Watsen Flush GROUP BUY!


Junior Member
Jul 1, 2008
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Terre Haute, IN
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Hey guys,

I just got off the phone with the guy who makes the Watsen front flush mounts. He said that we could potentially do a group buy, if we get some people in the states interested!

Before I go into the details, I'd like to gauge interest. Is this something that we actually want to do? The group purchase price would be around $100-$120 USD, a total savings of around $30 or more.

Go ahead and reply.. I'll follow up with additional information if we get some people : )


Myself (Coskie)
AJ_rider (x2)
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Would we be able to select individual colors? Can't say that I'm in yet but mildly interested. Thanx!
Dependant on the details of the group buy I would be interested as well...

Does anybody have any pics of these flush mounts on a FZ?
I too have the matte black. It seems this color is best as it matches the bike really nicely - regardless of the bikes color.
wow those are awsome... the flush mounts I have can't really be seen from the sides that well. These look like they would fix that issue.
Wow, just got my matte black ones about a week ago or I would be interested in a group buy.
I would be but I got yelled out tonight by my future wife for spending to much on my toys (I want a new throttle body for my truck) I might be able to spend $100 how hard is the install pictures of an FZ would be nice too.
I would be but I got yelled out tonight by my future wife for spending to much on my toys (I want a new throttle body for my truck) I might be able to spend $100 how hard is the install pictures of an FZ would be nice too.

May I suggest a new future wife??? :ban:
Thanks....Do you think these would fit and work well with the stock rear fender kit?

No dude. The flush mount pictured attach to the front of the bike. I got the Rizoma LED signals for the rear, but have not installed them yet. Need some washers because the FE kit signal opening is much too large for the LEDs.
My wife has learned that I will never stop spending $$$. I pay all of the bills, but she makes more $$$. I can't complain, because she finally let me buy my FZ6 after wanting a motorcycle for the past 9 years!
So here's the deal:

The Gist:

For this deal to go through, I would need to become a "dealer." They would send all product to me and I would distribute it from my residence. Because shipping from Canada to US is so expensive, the more units they send us in one box the cheaper the overall cost would be. This means that it is cheaper for you all (any myself) : )

We can get different colors too. That wouldn't be a problem

Cost Detail:

You'd be charged $100 for the product. Shipping costs are as follows: You'll be passed through your portion of the initial shipping charge from CAN--> US. If we get 10 people interested and it costs $20 for all product, each person pays $2.

Now we're at $102. Now you need to pay the cost for me to ship the product to you. It's small and probably wouldn't be more than $5 for me to ship from Indiana to anywhere in the US. Now, you're at a final, total cost of $107! Much better than the $150 direct from the manufacturer.

Why Watsen?

I had a few questions about the Watsen LEDs at first. I gave the "company" a call. Turns out the "company" is like three people total. He has been making these flush mounts for five years and, as he put it, puts his heart into each product he makes. I would much rather support an individual than a multiconglomerate like Lockart Phillips.

The product is simply the best in its class. It's made from Aluminum and CNCd to fit flush in the fairing or on the forks. He installs three super-sized LEDs and then tests it.

Where to sign up:

Just post in this thread. I have the following people interested/semi-interested. I don't know how many we need to get the dealer price but the more the better.

Myself (Coskie)

Any questions? I tried to describe it in as much detail as possible.
For $107.00, count me in! since they do not have the new '08 Cobalt, I'm thinking the matte black, especially since the '08 front signals are no longer on the plastics of the fairing!

Last question? Is this for the "running lights" version which they charge $5.00 more for per set? Wish I could afford two sets cause I'd mod one set for the rear. Hmmmm......
Remember, FZ6inNH, these costs are only an estimate. I can't give you actual prices until I know how many people are participating and exactly how much it costs to mail a small box. It may be in the 110-120 range at a max, I would think.

I'm thinking of giving people a week to decide and post here until I close off the cap.
For $107.00, count me in! since they do not have the new '08 Cobalt, I'm thinking the matte black, especially since the '08 front signals are no longer on the plastics of the fairing!

Last question? Is this for the "running lights" version which they charge $5.00 more for per set? Wish I could afford two sets cause I'd mod one set for the rear. Hmmmm......

Yeah...what he said:D
How much to ship back to Canada? Assuming my cost is cheaper in the group buy, I'd be interested. Having them ship mine seperate may be an option if its only a few bucks difference and would save the hassle of handleing.
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