The Rant Thread

Yep....sunny Queensland, perfect one day, drowned the next!!!

And how about sending us a bit of water you greedy buggers!!!


Slowly but surely it is trickling its way down the Murray/Darling , they are saying up this way it will have a great inflow to the system for ya's :thumbup:
Oi!!! Watch it there big fella :spank:
You still coming down here mate??? Much drier here, better than that "rain soaked" paradise (pffft) you live in :Flip:


Yep im still heading down there mate , just not sure when..... Turmoil at work at the moment , new boss is trying to make us use our own holidays up while we have all this wet weather around :spank: :spank: :mad:
Slowly but surely it is trickling its way down the Murray/Darling , they are saying up this way it will have a great inflow to the system for ya's :thumbup:

According to the radio today...apparently a deal for about 70 million megamathingijiggy liters was struck between the SA and Queensland governments...which is a small step forward for a dead river Murray in SA! River No longer has a mouth!!!!
According to the radio today...apparently a deal for about 70 million megamathingijiggy liters was struck between the SA and Queensland governments...which is a small step forward for a dead river Murray in SA! River No longer has a mouth!!!!

WOW !!!!!!! Your saying that the QLD govt. just did something worthwhile :eek: I dont believe it... Guess it has something to do with Cubbie Station being full , here's hoping you get what you deserve..... Coz the poor Murray Ck needs help
WOW !!!!!!! Your saying that the QLD govt. just did something worthwhile :eek: I dont believe it... Guess it has something to do with Cubbie Station being full , here's hoping you get what you deserve..... Coz the poor Murray Ck needs help

Well I guess it's pretty hard to say no when your standing in front of an overflowing bath tub, and the persons asking are coveted in dust from head to toe!
Well I guess it's pretty hard to say no when your standing in front of an overflowing bath tub, and the persons asking are coveted in dust from head to toe!

Ohh i wouldnt put anything past the clowns that run this state.... But your right , it would be tough to refuse when the whole country can see....
Ohh i wouldnt put anything past the clowns that run this state.... But your right , it would be tough to refuse when the whole country can see....

Yep...should be federal government controlled!!! State governments are like a bunch of fighting teenage siblings....can't agree on anything!
oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

Well it had to happen I had my first accident today
as I am now unimployed I had to go to the dole office
when leaving the carpark under the building
a 80+ year old lady driving a ford festiva taped me from behind
knocking me off my bike while i was stationary.

lucky for me i was not hurt and the bike only suffered minor damage
of which will see my gpx as a naked for a while as i have to fix the fairings
and a clutch handle

the moral of the story is when $^it happens they say I Did'nt see ya
truth is if you cant SEE get off the road before you kill some one.
Re: oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

Well it had to happen I had my first accident today
as I am now unimployed I had to go to the dole office
when leaving the carpark under the building
a 80+ year old lady driving a ford festiva taped me from behind
knocking me off my bike while i was stationary.

lucky for me i was not hurt and the bike only suffered minor damage
of which will see my gpx as a naked for a while as i have to fix the fairings
and a clutch handle

the moral of the story is when $^it happens they say I Did'nt see ya
truth is if you cant SEE get off the road before you kill some one.

Yikes:eek:! Glad you're OK mate. Hope you can get your bike sorted to your satisfaction.

As for the "I didn't see you" line:rolleyes:.....I usually say, "That's because you need to look, F@#%head!" I'm usually watching peoples heads and hands to give me a bit of early warning, and nearly every time I've had someone near kill me I've seen them move their hands for a token flash of the indicator and a cursory, "Yup, my wing mirror is still there" look.

I think they should make car keys smaller.....then these @$$holes won't be able to find them and will have to take the bus.:spank:
Glad you are ok, gotta hope that (things run in 3) isnt true, cause it sounds like your luck sucks at the moment. Theres another thread today where someone got hit by a oldie in a car in car park, same excuse.
Did the oldie have insurance that will cover it?

There was this huge push by the government to try and address the issue about older drivers being very dangerous, not in the same fashion as younger and inexperienced drivers as they are less likely to be going really fast, but because they have no awareness of the road, and tend to drive very slowly with little to no attention to anyone else. Plus their reaction times are nonexistant.
Naturally the NRMA jumped on its high horse when it realised all the money it would lose from old people many of whom probably don't even drive but have a car insured and on the road anyway, and blocked it.

Hopefully the next time an old person takes someone out because they shouldn't have a license someone will sue NRMA for keeping them on the road, and we will see a bit of accountability.

I know my nearest accidents have both times been old people, one who simply swerved across 3 lanes of traffic in peak hour on an 80km/h road and almost killed several people including me, and wasn't even aware of the fact. The other being an old person on a main road who simply pulled out of the parking spot straight in front of me. I was in the car and came to a screeching halt just behind and was abusing and beeping and apparently she didn't even notice. No indicator no lights on at night, nothing.
Re: oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

Well it had to happen I had my first accident today
as I am now unimployed I had to go to the dole office
when leaving the carpark under the building
a 80+ year old lady driving a ford festiva taped me from behind
knocking me off my bike while i was stationary.

lucky for me i was not hurt and the bike only suffered minor damage
of which will see my gpx as a naked for a while as i have to fix the fairings
and a clutch handle

the moral of the story is when $^it happens they say I Did'nt see ya
truth is if you cant SEE get off the road before you kill some one.

Glad you are ok. :thumbup:

Before you get a car licence, you should be made to ride a bike, that way they may look for us rather than not bloody see us.

Do you ride a pocket rocket? She didn't see you, maybe you're really, really short and your bike is painted in car park camo colour! :eek:
Did the oldie have insurance that will cover it?

There was this huge push by the government to try and address the issue about older drivers being very dangerous, not in the same fashion as younger and inexperienced drivers as they are less likely to be going really fast, but because they have no awareness of the road, and tend to drive very slowly with little to no attention to anyone else. Plus their reaction times are nonexistant.
Naturally the NRMA jumped on its high horse when it realised all the money it would lose from old people many of whom probably don't even drive but have a car insured and on the road anyway, and blocked it.

Hopefully the next time an old person takes someone out because they shouldn't have a license someone will sue NRMA for keeping them on the road, and we will see a bit of accountability.

I know my nearest accidents have both times been old people, one who simply swerved across 3 lanes of traffic in peak hour on an 80km/h road and almost killed several people including me, and wasn't even aware of the fact. The other being an old person on a main road who simply pulled out of the parking spot straight in front of me. I was in the car and came to a screeching halt just behind and was abusing and beeping and apparently she didn't even notice. No indicator no lights on at night, nothing.
I don't think age is relevant - idiots drive at all ages.

I'm always getting cut off, tail gated etc etc in my car or on the bike. Doesn't matter what age or sex - anyone can be a dick!
Re: oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

Glad you are ok. :thumbup:

Before you get a car licence, you should be made to ride a bike, that way they may look for us rather than not bloody see us.

Do you ride a pocket rocket? She didn't see you, maybe you're really, really short and your bike is painted in car park camo colour! :eek:

I think everyone should be encouraged to ride a scooter or motorcycle before being allowed to drive a car simply because it would increase awareness in all drivers many fold.
I find your response though a bit troubling? First you ask the guy whether he is on a small bike? Asif thats an excuse? If you run over a bicyclist is it his fault for not having a 'proper sized' motorcycle that would be more visible?
Then you say that bike colour might make it his fault? Free reign on running over small children! They are hard to see afterall!!!!
If we hear you have had an accident would you like someones response to be "well it CAN'T have been the other persons fault, you obviously did something wrong" that would be a really great response if you are in hospital, or worse. In fact its pretty insulting.
What happens when someone sandwiches you into a van because your bikes white and the van is white too, or someone runs over you on a crest because your bikes blue the colour of the sky? Oh there was a red light so I didn't notice the red motorcycle.

This is exactly the kind of goody two shoes crap that means that some old person kills someone and then suddenly its all "oh well he was just a motorcyclist, he should have had safety lights flashing and been riding a larger CC bike so people with impaired vision/judgement can see him"
You know what would stop this happening again? The old person going to jail and harsher testing of people over a certain age where they cannot just visit the same GP they have known for 50 years and get automatically passed as they are friends.
Unfortunately that kind of action only happens every time a young person is involved in an accident, and its never anything that will change the problem its just more restrictions because better education is too expensive and time consuming.
My grandmother had to give up driving because she realised she simply didn't have the skills or reaction times to continue, and it was extremely hard for her, she can barely navigate through the supermarket anymore everyone is so aggressive and her spacial awareness is so bad, but there are many old people where she live who have been encouraging her to drive telling her "you just ignore everyone else, if they don't like you driving slow thats their problem" this is to an 86 year old who probably doesn't even have the strength the turn the wheel of the car she used to drive as it isn't power steering? Its a wonderfully selfish mentality.

There are bad drivers in every age group, however research has proven beyond a doubt that elderly people reach a point where they are no longer safe drivers due to their awareness being hindered, their reaction times being too slow, and their general mental abilities not really being adequate on the roads today.
The main difference is that peoply like YOU (assuming you where not being sarcastic) feel they need to defend a group who would actually probably greatly benefit from a bit more focus and testing to make the roads a safer place.
I think alot of peoples opinion might be vastly different if they had to redo all their licensing starting from L's and actually experience what it is like these days. It would also be good to see everyone with a license gained over 10 years ago retested since many road rules have changed, but thats another issue altogether.
Hey Spook, sorry to hear of both your job loss, and your bingle with a car....yes, life has a rather unique way of kicking you in the arse, and then kicking you in the arse again, just when you dont think you deserve it...

Glad your ok, glad your bike is fixable...

as for the old cheese that hit you, i have had the pretty much the exact same thing happen to me in my old car...even the cops were amazed at the stupidity of the bugger that hit me, as he took off from the scene of the accident, and eventually got busted for that as well...

In court, he told the judge that i swerved to hit the back of his car....pretty hard when i was stationary, car was turned off, and i had one leg out of the car at the time, as i was getting out....

Judge fined him, but still left him with a license!

Re: oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

I think everyone should be encouraged to ride a scooter or motorcycle before being allowed to drive a car simply because it would increase awareness in all drivers many fold.
I find your response though a bit troubling? First you ask the guy whether he is on a small bike? Asif thats an excuse? If you run over a bicyclist is it his fault for not having a 'proper sized' motorcycle that would be more visible?
Then you say that bike colour might make it his fault? Free reign on running over small children! They are hard to see afterall!!!!
If we hear you have had an accident would you like someones response to be "well it CAN'T have been the other persons fault, you obviously did something wrong" that would be a really great response if you are in hospital, or worse. In fact its pretty insulting.
What happens when someone sandwiches you into a van because your bikes white and the van is white too, or someone runs over you on a crest because your bikes blue the colour of the sky? Oh there was a red light so I didn't notice the red motorcycle.

This is exactly the kind of goody two shoes crap that means that some old person kills someone and then suddenly its all "oh well he was just a motorcyclist, he should have had safety lights flashing and been riding a larger CC bike so people with impaired vision/judgement can see him"
You know what would stop this happening again? The old person going to jail and harsher testing of people over a certain age where they cannot just visit the same GP they have known for 50 years and get automatically passed as they are friends.
Unfortunately that kind of action only happens every time a young person is involved in an accident, and its never anything that will change the problem its just more restrictions because better education is too expensive and time consuming.
My grandmother had to give up driving because she realised she simply didn't have the skills or reaction times to continue, and it was extremely hard for her, she can barely navigate through the supermarket anymore everyone is so aggressive and her spacial awareness is so bad, but there are many old people where she live who have been encouraging her to drive telling her "you just ignore everyone else, if they don't like you driving slow thats their problem" this is to an 86 year old who probably doesn't even have the strength the turn the wheel of the car she used to drive as it isn't power steering? Its a wonderfully selfish mentality.

There are bad drivers in every age group, however research has proven beyond a doubt that elderly people reach a point where they are no longer safe drivers due to their awareness being hindered, their reaction times being too slow, and their general mental abilities not really being adequate on the roads today.
The main difference is that peoply like YOU (assuming you where not being sarcastic) feel they need to defend a group who would actually probably greatly benefit from a bit more focus and testing to make the roads a safer place.
I think alot of peoples opinion might be vastly different if they had to redo all their licensing starting from L's and actually experience what it is like these days. It would also be good to see everyone with a license gained over 10 years ago retested since many road rules have changed, but thats another issue altogether.
Dude, can you not take a joke? :spank:

Is your post for real?

I was taking the P155. ;)

You can't tell?
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Re: oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

I think everyone should be encouraged to ride a scooter or motorcycle before being allowed to drive a car simply because it would increase awareness in all drivers many fold.
I find your response though a bit troubling? First you ask the guy whether he is on a small bike? Asif thats an excuse? If you run over a bicyclist is it his fault for not having a 'proper sized' motorcycle that would be more visible?
Then you say that bike colour might make it his fault? Free reign on running over small children! They are hard to see afterall!!!!
If we hear you have had an accident would you like someones response to be "well it CAN'T have been the other persons fault, you obviously did something wrong" that would be a really great response if you are in hospital, or worse. In fact its pretty insulting.
What happens when someone sandwiches you into a van because your bikes white and the van is white too, or someone runs over you on a crest because your bikes blue the colour of the sky? Oh there was a red light so I didn't notice the red motorcycle.

This is exactly the kind of goody two shoes crap that means that some old person kills someone and then suddenly its all "oh well he was just a motorcyclist, he should have had safety lights flashing and been riding a larger CC bike so people with impaired vision/judgement can see him"
You know what would stop this happening again? The old person going to jail and harsher testing of people over a certain age where they cannot just visit the same GP they have known for 50 years and get automatically passed as they are friends.
Unfortunately that kind of action only happens every time a young person is involved in an accident, and its never anything that will change the problem its just more restrictions because better education is too expensive and time consuming.
My grandmother had to give up driving because she realised she simply didn't have the skills or reaction times to continue, and it was extremely hard for her, she can barely navigate through the supermarket anymore everyone is so aggressive and her spacial awareness is so bad, but there are many old people where she live who have been encouraging her to drive telling her "you just ignore everyone else, if they don't like you driving slow thats their problem" this is to an 86 year old who probably doesn't even have the strength the turn the wheel of the car she used to drive as it isn't power steering? Its a wonderfully selfish mentality.

There are bad drivers in every age group, however research has proven beyond a doubt that elderly people reach a point where they are no longer safe drivers due to their awareness being hindered, their reaction times being too slow, and their general mental abilities not really being adequate on the roads today.
The main difference is that peoply like YOU (assuming you where not being sarcastic) feel they need to defend a group who would actually probably greatly benefit from a bit more focus and testing to make the roads a safer place.
I think alot of peoples opinion might be vastly different if they had to redo all their licensing starting from L's and actually experience what it is like these days. It would also be good to see everyone with a license gained over 10 years ago retested since many road rules have changed, but thats another issue altogether.

Actually I think the colour and size comments were sarcasm to try to inject some levity.

All groups of drivers do have problems and the only way of addressing this is regular testing.

I kind of agree that vehicles need to be put over the pits, but I don't agree with every year. Every three should be adequate to keep the real dung heaps off the road. And a reasonable inspection. Not pedantic carp like your aerial's broken. While that vehicle is being inspected the driver needs to sit a test, and every third time round do an actual driving test. The money to pay for this is easily available. Revenue from radars:thumbup:. Remove the hazzards from the side of the road (eg, huge freakiing trees leaning over the road) and I'd say you've just cleaned up over half the death toll.

The Gov't would do something like this if they were serious.......But they won't 'cause they aren't. They use the money elsewhere, and need people dying to give them the excuse to buy more cameras to make even more money. Some say I'm cynical...I say realistic.
Re: oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

Dude, can you not take a joke? :spank:

Is your post for real?

I was taking the P155. ;)

You can't tell?

ummmmmmm.....No it looks like Kris thought you were for real! dunno how, it looked plainly sarcastic to me!

But lets not start a flaming war now....just a minor misunderstanding, bit like reading a text the wrong way...

Re: oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

Didn't sound like sarcasm to me, which should have been obvious from my post, particularly the second last paragraph.

Its far from the first time I've heard this viewpoint, infact I have alot of friends who basically think exactly this way purely because I ride instead of drive. Its also exactly what stopped the newer requirements to make it harder for elderly people to keep their licenses.

You'll have to excuse my little outburst, but I was suprised anyone on a motorcycle forum would have such a viewpoint. My point stands however, even if it doesn't apply to you. :)
Re: oldies in mobile shopping trolleys

Didn't sound like sarcasm to me, which should have been obvious from my post, particularly the second last paragraph.

Its far from the first time I've heard this viewpoint, infact I have alot of friends who basically think exactly this way purely because I ride instead of drive. Its also exactly what stopped the newer requirements to make it harder for elderly people to keep their licenses.

You'll have to excuse my little outburst, but I was suprised anyone on a motorcycle forum would have such a viewpoint. My point stands however, even if it doesn't apply to you. :)
No problem at all.

You're passionate about what you believe in - that's good. :thumbup:

I was being sarcastic, that's all. :Flash: