Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition!

Glad to have FINALLY seen the pics....It should be said that the screen on Wolfmans camera was previously smashed, so previewing the shots while we were there was near impossible....Better late than never.....It was a privelege to spend the weekend with my best mate in the best way possible and I take this opportunity to THANK the Wolfman for including me in his vision of motorcycling NIRVANA....Glad you liked the shirt and I didn't hesitate to throw it your way once I knew how keen you were to get hold of one...Enjoy big guy.....Next.....October and Moto G.P.....
Re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition!

Glad to have FINALLY seen the pics....It should be said that the screen on Wolfmans camera was previously smashed, so previewing the shots while we were there was near impossible....Better late than never.....It was a privelege to spend the weekend with my best mate in the best way possible and I take this opportunity to THANK the Wolfman for including me in his vision of motorcycling NIRVANA....Glad you liked the shirt and I didn't hesitate to throw it your way once I knew how keen you were to get hold of one...Enjoy big guy.....Next.....October and Moto G.P.....

Big buddy...you were always front and centre in my vision for he WSBK dream trip...which it was....more photo's to come....just as soon as i can put my little baby down long enough to be able to operate this PC with more than one finger!

Re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition!

Love your work mate, will be trying hard to re-pay the favour once the Moto G.P hits later in the year......You really did get all the BEST pics too it would appear...NICE
Re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition!

Was thinking of joining in the run from Gawler with the Outlaw bikies to protest the laws which seem unfair on ALL of US.....If I speak to someone about their bike who happens to be an "Outlaw" I could be considered to be an associate and included in surveilance or future operations that are completely inappropriate...It doesn't sit well with me and in the vein of my already anti-establishment views, I feel compelled to participate....I understand if this kind of attention is unappealing to you but the offer is there....I WILL BE GOING regardless...
Its the 14th of March on a Sunday.....I'm sure that EVERYONE is welcome regardless of the bike they ride
Looks like wolfman and co have had yet another excellent trip,not that I am jealous you understand :rolleyes:

Great pics Jamie :thumbup:
"Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

Pics not working mate .

I am on it....might have something to do with them sitting waiting to be posted for 2 hours whilst i dealt with dinner for my boys! will delete post and post em again!

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Even more piccies, this time, just random stuff!

Mr Silverback expressing himself as only he knows how!
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The trip to the Island...100's of Kilometres of this! :(
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Nice pants Monkey Boy!:Flip:
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And i thought i had issues with my weight for racing..this guy showed me a thing or two..he got around the Island in just under 2 minutes on that beast too!
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Caption Comp? ! :D
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I know Matty has posted a pic already of this...but it rates a second look! Bet it is impossible to lose at the shops!
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I think Matt just spotted the donuts! or a grid girl!
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My New Pit Crew! :Flip:
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A peak at our menu! :Flip:
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My thought for the day!
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More photo's to come tomorrow..i told ya's there was a truckload!

You have caught me in a few CANDID moments so it would appear....that will learn me for not being on my guard more....and as for the pants, they would have been appropriate if the RED TRX was in use as intended instead of the EMPTY 01....yes I ran out of petrol about 10 km out of Tailem Bend on the way home...Bloody 15 litre tank...bloody, bloody.....
looks like you had a great time!

Nice pics and thank you for sharing!

don't worry there are plenty more pics to come....the second half of the trip was to the grampians...one of Australia's most beautiful mountain ranges... Me and the mystery pillion took heaps of beautiful scenery shots I can't wait to share...just have to wait till I get off my phone at work and back to my PC!:thumbup:
Having looked at the pic of Amy's bike ( none of her mind you :spank: ) , prompted me ask , Have you given any thought into contacting the McGrath Foundation ??? Still being pink and all , im sure they would love to have some stickers on the FZ :thumbup: