Shoei Qwest Helmet review


Easy Rider
Mar 2, 2009
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I just upgraded this year from my ol' HJC Cl-Max Evolve modular to a Shoei Qwest. Thought I'd share my opinion.

The Qwest fits me nice and snug, with padding in all the right places to prevent movement. I think their sizing chart is spot-on. The padding forms to yer head after a while but remains snug enough, just more comfortable. It is advertised as a sport-touring helmet, although I found that it suits a bit more aggressive posture in terms of field of view and aerodynamics. The side to side view is a bit restricted, maybe even moreso that my last helmet, which requires a bit more of a head turn when shoulder checking.

The shield is adjustable to get a tighter seal, and changing out shields is super easy. I was annoyed by a whistling sound at first, only to realize that I didn't have the shield on it's good. I put on a dark smoke shield, but it cost a pretty penny.

The air intakes are effective. The chin lets in a ton of air on the inside on the shield, which combined with the inside nosepiece keeps the fog off. It is a bit noisy at speed - just close the vent. There is a top vent that directs two jets of air on your head, and the rear outlets allow good cooling airflow around the back.

There are recessed spots inside the helmet for speakers, and I did put some in. The speakers are in just the right place, are comfortable (unlike my HJC where they were too close to my ears), and the sound in great. I couldn't really use the speakers in my HJC because it was too noisy to hear anything, but in the Qwest it works.

As for the was a bit of an adjustment in terms of how the air flows around it compared to my HJC. The Qwest seems to channel the air a bit more, so it's more aerodynamic when you're looking straight ahead, but you notice it if you turn your head to the side. I got used to it in no time, and it didn't bother me on the first long trip.

The noise level is OK, but a little disappointing. The face shield sticks out a bit from the helmet at the top, and I think this causes a bit of turbulence. With the chin vent open forget it, it's very windy. You do need to screw around with the face shield adjustment to get a good seal, but once it's set the noise is reduced. Again, better than my HJC but still I was expecting more, and my HJC was a modular. However, if you use earplugs everything is gravy...just silence.

The finish on my Qwest is excellent, really nice graphics and no sign of any shaudy workmanship. The lining is nice material, and it came with a nice big storage bag to keep it looking good.

Overall I'd give it a 8.5/10.

Thanks for that review. I was am still thinking the Qwest will be my next helmet. Price aside I am still interested in the noise level.
Thanks for the thorough review. I'm in the market for a new helmet and was considering the Quest. I use the ear plug type headphones (sometimes with music at low level, sometimes no music), so that eliminates any bit of wind noise.
When you were looking at helmets what made you go away from the Shoei Neotec or the Schuberth C3 ?

I got a stupid good deal on the Qwest, and when I tried it on it fit me really well.

Thanks for the thorough review. I'm in the market for a new helmet and was considering the Quest. I use the ear plug type headphones (sometimes with music at low level, sometimes no music), so that eliminates any bit of wind noise.

I'd like to try some good earplug headphones. I just rock the tunes in town and use plugs for trips, but those might be the answer. :thumbup:
If you're looking for a great set of in ear headphones, check out the Etymotic brand. I have a pair of the er-6i, which is a very old model but they've held up for close to 10 years. These block out 30+ dB of noise and are very high quality in terms of sound. They are pricey but you definitely get what you pay for.
Big thumb for the Quest.
Way better than the Multitech and I liked that too.
Quiet - fit - view at lights - cool in summer
I could go on.......
Wanted to share my review as well. I used to wear HJC CL-16 and changed to Qwest after trying it on at a local motorcycle show and ordered it online (it was cheap like under $300).

The first thing you notice is the weight. It is lighter than my former. You would notice even by holding it in your hand.

Fitting is excellent, way better than CL-16. I have a very odd shaped head, and I have not a time in my life when a helmet fit my head, even bicycle helmets, but Qwest fit me!!

The reason I think is because the padding inside, which is really nice and kind of hold your head with such nice snug fit. Even after a full day of riding, my head would not hurt, whereas with the former, it started to hurt after 2-3 hours.

Noise is a very subjective thing so I would not know how others feel, but for me, definitely quieter for sure. (I wear earplugs all the time though)

And Qwest has wind deflector(removable) on the lower chin part which is really good in cold riding.

MSRP is about five times higher for Qwest, so yes, I guess the "you get what you pay" really applies to this (in a good way)

Last but not least I am more assured that I have my head protected by the best of the Japanese quality.

Maybe I would not have gotten it if it were not on sale, but if you find any on sale, grab it!!
I'll throw my $0.02 in here, too.

I have nothing but positive things to say about my new Shoei Qwest. I got it for a ridiculously good price online. It replaced a Bell Vortex, which while good, ended up being too big after I lost 60 lbs. (And really paying attention to how my helmet fit after viewing a video of Jay Leno speaking to an Arai rep.)

It is definitely quieter than the Bell and flows air really well. With both the chin and upper vents open and the shield set to the "defog" setting, I noticed a nice breeze while riding. When I had the shield cracked open to the first notch, I did experience some whistling as I turned my head, but this went away as soon as I closed the shield.
I too have a Shoei Qwest. It is my first helmet (second season riding) and I love it! On the last ride, I accidently pulled loose the chin wind guard (don't ask how). I pulled it off the rest of the way and shoved it into the front of my jacket. It easily snapped back into place when we got home. I did notice light coming from the chin area and more wind on my face which was a tad disconcerting. I will keep the chin wind guard in place for sure.

The vents on the front and top do a great job cooling off the head. They are easily opened or closed on the fly as well.
I also have a Qwest. It's not as quiet as my old Scorpion EXO-700, but it's not bad. The fit is better for me, the shields are easy to change out, and the ventilation is easy to use and very effective. I noticed the shields fog up faster than the Scorpion, but it could be because it creates a better seal.

I bought a generic mirror shield off ebay and it's holding up great.
I have a quest and wouldnt use anything else. I also ended up getting a pair of etymotic ear buds. WOW what a difference. I am not exagerating when I say that with the combination shoei and Etymotic buds the ride is as quiet as my moms lexus at 70.