Chain Noise Above 90KM/H?


Aug 14, 2009
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Eastern Ontario
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Now that I've finally gotten my windscreen/helmet situation worked out I can
ride without earplugs and now hear the bike for the first time at speed. The
stock exhaust sounds great, but I'm getting a pretty loud mid-high frequency
hum starting at around 90KM/H road speed. Gear selection doesn't matter,
so I know it's not RPM related, a little quieter under acceleration, louder when
engine braking. Don't think it's tire noise 'cause a tire doesn't know about the
difference between accel and decel. Chain tension is correct and always lubed.
Bike has 6,000 km on the clock. Any ideas? Is this normal? This is my 4th
scooter and don't recall the noise on any others. Sounds like a snowmobile.
hi, it sounds like the chain may be on too tight.

My money's on you! (The only time that I've ever heard my chain was when it was too tight, or very dry)
Macem29 does your chain seem louder when you pull in the clutch and let the engine idle down?

BTW: By the sound changing whether under load of acceleration or deceleration could your rear wheel be out of alignment?
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good suggestions tekkie...gonna check chain tension again, but I'm pretty
sure it's bang on spec...rear wheel alignment is another good idea, reading
the manual for my 07 states to use the alignment marks on the swingarm
when bike doesn't have any...used a vernier caliper last time
I did the chain to check alignment...another thing...frigging around with the
visor on my new helemet seems to change the pitch/volume of the hum, so
maybe I've got some strange harmonic thingy going on...never had any of
these issues before...but I was a lot younger with my other bikes, more
concerned with knee dragging and other hooligan activity then :D