Surdyke Ride June 13 (aftermath)


The Tall Guy!
Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Desoto, Missouri, USA
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So Surdyke did their 6th annual ride this weekend and for the most part it was OK. I thought it was more impressive last year. They did their free food, live music and stunts and what not. The Main ride wasn't really all that impressive especially when it split into 2 groups without realizing it. One group went interstate and the other went back roads (I think). The group I was pulled into was the interstate :( Highways are so boring. I was going to get a dyno tune done, but I decided not too.

I did run into Stryken (forum member) and I have to say, one of the nicest guys I met. It was great to talk to someone in person about the FZ6 and the forum. (My fiance thinks I'm addicted. What's worse, I think shes right). Anyway so Stryken and I went on the ride together and like I said, it was OK.

After Stryken and I watched some stunts (really impressive) for about 30-45 minutes we decided to hit some real back roads in the area. He lead the first hour ride, then I led the second hour of the ride. That was the best part of my day. We rested at a shady part in my area and just hung out for a bit and parted are ways there. My fiance said that Stryken rides his bike like he stole it :). It was good to meet someone on the forum. I was hoping to meet Elizabeth, but I didn't see her :(. Anyway, to my knowledge, there were no wrecks or anything. So everyone was safe. Although that doesn't mean there is the occasional jackass with so many riders involved.

Oh yeah, I gained a hell of a sun burn too.


Solarcaine is great stuff!

PS: Stryken, maybe next week sometime we can do some more 1 on 1 riding.;)
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You're in some serious need of an Aloe plant, man :) I just brought one of my mom's plants home. Now if I just can keep from killing the blasted thing.

Sounds like fun was had by all :) I need to get out and do more riding than just commuting. You guys make me jealous sometimes, lol