Useless Information....


Resident Rumologist
Elite Member
Sep 10, 2008
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Ipswich , Australia (+10 GMT)
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Im a bit of a Trivia Geek :D & thought i would share a daily piece of information that although useless would be a great conversation starter at any stalled dinner party :BLAA:

1.) Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin ate turkey in foil packets as the 1st meal on the moon........
It's not a COMPLETELY useless statement. It's good for a laugh. I laughed. But after the laugh...yeah it's useless. Oh wait...I'm laughing again. Maybe you're on to something here...Way cool thought Humperdinkel.:BLAA:
Im a bit of a Trivia Geek :D & thought i would share a daily piece of information that although useless would be a great conversation starter at any stalled dinner party :BLAA:

1.) Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin ate turkey in foil packets as the 1st meal on the moon........

Wow. :rolleyes:
Useless information or Interesting information????

I would enter something to add, but I have nothing. :(

Well, THIS is pretty useless, so I think it qualifies anyway!! :BLAA:
Humpy, I signed in to look for TODAY'S bit of useless info from you! Where is today's tidbit??? :confused::confused::confused:
From your post: And in the end , it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

You better put more life in your years. ;)
A polar bear actually has black skin and clear fur. Nothing is white.

They are also left handed.

I am too!! :D (The left handed part!!) :cheer:
Their black skin and clear fur are made to absorb the warmth from the sun.