Wrecked last Saturday 21st


Junior Member
Oct 14, 2009
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Huntsville, Alabama
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It happened last Saturday morning around 10:30 am. I was going about 50-55 mph in the left lane when a pickup truck pulled out of a parking lot on the right and was heading right in front of me.

I laid down on the horn and hit both brakes hard. The other driver stopped just as he entered my lane but my back wheel locked up and when it came around I high sided.

I don't remember the impact but when I came around it was obvious that I was banged up pretty bad.

9 broken ribs (all this on my left side)
a broken collar bone
a broken scapula
a fracture pelvis

3 days in surgical ICU and 2 days in a regular room.

I must say that as bad as that sounds it might have been much worse. I had on a full face helmet, jeans with chaps, leather gloves and boots.

To those of you who wear anything less than a full face helmet you are flirting with disaster.

The bike came through the accident much better than I did. (I have not seen it only second had accounts from my brother)

The left side footpeg is gone. The fairing sustained some damage, but the mechanic that looked at the bike said if my deductible is $500.00 then I didn't even need to file a claim.

Another interesting note is that in Alabama, since the other drivers vehicle didn't make contact with mine he is clear of all responsibility. He or she never came over to say sorry or anything. Just got back in the truck and went on their merry way.

I will probably give up riding after this. I love riding, but with cell phones and the rising lack of attention and respect of other drivers toward motorcycles, it is just too dangerous for me.

My bike had less the 525 miles on it as this took place. I had just that morning done the headlight mod to have both headlights on all the time.
I was lucky that I had also replaced the stock horn with a much louder one from Advanced Auto (Fiam I think) or the driver might not have stopped and I shudder to think what might have happened to my right leg.

I am very thankful to be at home alive and well and in a few hours will be taken to my brothers house to spend the day with his family.

I am also very thankful for all the wonderful nurses that cared for me this week in the hospital. Nurses are tops in my book. They always have been and they forever will be.

I am also thankful to my boss who came by my room Wednesday morning at 5:45 am and sat and talked with me for an hour and who told me that I must take as much time as I needed off work to heal properly and even said if I needed to do a few hours a day when I start back that would ok. (I have a desk sales job so no problem there.)

I am thankful for my family who have been there for me every step of the way and have sacrificed much to see me thru this.

I am most thankful to God for saving both my life and my soul (nearly 30 years ago now) and who would have taken me to be with him had the outcome been its worse.

I wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving with your families.

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Wow, that sounds pretty serious, but good that you'll make it through.

Did you feel in retrospect, that you could have avoided the accident somehow? Going slower, paying more attention to be aware of the truck before he pulled out, ride in the left lane for more space cushion, etc?

The type of accident you describe is pretty much unavoidable, IMHO. If someone can make a left turn across 50mph traffic (assuming that was the speed limit), there just isn't the time or space to stop.
I'm glad you are still with us.... glad you were wearing your gear, and it's good news indeed that your boss is sticking by you.

I only got to 3 ribs and a shoulder joint; that was enough that I understand some of what you're going through...... my only humble suggestion is that when they say start on the Physical Therapy, do everything the PT people tell you to. It sucks, but not doing it sucks more. I know that from first hand experience.
Sorry to hear about your off. Glad you're on the mend. Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful we still have you with us!
take it easy...sounds like you have good people in your life to look after you.

+1 on the PT...push through it

I broke my scapula and collar bone at the same time last year...a figure 8 brace cost about $20 online and made a huge difference. You're going to have a hard time moving for quite some time (can't imagine 9 ribs and the pelvis). It will get better.

+1 on nurses being great. I married one. She absolutely loves her job and I really look up to her for it.

If riding is not for you, it's not for you. No shame in that.
Thanks for posting and hope you have a speedy recovery. Everyone can learn from your expereince, no matter how much experience a rider has.

I wear full gear, from a jacket & pants with armour, and riding boots. Just wondering how a high side crash like this would have spared any of your injuries.

You are correct when it comes to no contact, many have the same rule. If there is no contact between vehicles, and you crash, it's on you. Maybe the vehicle could get cited for failing to yield, but that's about it. So sometimes I always wonder if I can't avoid it, hit it. But it's a split second decision and it's tough to do.

Like CV Rider mentioned, most crashes are avoidable. If you were in the right lane and you had another lane to choose, sorry to say but this one's on you. Here in Vegas, we call it the "Suicide Lane" as more riders die in this lane than any other from exactly the same scenario that played out with you. But fortuantely you survived.

Sounds like you're going to have a lot of time off to watch some football on TV.

Did they prescribe any good drugs? If yes, at least please share and describe how good the stuff is.
Rest up, get well fast! Sounds like you have good peps to help.
Don't be in a hurry to hang up the riding boots but if you do it would be completly understandable after this trama. Keep us posted on your recovery.
It happened last Saturday morning around 10:30 am. I was going about 50-55 mph in the left lane when a pickup truck pulled out of a parking lot on the right and was heading right in front of me.

I laid down on the horn and hit both brakes hard. The other driver stopped just as he entered my lane but my back wheel locked up and when it came around I high sided.

I don't remember the impact but when I came around it was obvious that I was banged up pretty bad.

9 broken ribs (all this on my left side)
a broken collar bone
a broken scapula
a fracture pelvis

3 days in surgical ICU and 2 days in a regular room.

I must say that as bad as that sounds it might have been much worse. I had on a full face helmet, jeans with chaps, leather gloves and boots.

To those of you who wear anything less than a full face helmet you are flirting with disaster.

The bike came through the accident much better than I did. (I have not seen it only second had accounts from my brother)

The left side footpeg is gone. The fairing sustained some damage, but the mechanic that looked at the bike said if my deductible is $500.00 then I didn't even need to file a claim.

Another interesting note is that in Alabama, since the other drivers vehicle didn't make contact with mine he is clear of all responsibility. He or she never came over to say sorry or anything. Just got back in the truck and went on their merry way.

I will probably give up riding after this. I love riding, but with cell phones and the rising lack of attention and respect of other drivers toward motorcycles, it is just too dangerous for me.

My bike had less the 525 miles on it as this took place. I had just that morning done the headlight mod to have both headlights on all the time.
I was lucky that I had also replaced the stock horn with a much louder one from Advanced Auto (Fiam I think) or the driver might not have stopped and I shudder to think what might have happened to my right leg.

I am very thankful to be at home alive and well and in a few hours will be taken to my brothers house to spend the day with his family.

I am also very thankful for all the wonderful nurses that cared for me this week in the hospital. Nurses are tops in my book. They always have been and they forever will be.

I am also thankful to my boss who came by my room Wednesday morning at 5:45 am and sat and talked with me for an hour and who told me that I must take as much time as I needed off work to heal properly and even said if I needed to do a few hours a day when I start back that would ok. (I have a desk sales job so no problem there.)

I am thankful for my family who have been there for me every step of the way and have sacrificed much to see me thru this.

I am most thankful to God for saving both my life and my soul (nearly 30 years ago now) and who would have taken me to be with him had the outcome been its worse.

I wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving with your families.

Amen, to the Lord watching out for you, I just said a prayer for you and your family.
Like CV Rider mentioned, most crashes are avoidable. If you were in the right lane and you had another lane to choose, sorry to say but this one's on you. Here in Vegas, we call it the "Suicide Lane" as more riders die in this lane than any other from exactly the same scenario that played out with you. But fortuantely you survived.

Sounds like you're going to have a lot of time off to watch some football on TV.

Did they prescribe any good drugs? If yes, at least please share and describe how good the stuff is.

If I'm reading his account of the crash correctly, wasn't he already in the left lane?

And, +1 on the football and drugs :D
If I'm reading his account of the crash correctly, wasn't he already in the left lane?

And, +1 on the football and drugs :D

Yes, you are correct, he was in the left lane and the truck pulled out from the right out of a parking lot. Just shows how important it is to know How and Where to look whenever you ride so something like this doesn't become a surprise.

In this case, maybe swerving would have been a better corrective action to take? Remember, if you're not going to have enough stopping distance to stop in front of your hazard because of your speed, your only out is to SWERVE! Or hit it, survive and call a lawyer.

But again,

The correct way for vehicles, including bikes, turning onto a roadway from either a parking lot, driveway or another road, is to turn into your nearest lane. But 9 out of 10 drivers don't. They always swing wide and end up in the middle or one of the outer lanes, rather than the closest lane to prevent crashes like these from happening.
Just remember, chicks dig scars bro! Things couldve been much worse. Perfect example how gear saves lives. Get well.
Not that this a good thing, but I think you are the winner for being the most banged up member from this forum due to a crash.

Definately God had other plans for you, it wasn't your time.

Nine broken ribs? I didn't even know we even had nine ribs.