What I did today


Navy mom
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Went for a ride today with a friend, up through the Lake Livingston area in TX...


Missed seeing Elvis by only a day...drat!!


Picked up lots of these along the way...


We had a great ride!!
Went for a ride today with a friend, up through the Lake Livingston area in TX...

We had a great ride!!
I would be willing to bet the bugs would have a different view of the ride... Those are huge insects! Maybe you should check your air cleaner too... Nice ride, though.:thumbup:
What a cool ride. The Lake Livingston area is a great place.

Gotta love the black bugs. I hit a wave of those one time and my whole car was covered, YUCK!
Holy cow that is insane. Check your air cleaner? Heck I would be checking stuff like pants coat helment and throat lol. That is crazy lol the size of those flies. But on a serious note I would check the air cleaner also :).
I think your FZ has a five o clock shadow! :rof::rof::rof::rof::rof:
Glad you got out and had some fun.:Flash:
It was another beautiful day here in Richmond - logged another 100miles today.:rockon:
You should enter the first pic in the BOTM contest! :thumbup:

Great pics....glad you had fun. Thanks for sharing!
You should enter the first pic in the BOTM contest! :thumbup:

Great pics....glad you had fun. Thanks for sharing!

Naaa, you should enter the third with pride.:D:justkidding:

Seriously, she is right - the first one is very artistic looking!
I would be willing to bet the bugs would have a different view of the ride... :

Good point, since these are called "love bugs" and they're currently in mating season. Not exactly the post-coital outcome they were expecting. They mate, then cannot "un-mate," so the female is trying to fly, but dragging the male along (the proverbial 'ball and chain' effect). That means she's flying low and slow, right into the front grills of cars and motorcycles. This happens twice a year here in the south: in the spring and in the fall, and lasts for about 2-3 weeks.
i would check the radiator front panel

Yea, boy! It took me almost an hour to clean everything up. Any flat surface facing forward was covered with bug guts. Had to loosen the screws on the windscreen to get the bugs that were wedged in there.
Heck I would be checking stuff like pants coat helment and throat lol. That is crazy lol the size of those flies. But on a serious note I would check the air cleaner also :).

No kidding! Had to clean the visor several times during the ride. Helmet looked like a battle zone when I got home, not to mention the lower legs of my riding pants, the shoulders of my jacket, even the backs of the fingers in my gloves. Yuck!
Thought Luv bugs were only in FL, nasty bug plus they smell when squished...I don't miss them @ all!!!! But it seems KY has MORE of every other type of bug you can think of :rolleyes: