Puig Racing screen vs Stock screen (pictures and overlays)


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Pittsford, VT
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Figured this might be useful to someone considering this screen :)


Stock / Puig overlay


1.5 seconds with each screen
I had mine on 05 replace the stock with Puig racing and it s very good.
I got less fatigue on windy day specially on Freway..huge different when you ride for long distance in freeway...
Thanks for posting these photos. This was exactly what I was looking for. I've been looking for images that showed this windscreen on our Bike. Now I know exactly how it looks. Thanks Again!!
Thanks for posting these photos. This was exactly what I was looking for. I've been looking for images that showed this windscreen on our Bike. Now I know exactly how it looks. Thanks Again!!

Thanks for resurrecting this thread.. now I miss my FZ6 (sold it ~18 months ago) :(
when i first bought the bike a month ago... 2009 fz6 w/ only 200 miles!... the stock screen had the wind slapping my head silly on my mostly freeway daily commute (i'm 6'3', btw), so i decided to modify the hell out of it and chopped it way down... and it was great, wind diverted much lower to my chest, which was very acceptable.

unfortunately, it's only great at speeds slower than 60mph... if i'm riding any faster than that it's still mostly more of the same, head being tossed about, just to a lesser extent. i read on another post that the puig racing screen may be the way to go for taller freeway riders, so will be taking a good hard look at these.

i'm waiting first to get my fz1 handlebars that i ordered today, just to see what that changes with my body positioning and air flow... this resurrected thread is great for comparisons sake.
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Have any of the shorter riders tried the Puig screen?

I'm 5'4" and still have the stock one, and the wind blasts me right below my helmet. Maybe I'm sitting too far forward? But being shorter, that's how I sit. The wind is loud and hard on my neck, and the bugs hurt. I'm really thinking about a new windscreen, if it'll help with that.
erci, i've seen that you eventually went naked with your bike, well the fz1 anyway... but was the puig racing screen personally unsatisfactory to you on your fz6? from what i've gleaned here on the forum, it seems most either love it or hate it. so just wanted your take. thanks in advance.
I bought an exhaust recently and to my surprise a Puig tinted screen came with it! I'll report after hitting the freeway. Its a couple inches taller.

Not to go in with preconceived idea, but me being taller torso, I see more bugs and wind right to the helmet. Also, I ride with ear plugs for all but tuning, testing, and listening for changes to the bike.
erci, i've seen that you eventually went naked with your bike, well the fz1 anyway... but was the puig racing screen personally unsatisfactory to you on your fz6? from what i've gleaned here on the forum, it seems most either love it or hate it. so just wanted your take. thanks in advance.

There was still plenty of wind buffeting.. it was just moved up a bit. Less at the shoulders and more at the helmet. Nothing beats clean air of full naked, BUT.. when dealing with long highway miles, I've learned that I would rather deal with buffeting than no wind protection at all.
i think i'm just looking for the magic windscreen bullet, without sacrificing too much style... i'm not sure that really exists for a tall rider... i'll just roll with my chopped stock screen for now and invest in some other mods i'd like to do.
i think i'm just looking for the magic windscreen bullet, without sacrificing too much style... i'm not sure that really exists for a tall rider... i'll just roll with my chopped stock screen for now and invest in some other mods i'd like to do.
Take a look at the MRA screens, I love mine.
Only hit 60 for short spurts in town but it might be OK!! << No ear plugs)
FWIW: 5' 10" 32" inseam.

If I line up the tops of my fairing mounted mirrors, the WS sticks up just a bit. Maybe 1.5" tops... let me know if you want a measurement.

EDIT: haha! I typed 06 not 60! Fixed IT!
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the 1.5" ballpark works for me... thank you, it gives me a solid approximation. i just walked out into the garage and sat on the bike to get a better idea.

my dilemma is mostly i don't have enough street riding experience to know (only 1k mi in the saddle)... it "seems" on my daily freeway commute (22 freeway miles each way to & from work), for which i'm averaging anywhere from 60-85mph), my head & body are getting thrashed around quite a bit... but, is it because i cut down the stock screen significantly to get rid of the annoying buffeting (which it has)? or is it simply the amount of traffic moving on the freeway and i just need to get accustomed to the turbulence from other vehicles?

i'm very comfortable riding if my speed is less than 60mph. so, at the end of the day i can live with it. mostly, i just am curious if there is a better way for me. being a tall rider at 6'3"/34" inseam... anything above 70mph and i feel like a ginormous sail out there. i have learned to lean forward a bit and it does help a little, but also waiting to get my fz1 handlebars to slightly alter my riding position as well... hoping to get lower and maybe if i find the right windscreen too, find that sweet spot.

thanks everyone for your input.
the 1.5" ballpark works for me... thank you, it gives me a solid approximation. i just walked out into the garage and sat on the bike to get a better idea.

my dilemma is mostly i don't have enough street riding experience to know (only 1k mi in the saddle)... it "seems" on my daily freeway commute (22 freeway miles each way to & from work), for which i'm averaging anywhere from 60-85mph), my head & body are getting thrashed around quite a bit... but, is it because i cut down the stock screen significantly to get rid of the annoying buffeting (which it has)? or is it simply the amount of traffic moving on the freeway and i just need to get accustomed to the turbulence from other vehicles?

i'm very comfortable riding if my speed is less than 60mph. so, at the end of the day i can live with it. mostly, i just am curious if there is a better way for me. being a tall rider at 6'3"/34" inseam... anything above 70mph and i feel like a ginormous sail out there. i have learned to lean forward a bit and it does help a little, but also waiting to get my fz1 handlebars to slightly alter my riding position as well... hoping to get lower and maybe if i find the right windscreen too, find that sweet spot.

thanks everyone for your input.

From my experience, there is no way to cut the stock screen low enough to get rid of all the buffeting. You do also introduce a lot of extra wind to the body by cutting down the screen. This works great at lower speeds, but at highway speeds there's a lot more wind pushing you back. Other traffic and cross winds will definitely affect this and can create odd turbulence.

At this point, I prefer a touring screen for long highway rides (granted this is on FZ1, but it's very very similar). I also have a screen which is cut down way
lower than possible on FZ6 (top of the screen is actually lower than the gauges) and it's great for back roads on hot days. Stock screen works well in warmer weather for me. There's loads of turbulence on highway with stock screen, so I tend to tuck from time to time to give my head a rest. It's definitely something to get used to.

Having said that, motojoe does swear by his MRA screen and I love the fact that the lip can be adjusted. I've never tried one.
Have any of the shorter riders tried the Puig screen?

I'm 5'4" and still have the stock one, and the wind blasts me right below my helmet. Maybe I'm sitting too far forward? But being shorter, that's how I sit. The wind is loud and hard on my neck, and the bugs hurt. I'm really thinking about a new windscreen, if it'll help with that.

The puig racing screen hits my helmet maybe 1.5 inches higher than stock (eye level). My head still gets pushed around (it feels a little worse at highway speeds) but doing a slight tuck/deep slouch gets me out of all wind. I may go back to stock. I am 6 inches taller than you so it may send the wind over your head.
thanks again all, i really appreciate it... exactly the type of information i was looking for. now at least i have a better idea of what is going on and where to start looking in the way of windscreens.

freaking love this forum! :D