO Avatars, 3d envirment!! J/K.
I met an FZ1 rider at a bar and was talking bikes for a while. He mentioned something about an FZ1 riders group forum. I wondered if there was an exclusive FZ6 forum, did an internet search and voila, here I am.
Googled FZ6, got lost on SBN, came here and have loved it ever since.
