Old driver + me = crash :-(


Junior Member
Nov 25, 2009
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I was heading to work yesterday and this old bat in a petrol hilux (the low 2wd one) decided to do a u turn right infront of me!!
Anyway I ended up landing on my feet standing on bike which was on the ground with my head and left shoulder and arm through her rear passanger window.
Me~ sore knees from making some nice dents in the tank, sore shoulder and just this morning discovered my left hip is sore to!! Lots of scratches on my left arm where I put it through the window.
Bike~ head light and speedo smashed, tank has some new knee sized dents, the rear ended up wedged under her wheel arch and scratched all the plastick at the back, front wheel fender smashed. Then when I jumped back on it the front didn't feel right and the first bump I hit I relised the forks had problems (posiable bent)
hilux~ I hit right in the B pillar which managed to make both doors on the drivers side unusable. And I smashed the rear window.

Fixable or writeoff???
WOW sounds like you kicked the cars @ss. that could have gone much worse than it did for you so if i were you id count myself lucky.

thats pretty wild.
Oh mate, that's not good. Thankfully it only sounds like minor injuries, Have you been to the doctor?? Always pays to get checked out. Hope you heal up in short time.

As for the bike, could be a costly fix, but her insurance should cover it. No damage to the crankcase cover?? Got some pics... we all love pics (even of the bad stuff), might help to make a better judgement call.

Don't stress over it though, you've got your health, the bike can be fixed... Or her insurance might pay for a new one :)

+1 on the Doctor...

After all that you actually tried to ride it home? that's crazy... My bet is on the "write-off"... a scratch on the frame is enough to call it totalled...

Do you have a police report? Did she admit it was her fault?

Don't assume it'll all resolve itself as it should...

Good luck.
Yeh I do know how lucky I am!!
I didn't get any photos of the bike wedged under the car, i don't think I was thinking straight not to take any photos. I'll check the engine case and take a few snaps today.
+1 on the Doctor...

After all that you actually tried to ride it home? that's crazy... My bet is on the "write-off"... a scratch on the frame is enough to call it totalled...

Do you have a police report? Did she admit it was her fault?

Don't assume it'll all resolve itself as it should...

Good luck.

I didn't get one as they said both the bike and car were able to be driven, but her car got towed!! As for riding it home after the crash.
, it's Australia!! She'll be right mate!!
But yeh heading up to the doctor now.
Mate, head down to the local police station, and file a report. Never hurts, in case the old lady doesn't hold up her end. Did the police attend?? If they did, they should have given you a report number.
You'll need that for insurance!! If you haven't got one, get one asap.. I think you have 24 hours to report it and get a number.

Nasty stuff...glad your still hear to tell us about it! Hope it turned out OK at the Doctor...and hopefully they didnt miss anything...if your bruised up...watch out for blood clots!

As for the bike, sounds like a write off, does not take much....

As for getting yourself sorted, get a police report in, and start getting insurance details asap...

Oh, and dont you just love that feeling as your about to hit the car, it's like "oh.......f***, this is gonna hurt!"
Screw the bike -- that's insurance's job to worry.

Get an x-ray and make sure nothing is out of whack. It's always day after when you realize how sore you are.

Hope you make out ok.

+1 on the Doctor...

After all that you actually tried to ride it home? that's crazy... My bet is on the "write-off"... a scratch on the frame is enough to call it totalled...

Hey David!
He sounds tough enough after that crash and all the damage he did with his body to ride that thing home one one fork tube :rof:

On the serious side. Thankful you're okay to give a report on this. Get better!
OUCH !!!!!!!!! Glad you came through in a not to bad state.... The bike on the other hand :(... Lots of damage & seeing how little it takes to right a bike off i think you will be getting a new one.... On a plus , you may well have written the old Hilux off aswell , depending on age :D
Mummy Mike says, "Go see a doctor" as well mate.

Sounds like you actually came out of it pretty well considering. Go see the coppers. It's relatively painless to get a police report done, and that gets you under way for insurance. You could do it on the way back from the doctors:thumbup:. This way if they ask about injuries you'll be able to tell them.

As for the bike, you'll no doubt want to have it like new again....this means all those scratches need to be sorted. Possibly bent forks. Tank. Rear sub frame is more than likely bent. It's probably pretty close to a write off. Surprising how quickly the repair costs will reach the 6 grand mark. This is around where they'll write it off going from experience.
With that amount of damage its pretty bull**** they didn't do a proper report for you at the time!!!! I thought it anyone was injured they had to do one? Sounds like they (as usual) where too lazy to do anything properly.
Definately a good idea to do the report thing (can be done over the phone) just so you have some solid evidence for insurance matters.

+1 on the doctor advice, sometimes you'll do some major damage without noticing, if it isn't covered in the initial claim then its generally impossible to get it covered at a later date, and if it leads to huge medical bills you'll be spewing!

Brave move riding it home too!
+1 on Doctor and Police report.

Her insurance will pay to repair/replace your bike. You need to report to your insurance company too - they will claim from her insurance - etc etc.

Pain comes the next day - adrenaline/shock hides the pain the first day. It also allows you to pick up a bike and ride home - not always a good thing, but you don't always think straight.

I'm glad you're not badly hurt. Rough, but be thankful it wasn't worse.

Good luck with it all.
See if you can get an article in a local paper:

Rider owns crappest car on the road (Toyota).
After recent reports that Toyota are an unsafe, boring and lame car for idiots we have seen further proof in which a rider involved in an accident by yet another useless stupid Toyota driver, actually did more damage to the car with their body than they received (luckily wearing safety gear).

**No offence to any Toyota owners, L2D and get some taste etc.
woah woah woah, whats with the Toyota bashing??? All this media crap lately about toyota is the biggest bunch of BS. Toyota and Yamaha go hand in hand my friend. They are both industry leaders with the quality and reliability of their vehicles. There shall be no toyota bashing on a website devoted entirely to a quality japanese bike model! :D
woah woah woah, whats with the Toyota bashing??? All this media crap lately about toyota is the biggest bunch of BS. Toyota and Yamaha go hand in hand my friend. They are both industry leaders with the quality and reliability of their vehicles. There shall be no toyota bashing on a website devoted entirely to a quality japanese bike model! :D

To steal an old joke.

I got run over by a Toyota once......Oh what a feeling:BLAA:.
woah woah woah, whats with the Toyota bashing??? All this media crap lately about toyota is the biggest bunch of BS. Toyota and Yamaha go hand in hand my friend. They are both industry leaders with the quality and reliability of their vehicles. There shall be no toyota bashing on a website devoted entirely to a quality japanese bike model! :D


Sorry Toyota and "quality" in the same sentence nearly created a black hole that sucked the known universe into oblivion.
I think the highest praise a toyota gets is 'reliable' which is a far step from quality.
Not that its JUST the brand itself, its the people who drive them as well. :Flip:

Sorry Toyota and "quality" in the same sentence nearly created a black hole that sucked the known universe into oblivion.
I think the highest praise a toyota gets is 'reliable' which is a far step from quality.
Not that its JUST the brand itself, its the people who drive them as well. :Flip:

How do reliable and quality not go hand in hand? If something is reliable, then I think that speaks to it's quality, no?

And how can you generalize millions of people based on the car they drive? There's going to be a few bad apples that do something stupid, but to generalize all owners of a particular car brand because of those bad apples is ignorant.

FYI: I don't own a Toyota. My dad however does own a Camry that now has over 200k miles on it. I've driven it and have nothing bad to say about the car. We don't take particularly great care of our cars (we don't beat the **** out of them, but also don't take incredible care of them) and that car has had relatively few problems compared to other cars we've owned.

It sounds like you've had a bad experience with a Toyota. There's always going to be some lemons that slip through quality control but I think the number of satisfied Toyota customers speaks for itself. Sorry for your negative experience but I don't think it's fair to generalize all of Toyota based on that, and certainly not to generalize all Toyota owners.