Demo video on ABS braking on a motorcycle


Nov 11, 2007
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Baden, Ontario
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[ame=""]YouTube - Emergency braking with an ABS-equipped motorcycle[/ame]


[ame=""]YouTube - ABS vs. No ABS[/ame]

Pretty clear the advantage of ABS on a motorcycle....
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Might be too costly for most people to have as an option. I'm all for it and would gladly pay a couple hundo for that extra peace of mind. Also, in the second vid does he steer while braking that hard? Or does the wheel lock up and kick to the side that hard? If the wheel locks up and kicks it that hard to the side anyone would be F&^%'ed if that hapnd without the little wheels on the side. Speaking of which does anyone know where I can get a set of those for my friend...:thumbup:
Might be too costly for most people to have as an option. I'm all for it and would gladly pay a couple hundo for that extra peace of mind. Also, in the second vid does he steer while braking that hard? Or does the wheel lock up and kick to the side that hard? If the wheel locks up and kicks it that hard to the side anyone would be F&^%'ed if that hapnd without the little wheels on the side. Speaking of which does anyone know where I can get a set of those for my friend...:thumbup:

I think they simply grab a handful to illustrate the difference it can make when the wheels lock + how easy it is to lock on wet roads.
I just figured that if I have to brake hard at high speeds on wet ground, that my day is pretty much ruined. figured it comes with the territory.
Or we would rather just control the bike...

I must admit, I am not that big a fan of the ABS stuff. I understand its benifits, but an experienced rider can stop just as quick. I would prefer that ABS is always an option, not a standard.

Anyone who can get abs that doesn't is a complete fu----g idiiot for all the obvious reasons and I think no one should have a street bike that doesn't have abs. I have heard alot of so called experienced riders say they don't need it that scientific evidence supports their theory that they can stop faster than abs. Well I have news for them. Number 1 no one can practice a panic stop. Yes you can go to the parking lot or street with no cars and practice braking hard but there is an extreme difference between hitting the brakes hard when you are ready and hitting them when a truck pulls out in front of you. That's all I got to say about that. No there is more. Alot of people say they can't afford it. On suzuki bikes it is about a $600 option. These same people are cruising around with their arai/shoei helmets costing 4-7 hundred. Now that is all I got to say about that.
Or we would rather just control the bike...

I must admit, I am not that big a fan of the ABS stuff. I understand its benifits, but an experienced rider can stop just as quick.

Nope, he can't... That's the biggest misconception out there "that a good rider can stop as fast or faster on a non-ABS bike"... I posted in another thread a study showed that a bike equiped with ABS on average can stop in 12% shorter distance...

You really think a human can out perform a computer in "threshold braking"?
Anyone who can get abs that doesn't is a complete fu----g idiiot for all the obvious reasons and I think no one should have a street bike that doesn't have abs. I have heard alot of so called experienced riders say they don't need it that scientific evidence supports their theory that they can stop faster than abs. Well I have news for them. Number 1 no one can practice a panic stop. Yes you can go to the parking lot or street with no cars and practice braking hard but there is an extreme difference between hitting the brakes hard when you are ready and hitting them when a truck pulls out in front of you. That's all I got to say about that. No there is more. Alot of people say they can't afford it. On suzuki bikes it is about a $600 option. These same people are cruising around with their arai/shoei helmets costing 4-7 hundred. Now that is all I got to say about that.

I must agree... I used to think ABS was an excuse for poor braking habits, but since I have owed my Bandit 1250 (and now my 650 V-strom) I have since done a 180... ABS is amazing and confidence inspiring... I still practice panic stops, but I would never buy a bike without ABS again. By the way in Canada both the Bandit 1250 and V-strom come standard with ABS...
I will agree with you there, your point is noted. Computers are faster and most of the time more consistant.

However, I feel that technology is starting to act as a crutch and we are all falling victim to it.

Take cars for example. When I started drive all the cars I got behind the wheel of had power stearing and ABS. Well, I drove a car that didnt have power steering and I about screwed up. Then my truck I found out didnt have ABS. I slid right through an intersection because I didnt know about pumping the brakes. The cars in the past had always just stopped. Thus proving my point, what happens with the ABS doesnt work?

Society is just too dependent upon it, take GPS for another exaple. I believe that some people would get lost going home from work if they didnt have it. Its that bad now.

I am not discrediting anyone who has a bike with ABS nore and I docking the manufactures that have it. I just think it should remain an option to have it or not.

So we should not buy cars with airbags, just to feel unsafe and drive in a more conservative way? What you say about riding in a more carefree way does make sense, but I would still pick an ABS bike over one that doesn't have one on any given day. If you intend to drive in bad conditions (i.e. loose surface roads and ice) you can disable it by taking a fuse out. Simple, really.
People make mistakes. It's not that I don't trust myself, because I do, but I'd have ABS if it was an option. You never know if you're going to hit a slippery spot on the tarmac.

A guy I know totalled his R1 on an off ramp because a grape truck spilled grapes earlier in the morning while going around it and cars had been crushing them into the road all day creating a really slippery surface. I'm not saying ABS would have helped him in that situation because it wasn't an issue of braking, but I am saying you just never know exactly what is around the corner, and ABS just adds a factor of safety.
The two side by side bike vid looks a little overdone as far as the non-abs bike. He purposely made the bike slide sideways to enhance the difference. That being said I have no doubt the ABS would help a lot for most people. I wonder though if it would have the same problems as many cars and trucks do in that when the brakes are under pressure on a slick or lightly loose surface that it interprets that as a lock up. I've been in several cars and trucks and had the ABS come on when the wheel just slightly slipped on some gravel and it prevented braking nearly causing an accident.
