Stock 08 Ninja650 vs. Stock 08 FZ6

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I need to bring in my FZ6; It has SIX (6) speeds! Must be a defect. I'll bring it in tomorrow. When they ask me "what's wrong" I'll explain that it has six speeds and I want it fixed and don't want any backtalk. JUST FIX IT!

Chunkygoat: I'm just having fun (at your expense). Hope you don't mind too much. Hey, my mom once told personnel at a Shell service station about her "Pontiac" when it was a Plymouth Duster. At least your salesperson got "Yamaha" right.
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Wow....if you get that worked up over people making sarcastic comments, saying theyre joking then offering helpful advice try posting your same question on SBN - you'll be hanging yourself with your underwear within minutes.

Ahhhh...SBN...been pretty dead over there the past couple of months. Yes I am thread jacking. :Flip:
Yeah so I made a mistake. At least it wasn't a life threatening mistake.

And yeah i tend to get riled up fairly easily. How could i just sit there and take shots from people telling me I can't find first gear. I was just defending myself. What kind of human being would I be if i didn't?

And taking it to the track would be a great idea. I usually only go fast (and my perception of fast is 80 - 100mph) on roads I know well, in good weather and lighting conditions, and when the roads are empty and i put nobody else at risk but myself.

I'm still alive and haven't dropped my bike yet. I try to use that fear of dying or destroying my expensive new toy from taking too big risks.
Sorry man but this is funny... And whats even more funny is that you took a MSF course and you still do not know how to shift man. And been riding 4 months like this. Whom ever tought you how to ride is a retard. And you are very close of being called that as well. Don't get mad dude, but try to understand all of us, how funny this sounds by reading....:rof:
And please do not disrespect FZ6 man. It will eat 650 for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I rode 650 and it sucks. I love my FZ6.
I have never heard this before man....HAHAHA.
Well now that you know that you have 6 gears, go ahead and ride safe buddy. Good lucky with you new baby. Treat her well.
Wow....if you get that worked up over people making sarcastic comments, saying theyre joking then offering helpful advice try posting your same question on SBN - you'll be hanging yourself with your underwear within minutes.
Thats one of the reasons people like this site mate. You used to be able to ask questions without getting slated. Fair enough having a laugh at some ones expense. When nearly every post is taking the pi55 it would wear anyones resolve thin.

Lets just re-cap for a moment.
Did a new rider/owner ask a genuine question?
Who gives a monkeys aunt if it was a daft question. It certainly wasn't going to be answered at the dealers was it?

I tip my hat off to Chunkygoat; he knows how to defend himself and has a good sense of humor. Now, did I ever tell you about the time when I showed up for a party a day early?
I tip my hat off to Chunkygoat; he knows how to defend himself and has a good sense of humor. Now, did I ever tell you about the time when I showed up for a party a day early?

I'm glad somebody understands my slightly demented (and ever so censored) sense of humor.

Oh why oh why couldn't the world be more like me?:rockon:
It's threads like this that make me glad I have a gear indicator ;)

I have only been riding my own bike for about a year (this month) and I admit it....
I find myself counting........:tard:

I didn't know you could get the FZ with a gear indicator! very nice.......
Fair enough Chunky was a bit slow with the whole gearbox thing but good on him for sticking around and defending himself against some of you sarcastic twits. I would of gave you thing finger and left long ago if I copped that.

Still funny though, just know I would of cracked he sooks if it were me.
It's threads like this that make me glad I have a gear indicator ;)
I was thinking of getting one of these but the dealer said they cause problems on the 2008 model with signal interferance.
On my bike I have worked out 4000rpm at 40 MPH is 4th gear so if I forget where I am its pretty easy to work out by rpm and speed.
Chunky! :welcome: Glad you got everything sorted out ;) This bunch is a great bunch, and you should hang around with us. The advice and caring that goes on in this forum is better than the other forums that i have been on.. I am not a forum-holic or anything. . but there is all give and take here. I think you will enjoy your stay, oh, and there should be not problem wooping that six fitty! ;)

Take care, look forward to more of your posts.

I try to use that fear of dying or destroying my expensive new toy from taking too big risks.

That's pretty much how I feel. Well... maybe a little more-so about the dying part.

Regardless, welcome to the board. Even though your initial experience with it wasn't exactly rosy, I will tell you that this is one of the best forums that I've had the pleasure being a member of. There are some great people here who are always willing to help... and be a smarta$$. Sometimes at the same time. :D

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