Tunes When You Ride


Mar 21, 2007
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What are some of the things that everyone does to listen to music when riding? Or is that something that you would even do? I have had a hard time finding something that would work.

I just tried listening to music yesterday for the first time. I have an inexpensive MP3 player and some earplug/earbud style headphones.

I was a little concerned about the inability to hear but figured the wind noise blocks out most ability to hear anyways.

What I found was amazing. I have much more focus and road awareness with the music on. I think I was paying too much attention to (or was distracted by) the engine noise and decision whether to shift or not.

I find now that I cannot hear the engine and as a result I really pay very little attention to my shifting and have much more confidence in my turn speeds and cornering.

Really I think I tend to keep the bike a too low an RPM normally because it sounds like the engine is revving too high (even though I am only at around 7 or 8 K.

Has anyone else noticed an increase in focus with music? :confused:
I've always been too afraid for the same reasons but after reading about your experience maybe I'll try it. A little off topic but does anyone have the Fieldsheer Adventure Pants? (I bought them last night online)
I haven't tried it yet but I have a Sony PSP that can act like a IPod so I may give it a shot this weekend. Someone in a similar post had mentioned that they rode faster and more aggressively when some of their favorite tunes were crank'n. If my driving with music on is any indication of how I will ride with it on, I may need new tires sooner than I think.:D
If my driving with music on is any indication of how I will ride with it on, I may need new tires sooner than I think.:D

Yeah, maybe avoid speed metal and punk until you have assessed the effect on you. Otherwise you might be struggling for traction on those turns :eek: