My taller windshield is NOISEY!


I used to be Jethro
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Jul 26, 2008
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Northern Mt. USA
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I bought the Yamaha touring windshield and was pretty excited to try it out. I had to wait for about a month after I got the thing because my garage was frozen in and I finally got antsy and chipped a foot of ice from in front of the garage door so I could roll the bike out for a ride and I discovered the taller windscreen is actually louder than my stock one! The wind hits me harder too! WTF, man! So I put the old stocker back on and, viola! Less noise. Hmph! I guess sometimes aftermarket isnt always the best for everyone. Its a lesson that cost me some $$$.

Has anyone else NOT liked their mods? What were they and how did you overcome the problem?
I took my windshield off altogether and the wind noise went down quite a bit. I can feel the wind hitting me a bit on the chest at freeway speeds but its a lot smoother if that makes any sense. Something worth trying considering it costs nothing (unless you strip the screws which is easy to do) so you can try another variation on the windshield.
I bought the Yamaha touring windshield and was pretty excited to try it out. I had to wait for about a month after I got the thing because my garage was frozen in and I finally got antsy and chipped a foot of ice from in front of the garage door so I could roll the bike out for a ride and I discovered the taller windscreen is actually louder than my stock one! The wind hits me harder too! WTF, man! So I put the old stocker back on and, viola! Less noise. Hmph! I guess sometimes aftermarket isnt always the best for everyone. Its a lesson that cost me some $$$.

Has anyone else NOT liked their mods? What were they and how did you overcome the problem?

I am going to start charging for this advice...before you do anything use the "SEARCH" button at the top of the screen.

You would have found this thread and saved some money:-

It works because I researched it and thought it out and then did it. This has now been done by guys all over the world and I have not heard anyone say that it doesn`t work ...yet. I would like to hear from anyone who has done it and does not notice the differene.

It appears the taller screens only really benefit guys who are about 6`tall. The guys with the nakeds don`t have the noise problems.

I hope this helps.

When I had my naked GS 500, it was smoother in the wind. There was more pressure on my body because of the surface area, but it was smoother than the FZ because of the buffeting. This is one reason why I haven't gotten a different windscreen for the FZ.
I was under the impression that the taller windshield on the 2007+ models actually worked well.

I know that on my 2004, the tall Yamaha shield did keep more wind off of me, but it made some BAD buffeting and could made the bike feel screwy at high speeds (80+ mph) when wind gusts came. Plus, the tall yamaha shield looked goofy.... I'm 6'3" by the wall and the tall shield took more wind off of my chest, but put it on my helmet.

I then switched to a Puig and it's a compromise, but at least it's better looking. I still want to try cutting a NACA duct into a stock windscreen to see if that reduced buffeting.
I took my windshield off altogether and the wind noise went down quite a bit. I can feel the wind hitting me a bit on the chest at freeway speeds but its a lot smoother if that makes any sense. Something worth trying considering it costs nothing (unless you strip the screws which is easy to do) so you can try another variation on the windshield.

I also removed my windshield altogether and I am very pleased with the result...although abacall just cut his windshield and it looks great! He said it reduced the wind turbulence.

Something I may want to try someday. I've never tried the touring windscreen, but with the amount of people that ride FZ6n's, I really don't think a shield is even that necessary.
I went form stock to a CalSci (mid-sized model) to a Cee Bailey's screen (tallest) on my '07. Both of these aftermarket screens are nearly the same height.

I'd say that the Cee Bailey screen is a bit better than the CalSci (rain tends to move away from the center on the Cee Bailey screen because it curves upward and outward at the top vs straight back with the CalSci, which causes rain to flick off the windshield directly onto my helmet). The Cee Bailey is also a bit quieter than the CalSci and looks a lot better IMO. The Calsci is thicker and bounces around less though. Both are good quality.

I'm 5' 511" I found both screens are pretty noisy. Worse, I found that long rides at 70mph+ caused my head to bounce around too much. The buffetting wasn't terrible, but quite noticable and distracting. I wasn't happy.

I was about to give up, but then thought that maybe the the risers/barbacks I had installed before buying the windshields could be causing a problem. I liked the improvement in riding position from the risers (made the seat much more comfortable and kept my arms from aching on long days), but I began to wonder if sitting upright and further back was causing my buffetting problems with the windshields. I took off the risers.....

BINGO. NO MORE BUFFETTING!! Everything is quieter too. Of course I have to get used to leaning a bit forward, and I notice the seat is less comfortable, but overall it's better. At my height, I probably didn't need the barbacks/risers anyway - I think I got them because I came off a cruiser to my FZ6 and I wasn't used to leaning a bit forward (I also had a wrist injury when I bought the FZ6, which made leaning foward very painful at the time).

Take-home message? It takes a while to get things 'dialed in', but it's worth it!
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I found the same result with my ZRX. Returned to the stock screen. Certain screens are good for people of certain height ranges. The best result I experienced on the ZRX was no fairing. (Round headlight mod.) Cleaner air, no buffering.
I did the steveindenmark mod (thanks for posting the "how I did it info) and was really happy with it, a lot less noise. But... I bought a new helmet and all of the sudden it changed how much strain was on my neck. At that point the noise became a secondary issue compared to the fatigue on my neck when on a long ride.

In the end I bought a Puig db and it seemed to calm the air around my head a lot. However, it is noisier than the cut down version. Windshields are relatively cheap so give Steve's mod a try, if it doesn't work go back to stock or...
I have the Cal Sci +9.5. I'm 5'8". The wind hits me my head but there is no buffeting. With the stock screen, the wind hit me chest level and it was uncomfortable. The CalSci screen makes it much better. I will agree that it is not quieter, but it makes the ride much better.
I found the Puig touring screen fits great and is really stiff. No noise or wobble to speak of, but I'm 6'1" and it hasn't necessarily cured the problem. Much better, but still a lot of wind. I don't mind because to me its part of the fun of the sportbike, but doing a tour of any distance would get pretty tiring.
Yep, exact same thing (more wind noise with taller screen) happened to me with Calsci. The reason it is is noisy is that it puts the turbulent wind right at the visor of the helmet (I'm 6'1"). Shorter screens put it at your shoulders. You get lots of neck strain when "clean" air hits your helmet, but it's more quiet.

I spent a ton of money on various solutions to get wind protection AND reduced wind noise. At times it was so bothersome to me that I considered ditching this bike. Now I'm very happy with it. It looks like crap, but Frankly My Dear Scarlett, I Don't Give A Damn. Clunk came up with this, and he likes it too.
I was under the impression that the taller windshield on the 2007+ models actually worked well.

I know that on my 2004, the tall Yamaha shield did keep more wind off of me, but it made some BAD buffeting and could made the bike feel screwy at high speeds (80+ mph) when wind gusts came. Plus, the tall yamaha shield looked goofy.... I'm 6'3" by the wall and the tall shield took more wind off of my chest, but put it on my helmet.

I then switched to a Puig and it's a compromise, but at least it's better looking. I still want to try cutting a NACA duct into a stock windscreen to see if that reduced buffeting.

Where do you put the duct? How does it help the wind?