Throttle Sync/Engine Vibes


Resident Lurker
May 15, 2008
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G'day all,

This is my first post, after much lurking and a few replies here and there.

My question concerns my 05 FZ6 Fazer. The engine has never been as smooth as others have described, with strong vibes around 5,000rpm. I've been spending time doing my own servicing, and have noticed a few things with the adjustment of the idle screw during throttle body syncing.

I use a home made manometer, rigged up with a pressure guage and 4 way connector to read the vacuum of all 4 cylinders at once. I've also used a traditional carbstick to test this, and it has comparable results.

So anyway I read at one stage some people adjust their throttle bodies at around 4,000rpm, and I tried that recently. I adjusted cylinder 3 airscrew to get it even, but then it made the idle uneven.

Next I spent some time redoing the syncing, and revving the engine, and adjusting the idle screw at the same time. This seemed to change the individual cylinders quite a bit, and I used this to get the vacuum even at 5,000rpm. Back to idle, and the screws only needed a small adjustment. Idle was still around 1250rpm.

I haven't had a chance to ride the bike since, to see if it feels any smoother.

I'm curious to know if the throttle sync really can get rid of the vibes, or if I should start checking other things, like spark plugs. I've been running NGK Iridium plugs for the last 20,000km, so I might take them out and see how they look.

Since this is my first 4 cylinder bike, I'm wondering what this subjective "smooth" engine description really means, and if mine is too vibey, or if I'm expecting too much. It doesn't make my fingers or feet numb, but it's still annoying.


PS- I've pretty much worn out the search function on this website looking for tb syncing, and engine vibes. So I thought I'd jump up and ask!
Here's a quick how-to done by none other than Fred and Hellgate

[ame=]YouTube - How to synchronize your throttle bodies.[/ame]

Also, the vibrations are present almost on everyone's bike at around 5000 rpm. The best way to deal with them is to quickly ride out of that buzzy range.

Here's a quick how-to done by none other than Fred and Hellgate

YouTube - How to synchronize your throttle bodies.

Also, the vibrations are present almost on everyone's bike at around 5000 rpm. The best way to deal with them is to quickly ride out of that buzzy range.


Yup, I saw that movie before but thanks for reposting. My technique is the same as theirs. I've also carefully retorqued the engine to frame bolts, but I think I will just put up with the vibes and ride thru them. Thanks for the reply!
Not sure if FZ6 really made with engine vibration,but based my on my riding exprience with other motorcycle maker,this is my first bike where i really experience with the most vibration.
IMHO,you pay peanut,you get monkey.Nothing really beats a Honda
Not sure if FZ6 really made with engine vibration,but based my on my riding exprience with other motorcycle maker,this is my first bike where i really experience with the most vibration.
IMHO,you pay peanut,you get monkey.Nothing really beats a Honda

I've just had the 12k service and throttle bodies sync'd by the dealer. The bike is a whole lot smoother than it has been. In fact, I think it is smoother now at 12k than it was at 6k...
I have a new '08 and right @5000 the whole thing kind of buzzes. Vibrates your butt something terrible. Right @5100 it gets smooth again.