Aftermarket seat for passenger!


Junior Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta
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So I just read about 50 threads on seats, and have yet to really find the answer I was looking for. I ride two up quite a lot, and my girl hates the stock seat. She compared it to riding a piece of 2x4 down a gravel hill...

Anyways, I have buns of steel, but I would like some comfort too. What might be the best seat for going two up?? Only seats I know of are the Yamaha gel (which apparently isn't all that great), the corbin (read it is slippery) and the TS (nothing bad, but nothing about a passenger opinion).

Thanks all!!:cheer:
So I just read about 50 threads on seats, and have yet to really find the answer I was looking for. I ride two up quite a lot, and my girl hates the stock seat. She compared it to riding a piece of 2x4 down a gravel hill...

Anyways, I have buns of steel, but I would like some comfort too. What might be the best seat for going two up?? Only seats I know of are the Yamaha gel (which apparently isn't all that great), the corbin (read it is slippery) and the TS (nothing bad, but nothing about a passenger opinion).

Thanks all!!:cheer:

My passenger likes the TS, but we have not been on a very long trip yet.
So I just read about 50 threads on seats, and have yet to really find the answer I was looking for. I ride two up quite a lot, and my girl hates the stock seat. She compared it to riding a piece of 2x4 down a gravel hill...

Anyways, I have buns of steel, but I would like some comfort too. What might be the best seat for going two up?? Only seats I know of are the Yamaha gel (which apparently isn't all that great), the corbin (read it is slippery) and the TS (nothing bad, but nothing about a passenger opinion).

Thanks all!!:cheer:

Bill Mayer custom seats are one of the best...for passengers especially. There is one being sold here on the site. :)

Bill Mayer custom seats are one of the best...for passengers especially. There is one being sold here on the site. :)


When offering a seat to your girl, you might want to consider “how big” that seat is. Last thing you want is the question: “Is my behind that big?” :D
Fred, like the seat but was looking for something a bit easier to get in Canada. Plus it isn't too my likes look wise. Thanks though!