This Guy is lucky!

I pulled out onto a street just like she did and got t boned. Didnt matter if the truck was doing the speed limit or 15 over or even 20 over. I was at a stop sign which means stop and make sure all traffic is clear and I obviously didnt. Which is exactly what she did. If she would have gotten out of the car with a cell phone glued to her ear would your opinion change? Because all these what ifs are crazy.
I don't see it as a matter of opinion. There's no question he was going a good clip over 75mph behind a crest in the road. And the road is never clear, it's only clear as far as we can see. Or, we can proceed across an occupied road as long as we're not impeding the right of way (ie crossing vehicles are too far / too slow). In this case, the guy was either not visible or he was not visible enough to raise any concerns about impeding his right of way.

Sorry, people can't just pin the throttle anywhere and then blame the person who inevitably pulls out in front of them for causing an accident. The road is supposed to be shared, not owned.
Or, she wasn't looking. That is all.

Wouldn't matter if there was nothing to see.

Except we can tell there was nothing to see, while people are only theorizing that she wasn't looking. Or she was on her cell phone. Or paying to much attention to the kid. Or whatever excuse deflects blame from the motorcycling football superhero who was riding like a maniac.
That's exactly what she was doing. How does that change anything, other to explain her slow progress?

Ok. I've examined the video about 6 times.

A lot of people here are assuming the car driver was trying to turn out into the street either left (the direction the bus is facing) or right. I do not believe that to be the case!

From what I observe it appears that the car was pulling across the street in an attempt to pull in front of the bus to pick up the boy who is shown getting off the bus.


1. The car takes forever to pull out when there is no traffic coming (assuming the driver didn't see the motorcycle).

2. The car pulls out and goes straight across the road, not turning left or right, and there is nothing but a curb in the direction the car is heading.

3. The boy getting off the bus is seen stepping off the curb and walking toward the car a split second before impact (further reinforcing the theory that the car was his ride)


Not that it really matters, but the car driver and the boy on the bus had nothing to do with each other. I read a story a few days ago that has more detail, and explains the boy on the bus, since he almost got taken out by the motorcycle. In my opinion, the car driver and the motorcycle driver were both at fault to different degrees.

VIDEO: Florida State's Nick O'Leary, grandson of Jack Nicklaus, survives horrifying motorcycle crash - Tomahawk Nation

But there's another story here -- one that doesn't show up in the video. It's that of the young passenger trying to retrieve his bike who is nearly struck by O'Leary's motorcycle after the initial impact. The report says that the driver was "disputing a bus fare with the bicycle owner." The video before the crash shows the young passenger putting his bike on the front of the bus, getting on the bus, swiping his card, only to be recalled by the driver. He swipes again, and apparently the card does not work. The passenger and driver exchange words, before the young passenger departs the bus and makes his way around the front to retrieve his bike. If he was out in front just a second or two earlier, he easily could have been struck by the motorcycle.
I first saw this on Yahoo, I left a reply, maybe it has been seen. It basically echo'd what has been said for the most part. I blamed the driver for pulling out where he/she should not have been, but blamed the rider too for not scanning ahead far enough to avoid the car and implement the correct evasive action. I didn't mention the speed of the rider tho.
Wouldn't matter if there was nothing to see.

Except we can tell there was nothing to see, while people are only theorizing that she wasn't looking. Or she was on her cell phone. Or paying to much attention to the kid. Or whatever excuse deflects blame from the motorcycling football superhero who was riding like a maniac.

Alright here's a summary and a link so we aren't protecting a football star nobodies heard about and so you arnt protecting the completely innocent cager. Guess who got a citation because the othe "had the right of way"

The kid on the bus was my neighbor and was going to his new apartment so I gave him my FSU card so that he wouldn't have to pay to ride. He put his bike on the front rack and tried to use the card while my boyfriend, daughter and I were in the car waiting (to see if it would work) once we realized he was getting off I proceeded to make the turn (after looking both ways, of course). The video doesn't show my boyfriends arm out the window with a dollar to give to our neighbor so he could pay; so instead of turning fast to drive, I was turning slowly in order to stop in front of the bus. Now, on this road in Tallahassee (Mission road) there's a curve and a small hill. I believe that when I looked left, mr. O' Leary was coming up that hill which is why he wasn't seen. He was speeding because if you look closely at the video you can see him try to apply his front brakes which causes the back wheel to rise a little. If he were to be going the posted speed limit, 30 mph, I believe the accident could have been avoided. I wasn't the only one who didn't see him coming, the bus driver even admits that "he came out of nowhere". Although I was cited, it was simply because he had the right of way because I was not fully established in the lane going east. But the insurance company stated that just because a person is cited doesn't mean that they are at fault. Both our insurances covered the costs of the accident and my insurance is currently in the process of getting a percentage of my deductible back from mr. O' leary's insurance company. I am not and have never been an unsafe driver. That is my first accident and with my family being in the car, the last thing I would be is reckless. It is nothing short of a miracle that he survived.

I am in no way trying to play the blame game and I would have been traumatized if mr. O' Leary suffered extensive injuries but I can see where we are both at fault. I should have taken extra caution and he should not have been speeding. I learned from this accident and I'm sure that he has to

Driver of Lexus in Nick O'Leary's motorcycle crash gives her side of the story - Tomahawk Nation

Look twice, save a life, isn't that a popular motorcycle slogan these days?
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Then the point if saying the driver did nothing wrong and how she had the right if way was pointless then? Because she stated slim fact she didnt have the right if way?
I first saw this on Yahoo, I left a reply, maybe it has been seen. It basically echo'd what has been said for the most part. I blamed the driver for pulling out where he/she should not have been, but blamed the rider too for not scanning ahead far enough to avoid the car and implement the correct evasive action. I didn't mention the speed of the rider tho.

I agree, both the driver and the rider are at fault. Almost every accident is unavoidable if you are paying attention and "expect the unexpected". If you ride (or drive) with the mindset that people may move over on you, or pull out in front of you, when it actually does happen you will be prepared and not surprised by the action. To me, and I apologize if this has already been stated, but the rider seemed to only react at the last moment and locked up the front brake which initiated his motion and carried him over the hood of the Lexus and down the road some distance depending on his velocity. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured and I hope he will use this experience to help shape him into a more alert rider or driver, and I say that because I think the best drivers are the ones who ride.;)
"Although I was cited, it was simply because he had the right of way because I was not fully established in the lane going east."

Exactly. And she acknowledges it. And proceeded to argue that someone pulling off a side street has the righ of way over someone on that main road. Makes 0 sense. If you go out without insurance and someone speeding rear ends you. Guess who's at fault? You for not carrying insurance and driving in the first place.
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What can they both do so that it won't happen again?

Rider: Keep speed down on the surface streets, way too many variables out there, just not worth it. That is why you will rarely see me riding 5 over, yes I get passed up by other vehicles.

Driver: Look twice for motorcyclist.

He should stick to playing football. I think he plays tight end for Florida State.
I do agree this was preventable if the rider scanned ahead but I also agree the car driver a retard and I hope he was at-fault for that. That's that type of **** that gets everyone, not just riders hurt. Stupid **** like that. Learn to look before inching ya stupid self onto the road.

I had some idiot pull in front of me the other day and didn't even try to keep the speed limit. Was going like 15-20 mph. Luckily I was only going 45-50 and slowed down. I was pissed though. Hadda rev it up a couple times, then I seen him look in his side mirror realizing he didn't see me. He pulls over to the side and I ride by.