Wheelie gone wrong.


M em b er e d
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
So yesterday I'm out riding with a couple of friends. One of them does a pretty good, well balanced wheelie on his bike, keeping the front end up for several seconds.

I decided to give it a go. I used low gear and jerked up on the handle bars while giving it some power. It worked, but I couldn't keep balanced and the front wheel came right back down.

I did a couple more, with about the same results. So I upshifted and tried again, giving it more power and pulling back harder on the bars.

Next thing I know I'm on the ground. I'd gone over backwards. My luggage rack bashed into the ground, and somehow I'd sprained my left wrist against the handlebars. Other than bent luggage rack mounting brackets, the bike is OK.

I won't try that again anytime soon. I looked like an idiot, got hurt, and could have trashed a perfectly good mountain bike.

And that's why I don't ever wheelie my motorcycles!

Glad it was your luggage rack and not your back that got squished.
I hope your wrist heals up fast, and doesn't keep you off the motorcycles.
Thanks for posting your :squid:-ish behavior for others to learn from!! :D
The secret to wheelies is to keep your right foot on the rear brake pedal and when you feel the front lifting too high, press the rear brake slightly and the front end drops. Remember to close the throttle.

sorry to hear you got hurt, but that story ended better than I thought it would,
I think the best wheelie technique is to let the youngsters do it and LMFAO
when they dump the bike
I have had the benifit of learning how to wheelie as a kid in the dirt.... If you have never wheelied a motorcycle before, I wouldn't recommend learning on a street bike...
Come on Fred, get back on that bad boy pedal bike and pull the front up. You know what they say when you fall off the horse,,,, :Flip:
Hope the wrist heals soon.

I used to race BMX bikes when I was in high school. I hyper-extended my knee racing so I switched to mountain bikes. I used clipless pedals and shoes on my bike and one day felt the need to ride a wheelie around my driveway. All went well for almost an entire lap around the driveway. When I was starting to pick up some speed, I shifted to the next gear and didn't slow down on the pedals. You can imagine the ego-blow I took when I landed on my back with the bike still attached to my feet.

Thanks for sharing the :squid:ly moment!
Brought back some fond memories for me of a 10 speed FUJI I had when I was 14. I could ride wheelies on that thing for blocks! Then it got stolen at the arcade while I was playing pinball!! This was 1974 in a nice part of N. Muskegon, MI. The cops found it 2 or 3 weeks later totally trashed. And now I can't remember what happened to it? I think my dad claimed it on house ins?
Dang :squid: I'd never wheelie ever :rolleyes:

Oh, Ed, I was going to mention something to you. When you were riding behind me last weekend I looked in the rear view mirror and saw that the fins on the bottom of your oil pan are kind of dirty. You might want to clean them.

Oh, Ed, I was going to mention something to you. When you were riding behind me last weekend I looked in the rear view mirror and saw that the fins on the bottom of your oil pan are kind of dirty. You might want to clean them.



Is this a diversion??? (Not the motorcycle btw...)

Cover the rear brake!!! If you go too far back tap the brake.

Note that my front wheel didn't leave the ground once last weekend...discretion is the better part of valor...

Get well soon.

PS...did you go to Lovejoys this afternoon for MotoGP? I had Army stuff this weekend...
If I feel like I'm going up too high, I just get off the throttle immediately and it acts like a rear brake. With a bit of practice, you should be able to wheelie. But, of course, if you don't feel comfortable, then DON'T do it.