Watsen Flush GROUP BUY!


  • [*]Coskie
    WDN114-CR + RunLight


    WDN129-BLC + RunLight

    WDN114-CR + RunLight


    WDN129-MB + RunLight


    WDN114-BL + RunLight

    WDN129-MB+ runlight

    WDN114-CR + RunLight

    WDN129-BM + RunLight

  • BigJoeG
    WDN114-BL + RunLight
  • VegasRider
    WDN114-BL + RunLight
  • masonke

That's the latest list from coskie, updated with nodaknodoubt and rsw's details. I can contact the dude and see about completing the deal, but again, need for folks to either pm me or post to this thread, confirming that YOU'RE IN for certain...
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I am in as well, and my model # is posted back somewhere on this thread, with the running light option.

I do not do Paypal, so I will need to send in a postal money order, so let me know how much and who and where to send it to. It will take about 3-4 business days for the money order to arrive in the mail.

Only other option is for a member to pay my end and I can deposit the money directly into their bank account here in Las Vegas as long as they bank with the big boys: Wells Fargo, WAMU, BA, Wachovia, US Bank, Citibank. All I need is their full name and account # and which bank. The information that I need is information that is already on a personal check, actually less information, so it's not like you are giving away any secrets if you're paranoid.
I am in as well, and my model # is posted back somewhere on this thread, with the running light option.

I do not do Paypal, so I will need to send in a postal money order, so let me know how much and who and where to send it to. It will take about 3-4 business days for the money order to arrive in the mail.

Only other option is for a member to pay my end and I can deposit the money directly into their bank account here in Las Vegas as long as they bank with the big boys: Wells Fargo, WAMU, BA, Wachovia, US Bank, Citibank. All I need is their full name and account # and which bank. The information that I need is information that is already on a personal check, actually less information, so it's not like you are giving away any secrets if you're paranoid.

I can do that for you if you'd like Vegas. I have WellsFargo, so that won't be an issue.
I've sent an initial contact message to Watsen asking about completing this here deal-io. I'll let you all know what develops.

I'd like to ask for group feedback/guidance as to when to "pull the trigger" -- how much time do folks who're on the list get to confirm their order? The date had been set for the 15th. I'd assume if folks were on the list that they'd have checked this thread by now. Yes, I know, assumption...

If I were to get a positive response from Watsen, would this Friday be too soon -- is that not enough time for all interested parties to confirm?

I've sent an initial contact message to Watsen asking about completing this here deal-io. I'll let you all know what develops.

I'd like to ask for group feedback/guidance as to when to \"pull the trigger\" -- how much time do folks who're on the list get to confirm their order? The date had been set for the 15th. I'd assume if folks were on the list that they'd have checked this thread by now. Yes, I know, assumption...

If I were to get a positive response from Watsen, would this Friday be too soon -- is that not enough time for all interested parties to confirm?


I'd assume that if they put a specific model number per Coskie's list that they are interested and confirmed. I know I'm in.
Mrstewar1, If you are planning on taking over the ordering - I'll just order my own. It won't make a difference in the price for everyone else. Roger is making a slightly different kind of set for my rear signals, anyway. He seems like a great guy and I'm sure we will all like the product! P.S. It is really nice of you to take on all that responsibility.
I can do that for you if you'd like Vegas. I have WellsFargo, so that won't be an issue.

Thanks, I figured someone would. Lets see how much it's going to be and then we can PM. WF will be very easy, they are open everyday, including Sunday.
mine is correct and I am in for sure! also, I have never used paypal so rsw81 would it be too much to ask that I do the same thing with you that your going to do with Vegas?
I'm in for sure. Just let me know how much and where to send the money (paypal is fine.)

Was checking this thread religiously and then got side tracked for a few days.
Can I join this group buy? Please? Pretty please? With sugar on top?

I'd like a set of the matte black ones. Can someone post the details of the deal for me - I really don't have time to plow through 11 pages of forum to find it! Thanks.

Hey all, sorry, didn't mean to pull a coskie-lite. I emailed the company to inquire about completing the order. Some of the things I've learned...
1. Earlier in the thread coskie spoke of having to, essentially, become a distributor/dealer in order to get a discount. With coskie M.I.A. at this point, that would mean that yours truly would have to do that part, which is not something I'm prepared to do.
2. The guy from Watsen suggested that I give coskie a few more days to see if he surfaces. He didn't sound in too much of a hurry to go through the motions with a new guy.
3. One of the things that may have made coskie a little gun-shy is the final cost. I don't know what the wholesale price was going to be, but also from the email from Roger Watson, it was suggested that maybe coskie hadn't calculated the cost correctly and stood to lose money by completing the order. And I don't think we'd want to leave a fellow member having to subsidize our purchases.

So in the end it looks as if this is a bit of dead thread. Unless coskie reappears and we get it sorted with him.

I apologize for getting everybody all stoked...