Wrecked last Saturday 21st

So sorry about your accident. Hope you get better soon.

Don't give up riding if it's your passion. You could get hit crossing the road or have an accident in a car and still be hurt.

Have a good think about it before you make any life changing decisions.
Sorry to hear about your crash. It's great that you have such great family and friends around to help. It's also good to know your boss has been so supportive as well :thumbup:
Heal up soon
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers. I might have been able
to avoid the accident if I had swerved left and braked less.

It all happened in a split second. As to hitting the truck if he kept coming
as fast as he pulled out of that parking lot, all I could think was that he
would t-bone my right leg.

I have been riding steady for the last 10 years and I do love it. We will
see what happens but if I were to start again I would probably get worse
injuries from my friends and family. lol
Just saw this. Hey, glad you're ok. Just hearing about this stuff reminds me of how mortal we all are and how not wearing gear can result in a big price. I'll think of this when I hesitate to put on my gear because it's a pain in the arse. Good to hear you had gear on and without it, you're right, it could've been a whole lot worse.

First things first -- heal up. It's good you wrote down what you think happened. Keep the details somewhere so that when you're all healed up, you can ponder what happened again and come to some resolution so that you can live it comfortably and hopefully, come away with some valuable knowledge.

Crashing teaches us and shows us so much about ourselves, our riding, and the people around us. Good to know you have supportive boss and hopefully, a good family to take care of you.

Take care,

Glad you are "basically" ok... and that your ailments appear to be those that will heal.

The decision not to ride could very well be the right one....listen to your self. Everyone is not supposed to ride and if you are not then Kudos for recognizing it .

Be Strong and heal fast
Carefull with the laughing and coughing, my friend..... I know the stars you will see from that for the first week -- it starts getting a bit easier to deal with from there.

Most of the rib related stuff should be under control in two weeks. The pain meds are there to make the whole thing bearable.... don't try to tough it out, take what they give you and rest as much as possible.

I'm serious; as soon as they say to start on the PT, you'll be better off getting the stretching started. There will be much less needed to get you back to form if you get started on it as soon as they say you can.
Wow! Take it easy and heal well. I'm glad to hear that you have support at home/work.

Don't make any decisions about riding for a while. Once you heal, you'll know.
It happened last Saturday morning around 10:30 am. I was going about 50-55 mph in the left lane when a pickup truck pulled out of a parking lot on the right and was heading right in front of me.

I laid down on the horn and hit both brakes hard. The other driver stopped just as he entered my lane but my back wheel locked up and when it came around I high sided.

I don't remember the impact but when I came around it was obvious that I was banged up pretty bad.

9 broken ribs (all this on my left side)
a broken collar bone
a broken scapula
a fracture pelvis

3 days in surgical ICU and 2 days in a regular room.

I must say that as bad as that sounds it might have been much worse. I had on a full face helmet, jeans with chaps, leather gloves and boots.

To those of you who wear anything less than a full face helmet you are flirting with disaster.

The bike came through the accident much better than I did. (I have not seen it only second had accounts from my brother)

The left side footpeg is gone. The fairing sustained some damage, but the mechanic that looked at the bike said if my deductible is $500.00 then I didn't even need to file a claim.

Another interesting note is that in Alabama, since the other drivers vehicle didn't make contact with mine he is clear of all responsibility. He or she never came over to say sorry or anything. Just got back in the truck and went on their merry way.

I will probably give up riding after this. I love riding, but with cell phones and the rising lack of attention and respect of other drivers toward motorcycles, it is just too dangerous for me.

My bike had less the 525 miles on it as this took place. I had just that morning done the headlight mod to have both headlights on all the time.
I was lucky that I had also replaced the stock horn with a much louder one from Advanced Auto (Fiam I think) or the driver might not have stopped and I shudder to think what might have happened to my right leg.

I am very thankful to be at home alive and well and in a few hours will be taken to my brothers house to spend the day with his family.

I am also very thankful for all the wonderful nurses that cared for me this week in the hospital. Nurses are tops in my book. They always have been and they forever will be.

I am also thankful to my boss who came by my room Wednesday morning at 5:45 am and sat and talked with me for an hour and who told me that I must take as much time as I needed off work to heal properly and even said if I needed to do a few hours a day when I start back that would ok. (I have a desk sales job so no problem there.)

I am thankful for my family who have been there for me every step of the way and have sacrificed much to see me thru this.

I am most thankful to God for saving both my life and my soul (nearly 30 years ago now) and who would have taken me to be with him had the outcome been its worse.

I wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving with your families.


Good to hear you made it it probably could have been much worse. Get better soon.

Just one question. at 55mph which is 88kmh, what type of road were you on? Cause I could imagine a cager pulling out of a parking lot would definitely not judge that speed from a bike very well at all. I just want to know for my own knowledge and rider safety.

Again, heal up quick.
Recover, rehabilitate and take time off riding.
Somewhere down the track have a think about a holiday in Australia and getting back on a bike. We have just passed serious laws on motorists using mobile phones down here.
Plus we have plenty of roads where there a re hardly any motorists at all, and most of these roads are country ones with twisty corners.