What do you all do for a living?....

I am a physician in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R), working with athletes, stroke victims, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and spasticity disorders (ie: Cerebral Palsy). We work hand-in-hand with the physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists to get these people to be able to function in society as closely to their pre-injury level as possible, while avoiding surgery as much as possible. We also deal with fitting prosthesis to patients after amputations, teaching them to once again function with their new limbs.

Very rewarding work:thumbup:
. If someone wants to give me more work to do, I make sure I shoot back with giving him more work for himself. For example:
(him) "Hey, I need you to upgrade those servers"
(me) "sure, great idea! let me know what version you want the software to be upgraded to, and be sure to get the blessing of the security department"
Boom, problem solved. No way he's going to get back to me.

I am part of the security department (Information Security) :thumbup:
I work for the local car manufacturer (Holden), and when I say work, I use that term very loosely. I am a Work Group Leader, so I have about 30 guys/gals that I tell what to do, and they do it, I just keep the production line running.
Pretty boring stuff, but it's a job. Been there for 16 years now.

I am a lab technician at a local hospital/med school. I work with muscle and nerve biopsies/disorders for muscular dystrophies, and also antibody testing. It is very rewarding, and it's nice to know that I am a part of helping people find out what illness they have, and what treatment options might work to make them better. I also have a wonderful group of people that I work with, which is the icing on the cake. It'll be 10 years in June that I have been there, and I still love it most days.
There are also some days that I just wanna say "Boom, problem solved." :thumbup:
I am an ERP systems analyst for a industrial HVAC contracting company.
I basically support the company financial, project management, sales, etc..software and hardware platforms.

aka nerd.
I am called a schedule planner. I work for one of the leading fractional owner aircraft companies. Basically rich people say I want to go from A to B and I find the airplane and crew members to get them there.

I agree with Chillin the biggest girlymen are in his and my profession.
I am one of those people you hate! I work for the local police force where I work (about 160 officers) and im the guy you see coming up behind you to pull you over! Of course if im the guy pulling you over its to check out the bike and talk shop about them lol. They FINALLY got rid of the quotas here so now I only write the tickets I want. Those would be loud music and kids not in a child seat. Those are my two BIGGEST pet peeves. In all actuality I really love my job. I have been at this for almost 10 years now and I have seen some pretty awesome things. Was here for Katrina and have seen some things that no human should have to see. But that is all part of the job in keeping everyone safe. I would say “Boom! Problem solved” but in my profession that has a whole new meaning lol!
Yesterday was my last day there. On Tuesday I am going to start my new job, programming and running CNC mills and lathes for the Texas Department of Transportation.

I see an opportunity to have some new mods made for cheap:D
Professional geologist and project manager for a large international consulting/engineering firm. Don't actually do "geology" really, I'm an environmental consultant which means my clients pay me to keep them out of trouble with the state and federal regulators. My clients don't really "want" to hire me, I'm just a necessary evil.
I own a commercial printing company. We print everything from business cards to post cards, books, posters, brochures, adhesives, light boxes, stationery, calendars, etc, etc.

We have the latest digital and offset machines which means we can print 1 copy or 1 million.

We do work for companys nationwide. Unfortunately i can't say i love my job but it pays for my bikes and keeps my beer fridge full.:D
I am one of those people you hate! I work for the local police force where I work (about 160 officers) and im the guy you see coming up behind you to pull you over! Of course if im the guy pulling you over its to check out the bike and talk shop about them lol. They FINALLY got rid of the quotas here so now I only write the tickets I want. Those would be loud music and kids not in a child seat. Those are my two BIGGEST pet peeves. In all actuality I really love my job. I have been at this for almost 10 years now and I have seen some pretty awesome things. Was here for Katrina and have seen some things that no human should have to see. But that is all part of the job in keeping everyone safe. I would say “Boom! Problem solved” but in my profession that has a whole new meaning lol!

Does your department have any bikes? If they do, are you interested in riding a police bike.

I think being a cop on a bike is one of the best jobs in the world. Getting paid to ride, doesn't get any better than that.
Does your department have any bikes? If they do, are you interested in riding a police bike.

I think being a cop on a bike is one of the best jobs in the world. Getting paid to ride, doesn't get any better than that.

we have a motors division and was actually going out for it. went and got my endorsement in the rain and talked the lady into letting me take the test in the rain (big no no here) and wound up totalling my bike on the way there from some idiot turnin in front of me. so i took that as a sign and dropped the offer. plus all they do is write ticket and work wrecks and that is the 2 things i hate the most!