Wooooo Hoooooo

Congratulations! You're going to have a great time in Vegas. Mrs. Hellgate and I were married there almost 2 years ago.

We were married here: Las Vegas Wedding Chapel Mon Bel Ami Wedding Chapel I wouldn't recommend them, all they wanted to do was sell us photos; 100 for $1,000. I told her (the owner) to pound sand. After an hour of arguing, we got the photos and video for $400, cash. Yes I had to run two blocks down the street to get $200 more in cash.

But I digress, you "kids" will have fun!
Yea 50 is small but 20 000 on the holiday which is now jumping cause of getting married and i want to upgrade some of the stay, and a spontaneous engagement ring means my bank loan is as high as it can go so to suddenly find another 5000 isnt going to happen. Just shows i didnt really think this thing out first, i felt her out on friday bought the ring on saturday and proposed on sunday, didnt stop to think of all the implications. I do want it to be special for her but hey arent i enough lol . No really will do every thing possible to make it happen for her.
Well, just have a beautiful dinner for close family when you get back - book a nice private dining room at a hotel and enjoy!

No matter what type of wedding you have, it only lasts a day.

A marriage lasts a lifetime.

I hope you and your fiancee will be as happy as Prebstar and myself are - 23 happy years together (and we've only just hit our 40's)....
Wow Hate to remind you this is my second, thank god the other one didnt last a lifetime, cause i think my life time would have been real short lol, But real cudo's to you guys,
Hey Jules,
My wife Lisa and I were discussing maybe heading to Las Vegas for the wedding. In fact...Give us the date if you can....
who else does it need to make sense to, if deb keeps stressing good chance no wedding or holiday, she wants everything to be right for her dad.
i just want to congratulate you. i cant give you any advise since i never got married:rolleyes: but as kazza said the wedding lasts a day and the marriage a lifetime.

congrats and all the best:cheer::cheer:
I gave her that option, shes leaning to either a garden wedding or the top of the eifle tower, seeing we are staying at paris ive got the agent trying to change our room to do a wedding package. At the moment with her sudden panic i dont even know if the vegas wedding will happen shes so concerned about her Dad. Im going to keep pushing though cause i reckon it will be great.
I gave her that option, shes leaning to either a garden wedding or the top of the eifle tower, seeing we are staying at paris ive got the agent trying to change our room to do a wedding package. At the moment with her sudden panic i dont even know if the vegas wedding will happen shes so concerned about her Dad. Im going to keep pushing though cause i reckon it will be great.

Best thing is for you both to go out for a meal, relax and list all the pros and cons of "big wedding" "small wedding" "vegas holiday". Be objective.

This is a time for you both to enjoy being engaged and planning a wedding - "DON'T STRESS". Remember why you're doing it.... :cheer:
im cool not much stress here ( why is there another lump of hair fallen of my head and what are these itchy rash's everywhere)
Congrats!!!! I hope everything goes well, my observation is that women aren't happy unless they are stressing over something, so I hope it all works out ok!
Ok if it goes ahead the wedding date in vegas will be the 10th of may, as i say if. At this point in time its looking good but Deb still hasnt talked to her dad.