MSF rider perception test - how did you do?

16 ont he first (both wrong because two signs I didn't get the verbiage of....I know what it means, but how I say it and how they said it didn't match up....)

17 on the second- one I totally missed, the other I hit the wrong answer on my first try...meant the right one, but clicked the wrong one
20/20 and 19/20.

Yay, I can ride in America :thumbup:

Hmmm...I am curious, if I rent a FZ like bike in England some time, what are the steps I need to take to get a tourist MCL license? Any good links to learn the English sign and traffic system?

Staying on the left scares me...


Hmmm...I am curious, if I rent a FZ like bike in England some time, what are the steps I need to take to get a tourist MCL license? Any good links to learn the English sign and traffic system?

Staying on the left scares me...



If you have a full US motorcycle licence you should be able to ride here for up to 12 months.

As for traffic signs, there's a sample test here. Also see the Highway Code.

There's a sample of the hazard perception test here.
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