New Mod that increases speed guaranteed!

I wish I could GAIN 10 pounds!! Never been able to tho. 6' 4" 175 lbs. My FZ really has a lot of power. You will prolly notice a diff. if you lose some lbs. Good luck with your diet and let us know your results.

eat a pint of ben an jerrys every night for a month and do nothing but watch tv from when you get home from work till you go to bed.. that'll help you gain a few pounds :thumbup:
-In order to sustain healthy weight loss you shouldn't lose more than 2 lbs a week. If you do then your weight loss will probably yo-yo.

-Your weight will fluctuate dramatically in a day so make sure to weigh yourself at the same time everyday.

-3,500 calories equals 1 pound So to lose 2 lbs a week you need to burn and/or consume less than a total of 1000 calories a day.

-You can lose 10-20 lbs easily through just diet but after that you will need to start excercising.

-Muscle burns calories faster than fat so weight/strength training is very effective in combination with cardio.

-If you are trying to build muscle you should try to eat .5 to 1 gram of protein per each pound of your current weight.

-Read labels and eat a lot of mini meals throughout the day to stay full. I typically eat each 2 hours apart 100 calories of yougurt for breakfast, a 300 calorie protein shake , 200 calories of of low/no fat lunch meat slices, a piece of fruit 150 calories, a protein bar 300 calories and then a sensible dinner of something similar to a chicken breast and two veggies. I usually average 1700 calories a day THEN I excercise.

-First I did the P90X program (7days a week) and had some great results and I have since modified the program to suit my needs so I don't get burned out. I typically do 4-5 days of excercise during a week with 3 days being weights and abs and 2 days being strenous cardio.

-Whatever you do start slow but stick with it.

This info is so appreciated guys.

I have a lot of great ideas to help me lose weight, get healthier, and make my bike faster.

Keep them coming, your not just helping me but many others on the forum also.

Thanks again!
Don't be discouraged in your first month or so of a new diet/exercise program. I've heard and been told that not much will changed in the first 6 weeks, but after that results come quickly and noticeably. Personally, I've been diet conscious (as opposed to dieting) and sporadically exercising for about a month now. I haven't noticed a change in my wight, but I certainly feel better.

Best of luck and congratulations on your decision!
It's funny, I'm sitting here eating a pack of ramen and waiting till I have to go back to work.

Wanting to loose wait is the easy part, but to actually do it is the hard part. I have a split shift, I go to work at 4:50am and come home at 8:30am, take a nap, do some things around the house. Then, go back to work at 3:25pm till 7:00pm, and have dinner with the family. 4 months from now I'll change shift and who knows what my hours will be. 4 months later they will then change again. The life of a transit bus driver.

This is the hard part, every 4 months I change shifts, and my eating habit changes with it. I'm a part time bus driver, so I try to bid for the most hours that I can get. Sometimes that means I will have to float, ie work different hours every day, and that makes it much harder to eat what is right.
It's funny, I'm sitting here eating a pack of ramen and waiting till I have to go back to work.

Wanting to loose wait is the easy part, but to actually do it is the hard part. I have a split shift, I go to work at 4:50am and come home at 8:30am, take a nap, do some things around the house. Then, go back to work at 3:25pm till 7:00pm, and have dinner with the family. 4 months from now I'll change shift and who knows what my hours will be. 4 months later they will then change again. The life of a transit bus driver.

This is the hard part, every 4 months I change shifts, and my eating habit changes with it. I'm a part time bus driver, so I try to bid for the most hours that I can get. Sometimes that means I will have to float, ie work different hours every day, and that makes it much harder to eat what is right.

I feel you buddy. I drove public/university transit buses for awhile and it did nothing but bad things for my figure. It wasn't until I started riding my bicycle to work that I started maintaining weight.
Hi Guys/Gals,

I am new to this forum. I recently purchased my 2006 FZ6 about 2 months ago. I though I put my 2 cents in as I use to weight 375+ pounds and now am 210. Keep in mind I am 5'10".

What I did was cut my carbs! I am Chinese, so I grew up eating rice almost every meal. So when I got on this diet I had to cut down my rice completely. If I do eat rice I would eat brown rice. Kind of like eating wheat bread instead of white. I also spread out my meals through out the day which helps your body increase metabolism. I usually eat 6X 350 calorie meals.

AND last but not least you definitely need to exercise! I go to the gym for about 1 hour six days a week. When I first started, I did a lot more Cardio (running, elliptical, biking) exercises. I would do cardio workouts 3 times a week and have 3 days lifting weights. But now, I am hoping to build up my body so I do 2 cardio work outs a week and 4 days of weight training.

Well I hope this info helps.
I'm 6'1 3/4" allmost 6'2" just weighed in at 221 lbs.I'm going to try and drop down to 200 lbs with you...I'm gonna walk with the wife this evening around the Hood,and lay off the junk food..i'm glad you started this thread maybe we can motovate one another....I realy need to do this my back has been killing me holding up this extra weight, because i'm a mechanic and have to lean over under a hood for a long period of time is brutal.... :rockon: :D
eat a pint of ben an jerrys every night for a month and do nothing but watch tv from when you get home from work till you go to bed.. that'll help you gain a few pounds :thumbup:

Way ahead of you!!! I work 6.5 hrs. a day (physical work and walking) and come home and sit in front of TV and computer til bed. I drink about 8-10 beers a nite. Doing it for 15 years. I hate food and eat very little!! My metabolism just won't quit!!! I thought for sure it would at 40 but I'm 49 1/2 now!!
It's called a DIET!

I really enjoy modding and that's part of the enjoyment of owning my FZ6.

I told my wife that when you take the weight of the bike + the weight of the rider and divide that by the horsepower the bike has, you will acheive a ratio of pounds per 1hp.

My bike weighs approximately 450lbs. and I weigh 230lbs = 680lbs.

My bike has approximately 100hp.

If you divide the weight by the hp you get 6.8lbs for every 1hp.

If I get to my desired ideal weight which is approximately 200lbs. I decrease the total weight and help my horsepower to weight ratio.

So the cheapest mod of all is a DIET!

When I look at some of you guys in your full racing leathers, I have to admit I do get a little jealous.

I don't think I would fit a suit too well, but I am going to make a concious effort to lose some weight to look good in some leathers and make my bike that much faster.

Do any of you have any tips for me on what has worked for you.

Maybe it's the cheapest to a certain extent, but definitely one of the hardest mod to do. Some of us has been working on that mod for years and still nowhere close to completion.

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Walk more. (I'm 48, BTW) Once you hit about 35, your metabolism slows waaaayyyy down.

Drink a glass of water about half an hour before you eat. Less room for food. The human body needs around 2000 calories a day to sustain itself. Check out how much you are putting away, and start tailoring your diet to lower energy content foods.

Fresh veggies. Baked chips, instead of fried. Cut down on the sugary drinks. Eat oatmeal.

Beer is a huge source of calories. Even 'Lite' beer is shamefully heavy on carbs. Before I quit drinking, I was around 230 lbs. A half rack a night will do that for a guy's figure. :)
Today was the 1st day that I've ever counted my caloric intake.

I watched what I ate and figured I ended between 1800 and 1900 calories.

I never really thought about the 2000 calorie human diet, and whatever we consume over that adds weight and whatever we consume under that may possibly lose weight.

I'm going to change from this point, I'm going to post my weight successes and failures and make an effort of using some of the helpful tips that you guys have given me.

Thanks, again!

P.S. I'm hungry, my body needs to get used to this non overstuffed feeling that I'm normally used to.
I just ate 6 double stuff Oreo's,but i washed them down with diet coke!! I'm an addict.... :D :rockon:
Today was the 1st day that I've ever counted my caloric intake.

I watched what I ate and figured I ended between 1800 and 1900 calories.

I never really thought about the 2000 calorie human diet, and whatever we consume over that adds weight and whatever we consume under that may possibly lose weight.

I'm going to change from this point, I'm going to post my weight successes and failures and make an effort of using some of the helpful tips that you guys have given me.

Thanks, again!

P.S. I'm hungry, my body needs to get used to this non overstuffed feeling that I'm normally used to.

Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate Will help you track calories
A snickers bar is well over 500 calories all by itself. We're designed to eat nuts and berries and the occasional small critter -- lean meat. Getting to the point where you eat more fodder than flesh will get your system to work the way it's designed. More grinders in your mouth than fangs..... for a reason.

The body will fight you, if you decrease your food intake drastically, all at once. Some part of our anchient past understands that if you run out of food and burn all the reserves too quickly, you may not make it to when the food comes back.

This is part of why weight loss comes in fits and starts...... starve, starve, starve... drop a few pounds. Starve starve starve.... drop a few pounds. Look out the cave, and check for the migrating herds.... starve, starve, starve......
Walk more. (I'm 48, BTW) Once you hit about 35, your metabolism slows waaaayyyy down.

It also slows way down once you get married apparently!

Begining of 08 I weighed 175. I get engaged, get married, wife is an amazing cook and I eat loads of unhealthy, yet delicious food. Didn't used to be a problem for me, but by 2009 I weigh 195 and I'm wondering were these love handles came from! So, now I'm working hard and I've lost five pounds already :thumbup:

My 2 cents as far as dieting and exercise, drink lots and lots of water. It's good for your body, and it fills your stomach with water rather than food. Believe me, it helps. The diet I am on right now consists of one egg and a piece of toast in the morning, soup for lunch, and meat and salad for dinner. It's not tough, you just have to break yourself of the habit of food being the center of your day. That's how it was for me anyways.
P.S. I'm hungry, my body needs to get used to this non overstuffed feeling that I'm normally used to.

Just keep your mind occupied on other things. Stay busy at work, play a video game (TV is not recommended since food is usually associated with it). Eventually you will start thinking less and less about your stomach :)

Something that helped me was to get focused on taking control of my body. I like to challenge myself, and if I look at it not as losing some weight but as being in control of my body, it becomes more of a mental battle rather than a starvation process.

Keep up the good work! Take control of your body! :thumbup:
It also slows way down once you get married apparently!

Begining of 08 I weighed 175. I get engaged, get married, wife is an amazing cook and I eat loads of unhealthy, yet delicious food. Didn't used to be a problem for me, but by 2009 I weigh 195 and I'm wondering were these love handles came from! So, now I'm working hard and I've lost five pounds already :thumbup:

My 2 cents as far as dieting and exercise, drink lots and lots of water. It's good for your body, and it fills your stomach with water rather than food. Believe me, it helps. The diet I am on right now consists of one egg and a piece of toast in the morning, soup for lunch, and meat and salad for dinner. It's not tough, you just have to break yourself of the habit of food being the center of your day. That's how it was for me anyways.
I know exactly what you mean about getting married, and you begin to put on weight.

The eating does get better and more of it.

The other thing I noticed about getting married was there was less time to workout and maybe even less importance on my part.

This didn't help either; my wife just delivered our 2nd daughter last month which meant that we ate a lot of fast food out of convenience.

You know they say that the husband and the wife put on weight during a pregnancy and the biggest reason for that is the convenience of fast food.
Just keep your mind occupied on other things. Stay busy at work, play a video game (TV is not recommended since food is usually associated with it). Eventually you will start thinking less and less about your stomach :)

Something that helped me was to get focused on taking control of my body. I like to challenge myself, and if I look at it not as losing some weight but as being in control of my body, it becomes more of a mental battle rather than a starvation process.

Keep up the good work! Take control of your body! :thumbup:
I like that concept! It's not just about losing weight it's about taking control over your body.

My wife just told me that she's been trying to convince me to lose weight for a long time and it's my motorcycle (making my bike faster, and trying to someday look good in leathers) that makes me finally want to lose weight.
I like that concept! It's not just about losing weight it's about taking control over your body.

My wife just told me that she's been trying to convince me to lose weight for a long time and it's my motorcycle (making my bike faster, and trying to someday look good in leathers) that makes me finally want to lose weight.

Hey, whatever gets you motivated :D

By the way (off subject, but who gives), why is it ok for women to tell men to lose weight, but the other way around is absolutely unacceptable? Just one of those strictly taboo things I guess. We love our wives, therefore we put up with crap and buy lots of flowers :)
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I like that concept! It's not just about losing weight it's about taking control over your body.

My wife just told me that she's been trying to convince me to lose weight for a long time and it's my motorcycle (making my bike faster, and trying to someday look good in leathers) that makes me finally want to lose weight.

I totally agree, when I first started riding a motorcycle I was weighing in at 116kg(Don't know how much that is in pounds). My bike at the time(SV650) wasn't quite up to the job and felt sluggish, so something had to be done. Took about a year and a half of thinking about what I eat and a bit of exercise, and now i've been stable at 94-95kg for a long time. :cheer::cheer::cheer:
The new goal is to get under 90kg and closer to 85kg, but that is going to be the tough one.

Point is to find something that motivates you to loose weight.
Seekgod1st wants to look good in leathers, I wanted to get increased performance ;)