Long weekend trip from Netherlands & Belgium.

Hey guy's,

Have a very nice weekend; it seems the weather is going to be nice. Unfortunately I can't join you, maybe next time.

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Enjoy the rides.
Looks like an interesting route :thumbup: For Saturday we could do a ride down then Mosel river.

To be honest Andre I have a tried and tested route for Luxembourg, We could change to the Mosel but you'll have to find a pretty complete route (as I don't have much time to arrange a route). We could always take a run up the Mosel in the evening (if we have any energy left). In my experience the Mosel is really pretty but it's busy in the weekends and full of campers and caravans, so you can only really take it easy.

Hey guy's,

Have a very nice weekend; it seems the weather is going to be nice. Unfortunately I can't join you, maybe next time.

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Enjoy the rides.

It might be a little to hot, but that's far better than the other way round :thumbup:
Shame you couldn't make it, I'll post a few pics when we return :thumbup:
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Thanks for the pics Andre, I couldn't believe I forgot my camera :eek: Thanks for being great company, I had a really great (long) weekend :thumbup:.

I'll do a write up when I catch up with my household chores.
Hi guys, looks like you've had a good weekend, nice :thumbup:. Too bad I couldn't join, but i also had a great time in the south of black forest in Germany. Did some great mountainbiking there! Also, there we tons of motorbikes there, riding the many twisty mountain roads. Too bad I couldn't fit the FZ6 in the back of my car :(

Looking forward to the full report of your trip :).
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Hey guys,

I've added all the pictures from the weekend to an

Thanks for resizing the images Martin, I notice you need to use the attach option rather than image for that.


I left home just before 0915 which gave me time to take the kids to school.
After about 20minutes of riding heavy rain shower, I was holding off putting my waterproof trousers on , even though a BMW rider who had been riding along with me stopped to put his on, I could see quite a lot of blue skies ahead.
I met up with Andre at about 1015 at a petrol station near Nieuwegein on the A2, we filled up and headed off after a short chat
We headed towards Luik where our first turn off of the motorway would be. I saw the turn off a bit late but took it anyway, Andre (being sensible) chose to ride straight on. Anyway I went flying off of the motorway forgetting that the exits in Belgium are quite often right angles :-0 after recovering from the corner I first thought I was being followed by Andre but shortly afterwards I realized it was a blue FZ1 as it passed me. Andre had stopped at the next petrol station on the highway and I called to check where he was, so I met him at the petrol station on we rode towards Spa, on some really nice windy roads.
Just before we reached Spa we passed a café along the river, on a picturesque stretch of road so we stopped for a really nice omlette & fries. After this we rode onto Spa, here we came across a small group of riders, one of the women riders rode a silver Fz6, so we followed her/them for a bit until they turned off.
Rode past the famous (formula 1) Spa/ Francorchamps circuit and once again onto some nice windy roads. We hit the main road for about 20 Km’s and just before we reached Bitburg we headed off to take the scenic (windy) route, we rejoined the main road again for the last few Km’s, to decend down a steep windy hill into Trier.
We arrived at hotel/hostel Wasberger hof, it was a historic building in the center of Trier and a sculpted horses head adorned the wall where there had previously been a stables (this had now been turned into a bar/ café) .


We parked our bikes in the courtyard and checked in to our rooms (single rooms with a bed, desk, cupboard and sink, the toilets and showers were in the hall) a little bit Spartan but very clean, the hotel had a friendly reception (and they spoke good English).
We parked up in the courtyard, freshened up and went for a walk into the beautiful city of Trier. Just out of the gate we passed a 13th century tower, where we saw a tour being given by someone carrying a blazing torch (medieval style not LED)
We took a walk to the Porta Negra, (2nd century Roman gate house) where we sat at a café on the pavement overlooking this magnificent building>


We even had a street entertainer turn up he turned his bicycle with trailer into a makeshift drum set and started drumming really well, what a welcome.
After this we went for a walk to the cathedral,


the Basilica of Constantine,An old Roman building which later became the bishops palace,


the town walls and the Roman baths,.


The Roman Amphitheatre was unfortunately closed for the night.
Karl Marx house (birthplace of Karl Marx).


We then went for a tasty kebab, and then went to the Irish pub for a drink or two. They played some good (rock) music and we finished the evening with a nice Irish whisky.
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We had Breakfast at the Hotel at 0900, and despite my (unfounded) reservations about the coffee I enjoyed my breakfast.
Left heading out across the Roman bridge towards Echternach. Our route took us on quite a fast windy road towards Echternach. We fueled up just outside the town where we realized just how cheap the petrol was there. In Echternach there was a brasserie (food n stuff) so the main roads were closed through the town center, so we had to take small one way streets to find our way to the town square. We sat on the pavement café enjoying our coffee and the local entertainment ( a group playing African drums).


We left Echterach to continue the rest of our morning route.
This consisted of nice windy roads of varying speeds and many through wooded areas. Luxemburg have warning notices showing a motorcyclist and a red cross for motorbike accident zones, this came in handy several times as there were some patches with really dangerous combinations of tight corners
There were 3 chateaus (castles) on our route, we stopped for lunch close to chateau de Clervaux where there is a Museum from the Ardenne offensive (battle of the Bulge) where we took a photo with a Sherman tank,


the only remaining one from it’s division,
Chateau de Stolzembourg (which we saw on a distant hill),


and the most stunning chateau de Vianden, we met many other bikers at the viewing point.


The next part of the route took us on some smaller roads which although were slower than the roads we had been riding (it was even forbidden to use when slippery) it offered us some amazing scenary.





After taking a detour to fill up with cheap petrol in Luxembourg I somehow set my zumo wrong so we headed back toward Vianden this route took us about 25km’s the wrong way but it was a nice windy road anyway so we just rode it back again.
Just as we were about to arrive back in Trier I had a momentary brain fart and ended on the motorway heading back towards Luxembourg L we had to ride about 10km’s to the next exit to turn around, well at least it gave us a chance to cool down again.
Had a well earned beer after arriving back at the Hotel. We then freshened up had a nice pasta meal at a pasta fast food, short walk to Irish pub, unfortunately they had a cheesy disco evening, but it was still a great laugh, nice whisky and great company.
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After Breakfast at 0830 we checked out and headed off towards Bitburg (well known from the German beer Bitburger)
Well I tried to pick up a track I had downloaded from the internet but this seemed to be leading us all over the place, so I used a route I had planned in emergency. After a temporary glitch I got it up and running. Anyway the route took us along a couple of smaller roads through the woods, but every now and then the trees would clear to reveal some amazing scenery. Around lunchtime I asked where we could find a reasonable café, we were told that Prum was a good place for a coffee, it was about 6km’s away so we hit the main road and headed in that direction.
We stopped at Prum at a café for a nice cup of coffee, it great watching all the bikers come through, it was obviously a very popular place for both cruisers and sport bikes.
After filling up with petrol I once again had trouble with the route and lost my route, so I reverted to the track I had previously used. Anyway we followed this track for a while and found that it led onto a coarse gravel forest road,



after riding it for a bit we luckily came back out onto a normal road and then we decided to take a route towards Monschau.
The next stretch was a mix of nice reasonably fast roads and really narrow country lanes, Andre and myself took it in turns to lead and it was really noticeable that our GPS’s choose different routes.

We arrived at Monschau, a really pretty German town, there were lots of bikes, and lots of tourists (ourselves included).


We had to walk a bit from the parking place to the town centre, along a river walk. There were lots of touristy shops with art, kitsch & souvenirs,


a real Disneyland town.



We had a drink and a nice bite to eat here.


When we left Monschau we headed for the southern Netherlands town of Vaals, just over the Dutch border from Aachen. It was really slow getting away from Monschau but once over the border we took a really pretty route along the southern Dutch border, Andre’s took the lead as this was a well ridden cycle route for him. The roads were great but it was a bit of a shame it was quite busy with buses, cars and lots of trikes. We took the road to Maastricht where we headed for the highway..
The temperature had risen pretty rapidly through out the day and now it was really hot despite the highway riding, I kept sticking my hand or my legs out to try and cool down. The touring screen that I love in the winter had me cursing now. After surviving the never ending roadworks on the A2 we stopped for our last tank stop, filled up our bikes and had a drink.
After this petrol stop on the A2 we waved goodbye as Andre headed off to Zeist. About an hour later I arrived home just in time to give the kids a goodnight kiss.

It was a great ride I covered approx 1300km’s and I noticed that the wear marks on my tires
are now showing, so I will have to change them before the winter. Thanks for the great company Andre, I really enjoyed myself.
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Hi guys, looks like you've had a good weekend, nice :thumbup:. Too bad I couldn't join, but i also had a great time in the south of black forest in Germany. Did some great mountainbiking there! Also, there we tons of motorbikes there, riding the many twisty mountain roads. Too bad I couldn't fit the FZ6 in the back of my car :(

Looking forward to the full report of your trip :).

Great to hear you had a great time in the black forest Robin. I know what you mean about sticking the FZ6 on the back of your car, I felt the same way when I went across to the UK a couple of months ago :(

Hope to see you next time :thumbup: