You know you love to ride when...


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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Figured id start this up....kinda like the you might be a redneck if...

You wake up 30 mins early to take to long way to work and your ride in or ride home is the highlight of your day

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Try to think of a place where you can ride to as an excuse to ride. When you can't find one you decide to ride anyway with no destination in mind. Happens to me every day.
When you buy a bike because you just spent over $50 to fill your car with gas.
And then your gas expenditures triple over the next year.

(yes, this happened to me)
When you look out the window to see it's lightning out and pouring, and put the gear on anyways and walk out to the bike.
when your cages tire goes flat and you smile about it knowing you will be using the bike...yet when your bike tire goes flat while new ones are in the mail...its the end of the world
You find a way to strap a shotgun to your bike to go to the shooting range.

(I do it about twice a month)
When your four day 1500 mile ride through NorCal with friends comes to the end and you want to just keep going...:BLAA:
You find a way to strap a shotgun to your bike to go to the shooting range.

(I do it about twice a month)

Awsome I do lots of shooting ang hunting and I was thinking the other day what cops would think if I had a rifle straped to my back while riding

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You really have to consider dating anyone who doesn't ride.......

You'd rather go out on a ride than out on a date.........

Your kids know enough not to bother calling on a sunny day....

You plan vacations around where you can go on the bike..........
When you let your fiancé completely decide which car you're gonna buy for the household. Cause you know that while you'll be driving it whenever the two of you go somewhere in the cage together, you don't give a crap what it actually is/does, as long as you've got your FZ.
When you leave a perfectly good cage at home and take the bike on your grocery run only to find out that your saddle bags hold less than you thought they did.