What's your biker rage story? (mine from today)


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Nov 9, 2012
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Scottsdale, AZ
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I was taking my usual route this morning on the freeways to work. At one on ramp between the 101 south and 60 west there is a portion where it's 2 lanes, the right goes off to a surface road and the left goes onto the 60west. A construction style F150 was in the left lane, merged in front of me to the right lane, I merged over to the left and was accelerating back up to freeway speed. When this M'FER threw a cigarette out his window and hit me in the face with a little bit of ember hitting my neck. I was so MAD, I got up to his side window and was staring him down, and he looked like he was confused as to what was wrong. I flip the dude off (not cool I know but I was pissed) and create some distance. I kept about 30 feet in front of him and just kept turning back and staring him down. I didn't want him to forget what he just did and to think twice before littering/throwing cigarettes out at people.

I totally understand how motorcyclist get pissed off now and you hear stories of them punching out windows, knocking off side mirrors, kicking in fenders, etc. I wanted to slow down and start wailing on this guys truck. I didn't I just sped away. The dude was an older 50ish construction hard looking guy that probably rode a HD. still in my mind I was contemplating if I could take him and/or if he would just run me off the road as I was riding away.

The fun part now as I'm writing this is knowing that the psychological response is all part of the physiological response for fight/flight/freeze or sympathetic nervous sytem. Being a motorcyclist we are already vulnerable to more hazards and when someone knowingly creates another hazard that threatens you, it's easy to want to fight (road rage), flee the situation (speed off), or freeze (crash, target fixate, lose the correct line, forget to brake, etc). Anyone of these responses increases the likelihood of harm to yourself and other so it's best to calm it down and get back into control of the situation.

Anyway, I thought I'd share and would like to hear others situations and how you reacted to what happened to you both the good and the bad because we've all been there in one way or another.

So, tell us your Biker Rage story?
Those are the same knuckleheads that start all the forest fires around here. Some people are just smart enough to mouth breath, I don't hold them too responsible for their own stupidity, there's nothing I (nor they) can do about it. Now if he was laughing and pointing and had done it on purpose, that might change my outlook...
Those are the same knuckleheads that start all the forest fires around here. Some people are just smart enough to mouth breath, I don't hold them too responsible for their own stupidity, there's nothing I (nor they) can do about it. Now if he was laughing and pointing and had done it on purpose, that might change my outlook...

I didn't even think about the fire risk. I just hate the littering. I would say AZ does a really good job picking up litter on the highway (one of Sherrif Joe's programs I like). The problem I have is every time I see someone litter that means it will be there for awhile till somebod pick it up.
not only as a biker, but as a person we have to be able to let stuff go! This guy did not intentionally try and hit you with his cigarette, its just a habit to let it go out of the window. Some people will start to come into my lane then swerve back once they actually see me, I have had several people actually wave and apologize at the next light, as a person it is easier on our conscience to believe that people are inherently good as opposed to everyone trying to screw you over. I know there are some real a$$holes but if you view everyone as an a$$hole its just unneeded stress...
Smokers for some reason seem to think that they are part of a special group that is allowed to litter. Every time I see someone throw a butt out the window it peeves me off a little.
So, I don't know what is up with my luck today. So the guy this morning threw his cigarette out the window by accident. On the way home I was getting off the freeway to the exit lane which is about a half mile before the ramp. I start to accelerate up to/maybe a little over the speed limit when the POS Toyota pickup in front of me decides to come over with no turn signal. I simply get on the brake back off and politely waive this guy over. He F%$@ing throws a cigarette out the window towards me and thankfully misses. I'm fuming at first then I just hang back and we get to the light at the end of the on ramp, I look over at him and he looks at me. He's looking pissed at first, so I flip up my modular and smile at the guy. He was shocked and didn't know what to do, he wouldn't make eye contact after that.

Maybe cigarettes are mad at me, because I probably counsel 2-4 patients a day to quit smoking. WTF.
I had a guy spit at me just as I was overtaking him. It didn't miss. He apologised when I confronted him in traffic and i just let it go as an accident. He was smoking too. Getting really revved up and having a massive argument usually makes you angry for the rest of the day and ruins your day. If a driver accepts a mistake they have made an apologises nod back in acceptance and forget it. Saves driving angrily and replaying the whole thing repeatedly in your head all day long. Don't get me wrong though, sometimes you need to have an argument and tell someone how much of a knob they are :thumbup:
I suspect most of them didn't see you or bother looking. We get the same down here, friggin litter bugs and worse yet, dumb ass's.. I try to get ahead of them and also make them aware of me with my open Scorps which do indeed help...

As a side note, last week, not a 1/4 miles from the house, I'm behind a work truck in a 30 MPH zone. He's running maybe 25. He slows down a tad, begins to make a right turn (no signal of course) then PULL A U-TURN right smack in front of me... I kinda figured something was going to happen stupid like that so I already slowed some. He never bothered looking, etc. I climbed on my Stebal horn as he compleated he U-turn and gave him the look (as in WTF??)...

BTW, I totaled an 1985 Honda Shadow 1100 (around 1987) when another driver did EXACTLY the same thing. Squashed the front end, I was thrown over the bars and onto her trunk lid, then onto the street as she proceeded to leave (and did so). Some other cages, followed her and stopped her..
Also, when someone closes the gap intentionally so I can't merge, I'll let them (don't want to get squashed, the bike won't win vs the cage) pass me.

I'll then change lanes behind them and then pass making sure my open Scorps scream past them..
My Road Rage went like this.... I'm approaching a roundabout very early in the morning and this guy carelessly crosses the road (wonder what he was thinking of???), when he realizes he's on the road he freezes up right in front of me. I stepped on the brakes & stop just in front of him then this car bumps my behind. I step off the bike to check if everything's ok. Bout to mount the bike and this lady comes out of the car screaming at me asking where are you going???? WTF U just bashed me from behind you are wrong not MEEEEEE!!! She stands in front of my car saying I have to repair her grill!!!! I just went crazy, I screamed at her till I almost lost my voice. Finally I jumped back on my bike revved so hard that when I released the clutch I Popped a Wheely & zoomed off. I was riding so fast until I drove by this car with two kids in it, they were excited & waving at me so I slowed down revved the bike a bit for them & waved back. That really cooled of my steam. I thank God for those kids because I was riding really fasttttttt. Rage isn't the best but I think we riders really can't totally avoid it :-0
Last week, (not a day after replacing my rear tire with a new PR3), some dumb ash pulls a left in front of me suddenly on a small side street where its just me and him. He was obviously in "La La land", turning at maybe 15 MPH.

I'm running maybe 35MPH. I climb on the front and back brakes HARD, the rear locks up for about a foot before fully stopping.

I'm on my Stebal horn the entire time making some serious noise! He stops, stays stopped and just looks at me, no signs of oops/soory, nothing (again, he's in "La La land").

I am literally stopped 6" from his right front fender.

He stays stopped, I'm still in a higher gear (3rd maybe?), clutch in, both brakes on..

I behave myself, give him a WTF look, pissed my brand new rear $200 tire may now have a flat spot in it (later checking, it didn't)...

I love tourist season in Florida.........:(
I love tourist season in Florida.........:(

I'm with you there. I love tourist season, yet hate the tourist. Things are so much better here in AZ (Scottsdale in particular) when we have a good tourist season, a lot of my friends are servers/bartenders and such.

Good luck I hope you make it through season.
I too am not immune to such reactions to others on the road. But ultimately, no one can "make us" angry, etc. we choose to do that. There are various ways to diffuse what I suppose is a natural reaction. As a biker, I'm already in a more vulnerable situation to begin with; I don't need the added liability of clouded judgment.
I too am not immune to such reactions to others on the road. But ultimately, no one can "make us" angry, etc. we choose to do that. There are various ways to diffuse what I suppose is a natural reaction. As a biker, I'm already in a more vulnerable situation to begin with; I don't need the added liability of clouded judgment.

Very buddhist of you.

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So, I don't know what is up with my luck today. So the guy this morning threw his cigarette out the window by accident. On the way home I was getting off the freeway to the exit lane which is about a half mile before the ramp. I start to accelerate up to/maybe a little over the speed limit when the POS Toyota pickup in front of me decides to come over with no turn signal. I simply get on the brake back off and politely waive this guy over. He F%$@ing throws a cigarette out the window towards me and thankfully misses. I'm fuming at first then I just hang back and we get to the light at the end of the on ramp, I look over at him and he looks at me. He's looking pissed at first, so I flip up my modular and smile at the guy. He was shocked and didn't know what to do, he wouldn't make eye contact after that.

Maybe cigarettes are mad at me, because I probably counsel 2-4 patients a day to quit smoking. WTF.
It's a tobacco company conspiracy, your damaging their business with your counseling.
There out to get you.
I guess this also demonstrates the harm cigarettes can do?

This has been awhile now, but one day coming back in to town from a nice day in the twisties, on a busy road, with what was left of the group, I felt something hit me in the chest area.
Not knowing what it was, I look up and saw the back passenger window of an Expedition going up. It was blacked out and in front of me so, I couldn't see who it was.
I stared it down, with some gestures, like WTF? because of the heavy traffic I could not get close enough to do anything. I figured it was some punk ass kids in mommy's SUV.
When I got home and took my gear off, I found a penny in my boot.
Little ****er threw a penny at me I was pissed, I guess that counts as road rage.
(and no I don't keep a penny in my boot for luck)
I wish I had my GOPRO on for this one. Was on my way to work, was tailgated maby 3 feet from my rear for 4 lights. On the fourth light the guy gets about a foot from my rear tire, I saw this nancy leaning on his driver door with his phone propped up on his shoulder. I hate cell phones and driving using phones. I popped. Big time. I threw down that kick stand right at the light got off the bike (yeah big nonono) I threw my hands in the air as if making a touch down, he sank in his seat as I waved my arms just like Jesus spreading the seas for him to give me some room. He didn't care for my charades. The second my azz was back on the bike bam this guy creeps but inches from my tire, lucky the light turned green and we take of. Seconds latter I can hear his Corolla screaming up next to me with this guy really giving it to that little Toyota 4banger, in the driver seat was a normal looking guy in his 50's maby could be a sales manager or something. He roll's down his window and says...

"Frakk you! Frakk you! Frakk you! You mother fugger! Fawk you! Frrak you!"

So that's my story. Don't get off your bike. I'm sure it could have been much worse.
Smokers for some reason seem to think that they are part of a special group that is allowed to litter. Every time I see someone throw a butt out the window it peeves me off a little.

I have to be honest, every once in a while if I'm stopped at a red light and see someone throw a butt out the window, I'll bend down pick it up and knock on their window, telling them I think they dropped something and kindly hand it back to them. Works 99% of the time.