The Rant Thread

When are these idiots in their Dad's $100000 HSV GTS or financed to the eyeballs , uninsured WRX STI gunna learn that they are not fast cars :spank: They are NOT the latest Supercars you IDIOTS & will never beat my $15000 Yamaha or even a 600cc FZ6 no matter what you do :shakehead:

All you 2 clowns did lastnight was make yourself look like tools infront of your mates/girlfriend :D free advice for you both , an average of 200kg & 100+ HP = face distorting acceleration :rockon: You posers need to buy a $500000+ car to even come close to it :BLAA:

And like I told the 'fully sick' wanker with the big mouth at the servo , your HSV is still just another Commodore :spank: More fool your Dad for paying that much & lending it to you :disapprove: Ohh yeah & 'fully sick' WRX boy , your 14 second 1/4 mile , pppffftttt im dialing in my next sucker by then :Flip:
When are these idiots in their Dad's $100000 HSV GTS or financed to the eyeballs , uninsured WRX STI gunna learn that they are not fast cars :spank: They are NOT the latest Supercars you IDIOTS & will never beat my $15000 Yamaha or even a 600cc FZ6 no matter what you do :shakehead:

All you 2 clowns did lastnight was make yourself look like tools infront of your mates/girlfriend :D free advice for you both , an average of 200kg & 100+ HP = face distorting acceleration :rockon: You posers need to buy a $500000+ car to even come close to it :BLAA:

And like I told the 'fully sick' wanker with the big mouth at the servo , your HSV is still just another Commodore :spank: More fool your Dad for paying that much & lending it to you :disapprove: Ohh yeah & 'fully sick' WRX boy , your 14 second 1/4 mile , pppffftttt im dialing in my next sucker by then :Flip:

Unfortuneatly Humpy...these guys are the same guys who go out and buy R1's, etc....cause they get flogged by a bike, and then realise that if they wanna go properly fasdt, they need something different, and a big arse fast bike is way cheaper, and easier to get up to warp speed.

Unfortuneatly Humpy...these guys are the same guys who go out and buy R1's, etc....cause they get flogged by a bike, and then realise that if they wanna go properly fasdt, they need something different, and a big arse fast bike is way cheaper, and easier to get up to warp speed.


Yup...then get flogged by a fat old bugga on an 250 as soon as there is a bend in the road:BLAA:
To the B***h in the black magna/lancer at 7:30am on Alexander Drive today, get off your f****n phone when you drive, pay attention to the traffic in front of you and don't try to overtake me on inside of my lane when there is traffic in front of me and to the side of me, I'm in the correct lane position (right wheel track ;)) and, hey, I'm in traffic - sort of can't go faster than the traffic around me is going, silly but a fact ..... She just about got past my rear tyre before she realised I was there!

It wasn't dark, I wasn't in black clothing and I was gently touching my rear brake as I could see you closing up on me.

I feel better now :)

This is my everyday :( You get used to it,this is why I (some will disagree) allways try to keep moving forward through the traffic,if this means going faster than the posted limit,then so be it.
When are these idiots in their Dad's $100000 HSV GTS or financed to the eyeballs , uninsured WRX STI gunna learn that they are not fast cars :spank: They are NOT the latest Supercars you IDIOTS & will never beat my $15000 Yamaha or even a 600cc FZ6 no matter what you do :shakehead:

All you 2 clowns did lastnight was make yourself look like tools infront of your mates/girlfriend :D free advice for you both , an average of 200kg & 100+ HP = face distorting acceleration :rockon: You posers need to buy a $500000+ car to even come close to it :BLAA:

And like I told the 'fully sick' wanker with the big mouth at the servo , your HSV is still just another Commodore :spank: More fool your Dad for paying that much & lending it to you :disapprove: Ohh yeah & 'fully sick' WRX boy , your 14 second 1/4 mile , pppffftttt im dialing in my next sucker by then :Flip:

This too :rolleyes: I tell em,they'll need atleast 500hp :Flip:
This is my everyday :( You get used to it,this is why I (some will disagree) allways try to keep moving forward through the traffic,if this means going faster than the posted limit,then so be it.
I usually drive to work (can't have my coffee on my bike ;), but it was such a beautiful day yesterday I decided to ride. Being in a "flash" office I have to take a change of clothes etc as Draggins and Berik boots aren't suitable attire LOL.

I know these idiots are there all the time, but it still shocks me when I see these tools in cars when I'm riding. You have to be 3 steps ahead of cagers and assume they are all going to do something stupid :shakehead:

As for speeding up to avoid these idiots, I totally agree, but we have double demerit points until Sunday night......

Also, I don't lane split (nothing against it, it's just something I don't feel comfortable doing myself), so I really couldn't go anywhere :(
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Far too many idiots on the roads these days.
I always seem to get them on the way home, they like to cruise along at 35km/h in 50 and 60 zones, and when you pass them (legally mind you) suddenly they need to tailgate you even if your going a steady 5 over the limit. Best I had was a guy do exactly this, THEN the car in front of me pulled over to the side of the road and basically double parked (two lanes) so I moved into the right lane, but the leftish side, and the idiot tailgating me overtook me in my own f_ing lane.......
Got to the next set of lights and he just sat at the green light, not going until I beeped, and then did again at the next set of lights at which point I was ready to get off the bike and smash his face in, and honestly I may think everyones a total idiot on the road, but I rarely get genuinely angry.
People like this don't deserve a license. Wasting valuable oxygen and petrol.

The irony of people trying to beat you in a car is always pretty breathtaking. Only thing worse is the idiots who think that when you stop accelerating at the speed limit that they have won.

Btw, there is like twice as many stickies since my last visit, what happened there?
Got made to park my bike around the front in mayhem-ville. Parked between two rails of the pushbike park (all the push bikes park around where I used to).

My workmate's car just got backed into by the 'tard that had me move my bike around there. I knew she was gunning for it...probably peeved off she can't get to
:cheer:Rant time again.

Had a dill in a truck (MR) pull out on me today. Saw me coming, and just pulled out anyhow. Doing 62 kays in a 60 zone at the time. Had to hammer the picks pretty hard as he came straight across into my lane. I then switched lanes and shot by him to make sure he wasn't gonna cut me off again, and the fool, flashed his lights at me (spotties and all).

So I decided to have some fun at his expense, and stalked him after he turned off behind me at a set of lights. A bit further down the road, he had to stop at a red. I pulled up behind him, after making myself seen, and sat there for half a minute before pulling out from behind him and turning left.

As I went past the cab I tooted the horn, and gave him the thumbs up, then rode off LMAO. At which point he got out of the truck and walked around the back to see what I had done (which of course was a sum total of jack-diddley-squat).:BLAA:

I love mind Next time he blatantly cuts someone off, maybe he will keep his displeasure at being in the wrong under control:thumbup::D
Too many idiots these days who do the blatantly wrong thing, then try and blame the other person who was lucky enough to survive their stupidity, honestly never mind damn speeding, get the police on the idiots just doing plain stupid stuff!
Ok, this rant is on behalf of the lovely Prebstar.

He rang me when he got to work today:

"Faaaaarrrrrrkkkkkkiiiiiinnnnnn oil all over my XJR - can't ride it home!"......

He is sick of Yamaha dealers so took it to another motorcycle repairer that he had heard good things from. One of the things they replaced was a rocker cover gasket. Surprise, surprise. That's where the oil is coming from.

2 weeks before we leave for the Tassie trip, let me say, he is a little pissed off :rant:

He's getting his delivery driver from work to drop him home during the day, take the wagon and trailer to his work, pick the XJR up and take it back to Midland. Of course, before that, he's going to give them a little phone call.........

It has had a slight smell of oil - he's only ridden it a few times since it got serviced - but couldn't actually see a problem.

Good job it happened now and not on the trip.

Well, there's a rant from him.

We'll keep ya posted on the XJR's condition :)
@30,000kms and going strong :) - apart from this........

Only had it serviced a couple of weeks ago, hence they are picking the bike up to repair it today
Sounds like just a slip up from the mechanic or maybe a faulty part (not common but does happen with yammy parts every now and then). The cover gaskets are easy to put on but can fall out of the grove sorta thing they go in then this sort of thing happens :( sad to see happen but good that they are sorting it out.
Ok, this rant is on behalf of the lovely Prebstar.

He rang me when he got to work today:

"Faaaaarrrrrrkkkkkkiiiiiinnnnnn oil all over my XJR - can't ride it home!"......

He is sick of Yamaha dealers so took it to another motorcycle repairer that he had heard good things from. One of the things they replaced was a rocker cover gasket. Surprise, surprise. That's where the oil is coming from.

2 weeks before we leave for the Tassie trip, let me say, he is a little pissed off :rant:

He's getting his delivery driver from work to drop him home during the day, take the wagon and trailer to his work, pick the XJR up and take it back to Midland. Of course, before that, he's going to give them a little phone call.........

It has had a slight smell of oil - he's only ridden it a few times since it got serviced - but couldn't actually see a problem.

Good job it happened now and not on the trip.

Well, there's a rant from him.

We'll keep ya posted on the XJR's condition :)

Fuggin Stearlerships, getting inexperienced apprentice mechanics, or worse, experienced mechanics who dont give a toss, to "work" on your bike, and stuff things up, all whilst they are charging you crazy hourly rates for labour...

hope they get their act together...

glad it happened now, on not in the middle of nowhere, on the way to PI , or something...
