What's your biker rage story? (mine from today)

I have to be honest, every once in a while if I'm stopped at a red light and see someone throw a butt out the window, I'll bend down pick it up and knock on their window, telling them I think they dropped something and kindly hand it back to them. Works 99% of the time.

Dude, that is awesome. :cheer::rockon::cheer::thumbup:
Dam Chevy, I knew you were going to have a good one when I saw you posted on here.

I'm affraid of somebodies reaction to be like this guy

Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers! - YouTube

Yeah I used to be a real jackass lol I've calmed down a lot since getting this bike, I still have my moments but I try to just laugh it off. Although people messing with cell phones still burns me up since one of my best friends got killed in his bike by some jackass texting
I like this version of the old saying: "Live to Ride BUT Ride to Live"

Don't get yourself into a situation that puts you at risk. There's a ton of stupid people out there behind the wheel, well prepared to do stupid things. Be smarter than them.

Here's a little story for the MC rage files though. This dude was riding along when a car full of teens came up beside him, laughing and calling out names and so on. They stopped at a red light. The rider put down his kickstand, slowly got of the bike, walked around and kicked a HUGE dent in the car's driver side door. He calmly got back on his bike and ride off, while the stupified teens sat there with their mouths hanging open, no doubt with soaked crotches as well.

True story. :rockon:
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So, I had a little rage incident on Friday and was contemplating whether to post or not. I'm gonna go ahead and post it.

I was on a smaller side street in Downtown Phoenix, it was a 5 lane road, 2 lanes in each direction and a suicide lane. I was in the right lane and it was about to open up to a right turn lane. Well at the immediate entrance to the right lane there was a manhole and some tore up street, so I set myself up to get around that mess and then dive into the lane. I flipped on my turn signal, go to check my shoulder and there is a bumper at my right foot. I was like WTF, this tool tried to cut past me with my turn signal on even. I get up to the light and instead of taking the right and proceeding on my way I decide to turn around and gesture at what I then see is a older (60ish) woman in a mid 90s Volvo boxy station wagon. I think what set me off was the I don't give a F%$# look she had. I start gesturing and yelling through my helmet when the women gives me a shrug like "so what". So I flip up my visor and proceed to yell, "It is illegal to pass on the right unless the driver in front of you is taking a left." and gesture from the lane I was in then into the turn lane. Then I point to my turn signal and make a flashing gesture with my hand, and yell "Do you see these?" She nods yes. Then I yell, "Do you Understand". She slowly nods her head again. Feeling still a little freaked out, I buzzed out of there.

edit: like an idiot I was actually going the speed limit, and I've notice people try to pass me more if I go the speed limit.
I try to ride just a little faster (5-8 MPH) than the traffic around me. Just so folks see and hear me. Gives me a bit more maneuvering room should I need it...

As a side note, many years ago, I was stopped at a red light (I think on my old KLR 250) offset to the left (out fo the greasy center strip).

Some DA pulls up, literally next to me(his drivers window adjacent to me), so there now TWO MV's in one lane.. I look over and said something (Hello??? Did you not see me?) with a WTF look?

He say's something to the effect that I should of been in the middle and wasn't using the entire lane. He wasn't being abusive/pissed off, etc, just ignorant... I guess that gave him the right to pull forward next to me??

I shoulda kicked in his door but I was taken by surprise at how friggin stupid/ignorant people can be... I just took off on the green light and got away from him...
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As a side note, many years ago, I was stopped at a red light (I think on my old KLR 250) offset to the left (out fo the greasy center strip).

Some DA pulls up, literally next to me(his drivers window adjacent to me), so there now TWO MV's in one lane.. I look over and said something (Hello??? Did you not see me?) with a WTF look?

He say's something to the effect that I should of been in the middle and wasn't using the entire lane. He wasn't being abusive/pissed off, etc, just ignorant... I guess that gave him the right to pull forward next to me??

I shoulda kicked in his door but I was taken by surprise at how friggin stupid/ignorant people can be... I just took off on the green light and got away from him...

I had a moped when I was 15 and would stop with traffic when I came up to a red light. As long as the cars left the space for me I would stay there. If a motorist felt I needed to be beside them I would lane split to the front of the traffic. I felt it was kinda dumb in a way because I'd have the quicker start off the line (most of the time) but then would be passed by everyone once I hit my top speed (25mhp). I didn't let it bug me at the time.

Now fast forward to last year, I had someone pass me (same lane) while I was on my motorcycle. I was very upset and contemplated running them down and kicking in the door. One reason I didn't do anything was because I was following my wife. I didn't feel like I was on the side of the road or anything, and it was a right hand turn so I was on the right side of the lane when the guy passed me on the left (looking at me like I was the idiot).
edit: like an idiot I was actually going the speed limit, and I've notice people try to pass me more if I go the speed limit.

I can identify with this. I try to be reasonable and keep to the actual limits with both my car and FZ. I feel like a traffic cone for people to buzz around when I'm doing it though.
I saw this gem today. This biker went too far, especially hitting an old dude.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d_w6m5xQ0E"]Road rage attacks caught on camera - YouTube[/ame]
Yea really. I wonder what the old timer did???

Anyways, you really don't know who your dealing with out there.

I have my carry a concealed weapon permit (CCF) and purposly keep a 22 cal automatic pistol under the seat of my SUV.. Should somebody physically try to attack me, it''ll likely be the last time they do... I keep that in mind should I get a moment of dumb ass as well..

I'm sure there are others who feel the same, and down here (at least in Florida), especially with our pres and potenential gun law changes in the US, MORE FOLKS than EVER are getting gun permits, so watch who you piss off...

It really isn't worth it....
People up my arse when there's a line of cars in front of me pisses me off pretty good from time to time. It's like why are you 3 ft off my rear tire? What is that going to accomplish with the 12 cars in front of me? I used to get more irritated back when i first started riding and did some dumb stuff, but nowadays i usually pick a different route if someone is up my, just turn at the next intersection or even pull off and let them go by, not worth me getting run over by a buffoon.

When i was working in the next town over I'd go on rides on my half hour break... Well Vance and Hines + it being 1am= cop magnet...it's not loud enough to be illegal but there one one cop who literally would get so close to me his front bumper was PAST my passenger peg, as he was on the ride side shoulder just to get closer... I was going to get it on film and send a copy to the PD but I quit that job and haven't had to be in the town since then.
Last night I was on my way home. It was a little after midnight. I was going my usual route through old town Scottsdale via south bound on Scottsdale Road. Well this Town Car/Cab driver gets in front of me in the left lane and I'm gong easy. It's 40 through there and the cops are crawling at that time of night because of the people that are out. Well this bastard is timing the lights to block me off so I can't get to through before it is red. About 100 yards from the light he starts brake checking me and swerving in his lane a little bit. As soon as the opening for the left turn lane opens up I pop over and stay back off him a bit as he speeds up to get through the left turn light (in Scottsdale they are backwards, left turns happen after straight greens). There are two lanes that go left, I am on the outside lane and he is on the far inside. I figure whatever I'm making it through the dam light, there is next to nobody on the road and I don't want to run the risk of sitting there and my bike not having enough magnetic pull to trigger the left turn signal next go around. We are mid way through the left turn in the middle of the intersection where this MF'er decides to cut across my path of travel over into my lane. So, I have to brake a little bit, finish the corner and then as soon as I'm through the intersection, I watch him for a second drop down in to second and jump on it as I overtake him on the inside. I get up in front of him about 20 ft and I am livid as I turn around on the bike to look back it this MF'er. I look into this guys car and he has a cell phone in one hand, the wheel in the other, and he looks at me and gives me the what's up nod like what are you going to do about it. I sanely decided to ride away but by god I have been saving up for a small concealed carry 45 and I would fantasize about going Sons of Anarchy on that POS MF'er. I almost wanted to ride slow and wait to get caught at a redlight up ahead, but I've seen too many youtubes where the biker gets Effed up because people just ram them with their cars. I would understand if I was riding like a dick, but I was following this guy at a safe distance after he already got into my lane of travel in the first place.
Last night I was on my way home. It was a little after midnight. I was going my usual route through old town Scottsdale via south bound on Scottsdale Road. Well this Town Car/Cab driver gets in front of me in the left lane and I'm gong easy. It's 40 through there and the cops are crawling at that time of night because of the people that are out. Well this bastard is timing the lights to block me off so I can't get to through before it is red. About 100 yards from the light he starts brake checking me and swerving in his lane a little bit. As soon as the opening for the left turn lane opens up I pop over and stay back off him a bit as he speeds up to get through the left turn light (in Scottsdale they are backwards, left turns happen after straight greens). There are two lanes that go left, I am on the outside lane and he is on the far inside. I figure whatever I'm making it through the dam light, there is next to nobody on the road and I don't want to run the risk of sitting there and my bike not having enough magnetic pull to trigger the left turn signal next go around. We are mid way through the left turn in the middle of the intersection where this MF'er decides to cut across my path of travel over into my lane. So, I have to brake a little bit, finish the corner and then as soon as I'm through the intersection, I watch him for a second drop down in to second and jump on it as I overtake him on the inside. I get up in front of him about 20 ft and I am livid as I turn around on the bike to look back it this MF'er. I look into this guys car and he has a cell phone in one hand, the wheel in the other, and he looks at me and gives me the what's up nod like what are you going to do about it. I sanely decided to ride away but by god I have been saving up for a small concealed carry 45 and I would fantasize about going Sons of Anarchy on that POS MF'er. I almost wanted to ride slow and wait to get caught at a redlight up ahead, but I've seen too many youtubes where the biker gets Effed up because people just ram them with their cars. I would understand if I was riding like a dick, but I was following this guy at a safe distance after he already got into my lane of travel in the first place.

I am angry myself now. I hate these oxygen thieves.

But in my experience it's just easier to slow down and let this jerk go about his way.

One thing which I think is quintessential especially for motorcyclists is to let go of grudges and just let stuff go and not get into your head.
Last night I was on my way home. It was a little after midnight. I was going my usual route through old town Scottsdale via south bound on Scottsdale Road. Well this Town Car/Cab driver gets in front of me in the left lane and I'm gong easy. It's 40 through there and the cops are crawling at that time of night because of the people that are out. Well this bastard is timing the lights to block me off so I can't get to through before it is red. About 100 yards from the light he starts brake checking me and swerving in his lane a little bit. As soon as the opening for the left turn lane opens up I pop over and stay back off him a bit as he speeds up to get through the left turn light (in Scottsdale they are backwards, left turns happen after straight greens). There are two lanes that go left, I am on the outside lane and he is on the far inside. I figure whatever I'm making it through the dam light, there is next to nobody on the road and I don't want to run the risk of sitting there and my bike not having enough magnetic pull to trigger the left turn signal next go around. We are mid way through the left turn in the middle of the intersection where this MF'er decides to cut across my path of travel over into my lane. So, I have to brake a little bit, finish the corner and then as soon as I'm through the intersection, I watch him for a second drop down in to second and jump on it as I overtake him on the inside. I get up in front of him about 20 ft and I am livid as I turn around on the bike to look back it this MF'er. I look into this guys car and he has a cell phone in one hand, the wheel in the other, and he looks at me and gives me the what's up nod like what are you going to do about it. I sanely decided to ride away but by god I have been saving up for a small concealed carry 45 and I would fantasize about going Sons of Anarchy on that POS MF'er. I almost wanted to ride slow and wait to get caught at a redlight up ahead, but I've seen too many youtubes where the biker gets Effed up because people just ram them with their cars. I would understand if I was riding like a dick, but I was following this guy at a safe distance after he already got into my lane of travel in the first place.

Glad you're ok. Easier said than done, but pulling over for a few could avoid a life changing event when confronted with an idiot playing dangerous games in a car.
Okay.... This is what frosts my balls......
Had a dude in a car - Acura, BMW some such - merging in on a ramp on freeway... Now I am in middle lane, and this driver either didn't see me or didn't care.
Anyway, he just "cruises" into right lane, then zipps into middle lane cutting me off, and accelerated into left lane - oh, and by the way, I needed to apply brakes quite vigorously so as not to eat his rear bumper.
Alright, this guy is now buzzing along in left lane, and I want to let him know he needed to watch a bit better. Roll on throttle a bit and pull up alongside - and wave - but guess what - he flips me the bird!!
Now I realize he just didn't give a damn....and I swear if I had my gun with me I would have taken him out of the gene pool - he - and others like him - are defective.
This is the issue - with no respect, the heavy weights (cars/trucks) always seem to want to push us around knowing there is no contest between a car and a bike.....
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Dam Chevy, I knew you were going to have a good one when I saw you posted on here.

I'm affraid of somebodies reaction to be like this guy

Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers! - YouTube

Those squids should have backed off as soon as the car started behaving erratically. They were provoking the driver continuously, even after he tried to kill them. There is NO point trying to fight with a car on the road. The car always wins. And if you don't get killed, what did you really gain out of strengthening the "biker" stereotype.

I deal with this crap every day. My commute to work is ten miles of two lane, busy surface roads. I almost always try to ride away from other cars, whether it means riding slower than the speed limit in the right lane or quickly overtaking cars in the left lane. Tailgaters really get to me. Usually all I do is continue riding at my current speed and wave them back with my hand. This almost always works and doesn't require me getting enraged or pissed off. I was on the highway once and this dude behind me was no more than 10 feet from my rear tire at 50 MPH. I waved him back several times. He backed off each time for a few seconds, then proceeded to gain on me right back to where he was before. We approached some stopped traffic, so I turned around, gave him the old middle digit, yelled some profanities through my tinted visor, then took off like a rocket ship. I RARELY let drivers get to me like this. Whenever I do, I feel stupid and regretful afterwards. There is almost NEVER a reason to do something stupid or act out in anger. Car drivers suck. We can accept this and deal with it in a safe and smart manner, or risk our lives trying to fulfill our need to seek revenge. Take your pick.

At the end of the day, the smart biker lives, and the one who has something to prove dies.

All you guys talking about shooting drivers who cut you off, are you serious? Killing one bad driver will not make other drivers better. I can't believe I'm even replying to this crap. You will not change car drivers. You are on a motorcycle. You are at the bottom of the food chain out on the road. Accept this fact and ride accordingly. A goldfish is not going to teach a shark a lesson.
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Last night I was on my way home. It was a little after midnight. I was going my usual route through old town Scottsdale via south bound on Scottsdale Road. Well this Town Car/Cab driver gets in front of me in the left lane and I'm gong easy. It's 40 through there and the cops are crawling at that time of night because of the people that are out. Well this bastard is timing the lights to block me off so I can't get to through before it is red. About 100 yards from the light he starts brake checking me and swerving in his lane a little bit. As soon as the opening for the left turn lane opens up I pop over and stay back off him a bit as he speeds up to get through the left turn light (in Scottsdale they are backwards, left turns happen after straight greens). There are two lanes that go left, I am on the outside lane and he is on the far inside. I figure whatever I'm making it through the dam light, there is next to nobody on the road and I don't want to run the risk of sitting there and my bike not having enough magnetic pull to trigger the left turn signal next go around. We are mid way through the left turn in the middle of the intersection where this MF'er decides to cut across my path of travel over into my lane. So, I have to brake a little bit, finish the corner and then as soon as I'm through the intersection, I watch him for a second drop down in to second and jump on it as I overtake him on the inside. I get up in front of him about 20 ft and I am livid as I turn around on the bike to look back it this MF'er. I look into this guys car and he has a cell phone in one hand, the wheel in the other, and he looks at me and gives me the what's up nod like what are you going to do about it. I sanely decided to ride away but by god I have been saving up for a small concealed carry 45 and I would fantasize about going Sons of Anarchy on that POS MF'er. I almost wanted to ride slow and wait to get caught at a redlight up ahead, but I've seen too many youtubes where the biker gets Effed up because people just ram them with their cars. I would understand if I was riding like a dick, but I was following this guy at a safe distance after he already got into my lane of travel in the first place.

Use your horn! Get a louder horn!

One of my biggest pet peeves are drivers who fail to maintain their lane while turning. Everyone wants to go wide, rather than turning into the nearest lane. When multiple turn lanes are involved, I do my best to maintain my position and force the other vehicle to maintain their line, but with my horn covered just in case.

The horn is the most underutilized defensive tool, most riders forget to use it. Cover the button on your horn like you would keep your hand on the trigger of a hand gun whenever you sense a threat. You can't rely on your horn to save your but all the time, but in most cases, that's all it takes.
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I have to say I do understand the anger and frustration when someone puts you in harms way but.... If you can come to terms with that part of you and that part of the other person that brings you together you will be better off. :cool: Try not to become a participant. At the end of the day you'll probably be better off body, mind and soul... :)
All you guys talking about shooting drivers who cut you off, are you serious? Killing one bad driver will not make other drivers better. I can't believe I'm even replying to this crap. You will not change car drivers. You are on a motorcycle. You are at the bottom of the food chain out on the road. Accept this fact and ride accordingly. A goldfish is not going to teach a shark a lesson.

Not serious in the least bit. I just have a creative imagination. I watch too many movies/TV/video games that depict that kind of stuff. Like the picture I was literally imagining was the cover of the Sons of Anarchy Season 1 DVD box. Jax has 1 hand on the throttle and the other aiming behind him unloading a clip. Or the other thing I was imagining was Ghost Rider when he uses his chain and flips the a-hole in the car behind him up into the air into a fiery car explosion. To me imagining that stuff is a creative way to release stress/pressure.

10 out of 10 times I will leave a situation whether it means turning off the route I'm on, pulling into a parking lot, or just speeding away.
I have to say I do understand the anger and frustration when someone puts you in harms way but.... If you can come to terms with that part of you and that part of the other person that brings you together you will be better off. :cool: Try not to become a participant. At the end of the day you'll probably be better off body, mind and soul... :)

Very zen. And very true. Very hard to live by until you practice it all the time.