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  • Thanks for the info, this is something that I definitely want to do (just not sure if now is the best time). The ebay method sounds good. I will think about it this week and let you know next Saturday.

    Even if I decide not to do it, I think that if you go for it and post the extra set on ebay then link them here at the forum, you would have a good shot at selling them pretty quickly.
    I am very tempted to go in on the HID Angel Eye deal with you, it would be $140 US for me just for the kit, plus half the shipping to you, plus the shipping from you to me, so probably around $180 total.

    What color ring are you thinking of getting (I like blue) and how many k? 3,000k, 6,000k, 8,000k (I like 8,000k), higher k?

    Let me know, you might get me to join you on this deal.
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